CHARRON, Pierre Les Trois veritez. Seconde édition, revue, corrigée & de beaucoup augmentée, Avec un advertissement & bref examen, sur la Response faicte à la troisiesme verité, de nouveau imprimée à la Rochelle.

Price : 6.500,00 

"Les Trois veritez" by Charron
The first work of Pierre Charron, the friend of Montaigne, preserved in its original overlapping vellum binding. Printed “à Bourdeaus”, like theEssays.

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A Bourdeaus, par S. Millanges, 1595.

8vo [159 x 100 mm] of (12) ll., 176 pp., (4) ll., 775 pp., (1) p. Bound in full contemporary overlapping vellum, flat spine decorated with the handwritten title. Contemporary binding.

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Final edition, the first one acknowledged by the author and bearing his name, reviewed and enlarged by Pierre Charron compared with the two previous ones published, one in Bordeaux in 1593 counting 450 pages less, the other in Paris in 1594 with 457 pages less. Tchemerzine, II, 244.

This edition, the first one mentioned by Brunet (I, 1809) and Graesse (II, 123) is in the eyes of the bibliographers the most important one.

It is dedicated to king Henri IV (leaf m2). Its value, according to Morgand, is identical even superior to the original of 1593 (Tchemerzine, II, 244).

Pierre Charron (1541-1603), son of a Parisian bookseller, met Montaigne; he “lived quite familiarly with my Lord Michel de Montaigne, knight of the King’s order. Mr. de Montaigne loved him with a reciprocal affection, and before he died, in his will, he allowed him after his death to wear the arms of his noble family, since he didn’t leave any male child”. But it isn’t yet Montaigne’s influence that appears in Charron’s first treatise, Les Trois Vérités, published in Bordeaux in 1593 under the pseudonym of “Benoist Vaillant, Advocat de la Sainte Foi”. This is a dogmatic book that refutes the Traité de l’Eglise (Treatise of the Church) or Traité de la veritable religion chrétienne (Treatise of the true Christian religion) by the Huguenot chief Duplessis-Mornay: these three truths are an sole God, an sole religion (the Christian one), an sole Church (the Catholic one). This rigorous, rational, theological work, drew the attention to him. The bishop of Cahors, without knowing him, other than through his book, named Charron his vicar-general and theological canon of his church. “We don’t read much Pierre Charron’s theological works anymore, and it is a great pity, as we would avoid the errors of interpretation that we usually do about his ‘Sagesse’”.

A genuine copy preserved in its original overlapping vellum binding, the most enviable condition for all French first editions of the 16th century.

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