MORE, Thomas Omnia, quae hucusque ad Manus nostras pervenerunt, Latina Opera, quorum aliqua nunc primum in lucem prodeunt.

Price : 9.000,00 

First edition mentioned by Brunet of Thomas More’s Works in Latin
First edition mentioned by Brunet of Thomas More’s Works in Latin preserved in its contemporary vellum binding. 

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SKU: LCS-15480 Category:

Louvain, Jean Bogard, 1566.

Folio [280 x 183 mm] of 6 preliminary ll. and 136 leaves. Stiff ivory vellum. Contemporary binding.

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First edition mentioned by Brunet of Thomas More’s Works in Latin, simultaneously published in 1565 and 1566 by two different editors Bogardus and Zangrius.Adams m 1751; Belgica Typographica 4525; Gibson (More) 76a.

It presents in first edition Historia Regis Richard Tertii that hadn’t been published yet. Contrary to what Brunet tells (III, 1892) this edition contains indeed Utopia, the Epigrammata, the Responsio ad Luther and the Expositio Passionis Domini.

This edition completes the one of the works in English published 9 years earlier in London. One will have to wait until the 1689 Frankfurt edition to find one so complete.

This edition is the most important collection of Thomas More’s Latin Works of the 16th century. Printed in italic letters for the Epigrammata and in Roman letters for the other texts, it is illustrated with a title vignette and many historiated initials.

Great friend of Erasmus, erudite, philanthropist, Thomas More fully participated in the renewal of the thought that fully characterizes the Renaissance period as well as in the humanism of which he was the most illustrious English representative.

“Morus’ torture was a subject of universal regrets for those who had opposed the former minister, considering how benevolent and kind he was.” Erasmus.

A very seducing and perfectly fresh copy preserved in its beautiful contemporary vellum binding.

There is a handwritten comment in ink from a contemporary erudite on the endleaf.

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MORE, Thomas