[BIBLE]. Biblia cum concordantiis veteris novi testameti sacrouca…[In fine : Impressa autem Lugduni: per M. Jacobum Sacon. Expensis. Notabilis viri Antonii Koberger Nurembergensis. Feliciter explicit. Anno salutis Millesimo quingentesimo decimo octavo. Die vero decimo mensis Maii].

Price : 15.000,00 

Fine edition of this rare illustrated bible elegantly printed in 1518 on Jacques Sacon’s (1472-1530) presses of Lyons for the famous German printer Anton Koberger, printer of the Nuremberg Chronicle.
Precious copy of this rare illustrated bible from the beginning of the 16th century.

1 in stock

Lyons, Jacques Sacon, expensis Antonii Koberger, May 10th 1518.

Gothic folio [ 340 x 247 mm] of 2 columns of (14) ll. for the frontispiece, index, epistle and prologue; CCCXVII ll., (1) bl. l., (25) ll., bound without the last blank leaf (CC10). Double headlines. Tiny burnhole in the lower margin of l. CCLXXXV. Title printed in red above a full-page woodcut showing St Jean Baptist, 2 full-pages woodcuts showing the six days of Creation (in front of the first leaf of the Genesis) and the Adoration of the shepherds (at the beginning of the New Testament), numerous vignettes, numerous engraved initials.

Granite-like calf, blind-stamped fillets around the covers, rebound, corners restored, mottled edges. 18th century binding.

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Fine edition of this rare illustrated bible elegantly printed in 1518 on Jacques Sacon’s (1472-1530) presses of Lyons for the famous German printer Anton Koberger, the printer of the Nuremberg Chronicle.
Rahir, Bibliothèque, p. 321; Baudrier, Bibliographie lyonnaise, p. 347 ; D & M 6101. This edition is not in Adams. OCLC 54974129 (two copies in the U.S.).

Anton Koberger and Jacques Sacon worked together to print a series of illustrated bibles such as this one between 1512 and 1522.

“The figures of this edition were printed after those of the Bible of Venice, 1498, 4to, that was mentioned above ; they can be found in several reprints of the same bible made in Lyons, especially in the one made in 1516, impressa Lugduni, per M. Jacobum Sacon, expensis notabilis viri Anthonii Koberger, in 1516, December 16th, folio. We can conclude that, by this subscription and by the one visible on the five others editions of the Bible printed in the same city in 1518, 1520, 1521 and 1522, that the famous printer from Nuremberg used several times the presses of Lyons and we also note that after having employed Sacon’s workshop for his 1516 and 1518 editions, he uses Jean Marion’s workshop for the two editions printed in 1520 ». (Brunet)

« The large title vignette showing St Jean Baptist then passed to Corneille de Septgranges and was used by this printer in the missal of Lyons of 1556. 3 series of vignettes, 2 rectangular-shaped and one smaller for the Gospels. » (Baudrier)

« ‘Biblia cum concordantiis’… Lyon, J. Saccon pour A. Koberger, 1516. Gothic folio.
title engraving of German style attributed to Springinklee, showing the triumphing Christ (270 x 182); series of vignettes by G. Leroy (42 x 70) inside a frame decorated with Renaissance patterns and reproduced from the Venetian edition of 1498. At the back of l. 244, Adoration of the Shepherds (200 x 168). At the New Testament, series of vignettes without frame (58 x 38).
-Id. Ed. of 1518.
Apparition of a series of vignettes in Basel-style (59 x 86), the rest remains unchanged ».

(Brun, Le Livre français illustré de la Renaissance, p. 123).

Precious copy of this rare illustrated bible from the beginning of the 16th century.

Provenance: handwritten ex libris on the title « Bibliotheca collegii Viennensis ord. SSS. Trinitatis Redempti cap. ».

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Lyon, Jacques Sacon, expensis Antonii Koberger, 10 mai 1518.