STAMLER, Johannes Dyalogus Johannis Stamler Augustn. De Diversarum Gencium Sectis et Mundi Religionibus. [au colophon on lit :] Impressum Auguste : per Erhardum oglin. & Ieorgiu Nadler Cura correctone et diligentia venerabilis domini Wolfgangi Aittinger pspiteri Augusten. Ac bonarum Artium zc. Magistri Colloniens Anno nostre salutis 150. & . 8. die. 22. mensis May. Zc.

Price : 13.500,00 

The earliest book relating to the religions of the world
The rare first edition of the earliest book relating to the religions of the varied nations of the world, with a passage mentioning the discoveryof the New World by Christopher Columbus.

1 in stock

SKU: LCS-618 Category:

[i.e. 1508]. Augsburg, Oeglin et Nadler, 22 mai 1508.

Folio [308 x 212 mm], (1) bl.l., (3) ff. with the frontispiece and the title, ff. numbered 2 to 32, (2) ff. of index, (1) bl.l. Pale waterstain in the margin of 5 ff. A tear without loss at the frontispiece. An owner’s stamp in the margin of the frontispiece. Bound in 16th Century limp vellum, handwritten title on spine.

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Rare first edition of the earliest work relating to the religions of the varied nations of the world. Graesse, Trésor de livres, p. 477 ; Sabin 90127 ; Brunet, supp. II, 685; Harrisse 51 ; Historical Nuggets 2603.

The present text is also of the highest interest as it contains a passage mentioning the discovery of the New World by Christopher Columbus.

« A dramatic composition relating to the religions of the Tartars, Saracens, Turks, Jews and others, and their confutation. The American interest is found on the verso of the third leaf, in a letter from Stamler to Joseph Lorcher, dated, “13. klas Junii Anno. 6.” which is translated by Harrisse as follows: “I do not make any mention of the newly discovered islands, but of Christopher Colom, the discoverer of a world, and of Albericus Vespucius: On the discovery of the new world (to whom our age is chiefly indebted) behold what treatise I send you.” See Harrisse, B.A.V., n°51. The elaborate woodcut title page was engraved by Hans Burgkmaier, and is repeated on the reverse of the leaf”. (Sabin 90127).

« An extremely rare and curious Drama described on the leaf following the title as ‘Dyalogus in modum comici dramatis formatus a J. Stamler de Tartarorum, Saracenorum, Turcorum, Judeorum et Gentilium Sectis et Religionibus ac eorundem Confutatione, &c.’ The letter from Stamler to Jacob Lorcher, dated 13 Kal. Junii 1506, is of the highest interest to American collectors, as he mentions by name Christopher Columbus and Albericus Vespucius as the discoverers of the New World. The Drama has a marginal Commentary, which is important not only to theologians as pointing out heresies, but also to the astronomer. Stamler seems to have been an enemy to judicial astrology.” (Harrisse).

This work is also the first book to be illustrated by Hans Burgkmair. The superb frontispiece, here in the first state, represents the varied religions, Pope Julian II and the Emperor Maximilian I. This engraving is only present in the first edition.

« The woodcut was used only in the first edition, of which twenty-five copies have been located so far.” (Elizabeth M. Nugent, PMLA, 1938, ‘Johannes Stamler’s Dyalogus’, p. 989).

Only 25 copies of this first edition were known in 1938.

A beautiful copy of this rare work preserved in its 16th century limp vellum.

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STAMLER, Johannes