VETANCURT, Père Augustin de Arte de lengua mexicana, dispuesto Por orden, y mandato de N. Rmo P. Fr. Francisco Trevino, Predicador Theologo, Padre de la Santa Provincia de Burgos, y Comissario General de todas las de la Nueva-Espana […]. Dedicado al bienaventurado San Antonio de Padua por el P. Fr. Augustin de Vetancurt hijo de la dicha Provincia del Santo Evangelio, Predicador jubilado ex Lector de Theologia, y Preceptor de la lengua Mexicana, Vicario de la Capilla de San Joseph de los Naturales en el Convento de N. P. S. Francisco de Mexico.


First edition of one of the rarest Mexican grammars
First edition of one of the rarest Mexican grammars preserved in its contemporary limp vellum.

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SKU: LCS-720 Category:

Mexico, Francisco Rodriguez Lupercio, 1673.

Small 4to [199 x 137 mm], (1) bl.l, (6) ff., 50 ff. misnumbered 49, (8) ff. Woodcut vignette on title-page. Bound in original limp vellum, flat spine.

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First edition, printed in Mexico City, of one of the rarest and the most valuable Mexican grammars. Streit, Bibliotheca Missionum, 2326 ; Leclerc, Bibliotheca Americana, 2337 ; Sabin 99384 ; Graff 4475 ; Palau 361209 ; Brunet, supp. II, 874 ; Chadenat, 4698.

Father Augustin de Vetancurt was born in Mexico City in 1620. He quickly took holy orders and spent almost all his life with the Indians. He knew the Mexican language very well.

At the end of the book, 8 ff. contain an « Instruccion breve para administrar los Santos Sacrametos de la Confession, Viatico, Matrimonio y Velaciones en la lengua Mexicana » and a « Catecismo Mexicano ».

All the bibliographers emphasize that this work is of high quality and very rare.

A very fine copy preserved in its contemporary limp vellum.

Only one copy of this original edition preserved in a contemporary binding has appeared at auction in the last thirty years.

Provenance: handwritten inscription on title: “Agosto 29 de (17)48 le compro, de Mendoza” and autograph signature on the first leaf: “Bernardo Man. De Mendoza”.

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VETANCURT, Père Augustin de