GREEVEN, H. Collection des costumes des provinces septentrionales du Royaume des Pays-Bas, Dessinés d’après nature par H. Greeven Lithographiés par Vallon de Villeneuve.

Price : 5.500,00 

First edition of this superb collection of costumes from the Netherlands.
Illustrated with 20 plates in first issue finely hand-colored at the time.

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SKU: LCS-18346 Categories: ,

Amsterdam chez François Buffa et fils, Paris chez Engelmann, 1828.

Folio of (4) prelim. ll., 20 full-page plates protected by silky papers, with as many explanatory ll., tear without loss on pl. 10. Purple quarter-shagreen, flat spine decorated with gilt fillets, red morocco lettering piece in the center of the upper cover bearing the mention of the original price “Prix 16 Fl.”. Contemporary binding.

340 x 250 mm.

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First edition of this superb collection of costumes from the Netherlands. Colas 1311; Lipperheide 960; Vinet 2219; Hiler, p. 395.

The explanatory text is written in French and in English and gives details on the country, the cities and villages concerned, the culture of the inhabitants as well as their customs and their clothing styles. The plates table is in French and in Dutch.

The illustration is composed of 20 plates of costumes from the Netherlands engraved by Vallon de Villeneuve after the drawings of Hendrik Greeven (1787-1854). All of them have been finely hand-colored at the time in particularly bright tones. The plates represent men, women and children of all social classes in their traditional costumes.

There is little doubt that Maaskamp’s book of costumes with twenty plates stood model for this work. This goes for the lay-out of the book as well as for the subjects chosen” (Landwehr).

Precious copy of great freshness preserved in its contemporary binding.

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Amsterdam chez François Buffa et fils, Paris chez Engelmann, 1828.