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Buy BIGNON, Jérôme. Ceremonial de l’election des Papes, dressé par le commandement du P... Precious and rare edition of this description of the election of popes, the first to be adorned with the magnificent folding plate.
Buy NECK, Jacques Corneille Van. Le Second Livre, Journal ou Comptoir, Contenant le vray discours et... First French edition of the utmost rarity of the account of the second Dutch expedition to the East Indies which led to the creation, in 1602, of the Ducth East India Company.
Buy NERCIAT, Andréa de. Félicia ou mes Fredaines, Orné de Figures en taille-douce. Superb edition of André de Nerciat's first erotic novel, illustrated with 24 erotic figures by Eluin after Borel.
Buy MOILIN, Tony. Paris en l’an 2000. First edition of this important and exceedingly rare utopia in which the author describes the French capital in the late twentieth century.
Buy RABELAIS Les Œuvres de M. François Rabelais, Docteur en Médecine. Dont le co... Famous and very rare copy of the Works of François Rabelais (1483-1553) printed in 1691, from the workshop of the "Queen's Binder A" at that time, sold for €11,986 on October 6...
Buy BUFFON, Georges Marie Leclerc, comte de. Histoire naturelle, générale et particulière, par Leclerc De Buffon... One of the few luxury copies of Buffon's "Natural History" adorned with 1 166 engravings (36 more than announced by Nissen), printed on large Holland paper in two states: finel...
Buy CERVANTES, Miguel de. El Ingenioso Hidalgo Don Quixote de la Mancha. Compuesto por Miguel... The Don Quixote printed in Madrid by Ibarra in 1780, preserved in its dazzling decorated contemporary Spanish red morocco bindings.
Buy GIRARD DE VILLETHIERRY, L’abbé. La Vie des gens mariez ou les obligations de ceux qui s’engag... La Vie des gens mariez patronized by Madame de Maintenon was a great success when it was published in 1694.
Buy ERPE, Thomas Van Grammatica Arabica, quinque libris methodice explicata. A Thomas Er... “First edition of this Arabic grammar, the first reasoned method composed by a European.”
Buy VERON DUVERGER DE FORBONNAIS Recherches et considérations sur les finances de France, depuis l’a... First edition of this “so learned, so sensible, so purely and simply patriotic guide, and without which the financial history of the seventeenth century would have been almost i...
Buy DURAS, Claire Lechat de Kersaint, Mme la Duchesse de. Ourika. “Extremely rare” original edition (25 to 40 copies) reserved for the close ones of the Duchess of Duras, the famous friend of Chateaubriand.
Buy DIDEROT, Denis Lettre sur les aveugles, à l’usage de ceux qui voyent. “First edition of this philosophical and scientific work by Diderot, published in 1749, which caused a sensation and earned its author to be brought to the Vincennes dungeon.”
Buy DANTE ALIGHIERI Convivio di Dante Alighierei Fiorentino // Si chome dice ilphiloso/... Incunabular first edition of the famous "Feast", this masterpiece of Dante.
Buy AGRIPPA, Camillo. Trattato di scientia d’arme, con un dialogo di filosofia. "The fine illustration has been attributed to I. A. Michelangelo (a friend of the author)."
Buy CORNEILLE, Pierre Le Théâtre de P. Corneille. Reveu et corrigé par l’Autheur. I. [II.... Contemporary binding from the workshop of Jean Le Vasseur, bookbinder to King Louis XIV.
Buy ANGELI, Francesco Maria. Collis Paradisi Amoenitas, sev sacri conventus Assisiensis historia... First edition of the first book printed in Montefiascone, featuring the first complete history of the Basilica of St. Francis of Assisi.
Buy MESSISBUGO, Cristoforo da. Banchetti, compositioni di vivande, et apparecchio generale. From the library of Baron Achille Seillière.
Buy BOCCACCIO, Giovanni. II Decamerone […] alla sua intera perfettione ridotto, et con... The superb “Roger Portalis” copy of the Ruscelli edition of 1554-1557, the second, of the Decameron illustrated with 10 famous woodcuts (107 x 77 mm) at the head of each day.
Buy Frère LEON CARMELITA RHEDONENSIS. Julii Mazarini eminentissimi Cardinalis. Elogium Funebre. Description of the Funeral Ceremony organized for Mazarin in Rome.
Buy COSTANZI, Giovanni Battista. Carlo Magno festa Teatrale in occasione della nascita del Delfino O... The Festivals organized by Cardinal de Polignac in Rome in 1725 and 1729 adorned with 16 plates of remarkable interest.
Buy STENDHAL, Henri Beyle Rome, Naples et Florence. Troisième édition. Rome, Naples et Florence by Stendhal in exceptional condition, unknown to Carteret and Clouzot, preserved in its full contemporary bindings adorned with a Cathedral decoration.
Buy ZOLA, Emile Les trois villes. Rome. First edition of Rome.
Buy THEOPHILE DE VIAU Les Œuvres de Théophile, Divisées en trois parties. La premiere, co... A very rare and superb collective edition, partially original, of the Works of Théophile de Viau, condemned to be burned.
Buy RACINE Bajazet. Tragédie. Par M. Racine. First edition in contemporary vellum, the only copy mentioned in a contemporary binding by bibliographers.
Buy La Rochefoucauld, François Duc de. Mémoires sur les Brigues à la mort de Louys XIII, les Guerres de Pa... Delightful copy of La Rochefoucauld’s Memoirs bound in ancient calf for the Duke François-Alexandre de La Rochefoucauld.
Buy MAINTENON, marquise de Mémoires pour servir à l’Histoire de Madame de Maintenon et à... Prestigious copy bound in green morocco with the arms of the Duchess of Berry (1798-1870).
Buy LESZCZINSKI, Stanislas Ier. Œuvres du philosophe bienfaisant. First edition of the literary and philosophical Works of the King of Poland, Stanislas Leszczinski.
Buy DAUDET, Alphonse Sapho. Mœurs parisienne. First edition of Alphonse Daudet's Sapho, “one of the most important works of his second manner, or 'Parisian manner' ”.
Buy MONSTRELET, Enguerrand de. Le premier (second et tiers) volume de Enguerrand de Monstrelet Ens... The famous illustrated Chronicles of France by Monstrelet printed by Anthoine Verard in the year 1503.
Buy MONTESQUIEU. Charles Louis de Secondat, baron de La Brède et de. Lettres familières du Président de Montesquieu, Baron de la Brède, ... Rare edition of Montesquieu's “most lively” (Roger Caillois) literary work.
Buy SAY, Jean-Baptiste. Cours complet d’économie politique pratique ; ouvrage destiné... First edition of Say's "Cours d'Economie politique".
Buy SCHNEPP, Bernard. Du climat de l’Égypte de sa valeur dans les affections de la poitri... First edition of this series of researches undertaken by Dr. Schnepp in Egypt with the aim of studying a climate conducive to healing.
Buy [SMITH, William]. Relation Historique de l’Expédition, contre les Indiens de l’... "Interesting ‘Thoughts on the War with the Indians of North America’ occupy pp. 89-147: one finds there the name of the different Indian nations which lived in North America, wi...
Buy VIGNY, Alfred de Cinq-Mars, ou une Conjuration sous Louis XIII. "Extremely rare" first edition (Carteret) of the "first French historical novel".
Buy VOLTAIRE, François-Marie Arouet dit. La Pucelle d’Orléans. Poëme. Divisé en quinze livres. Par monsieur ... First edition and extremely rare first issue of La Pucelle condemned by decree on January 20, 1757, one of the masterpieces of the Age of Enlightenment.
Buy LORRIS, Guillaume de. Le Rommant de la Rose nouuellement imprimé a Paris. First edition of the Romance of the Rose printed in the 16th century.
Buy LA FONTAINE, Jean de (1621-1695). Les Amours de Psyché et de Cupidon. Édition ornée de Figures imprim... Didot’s edition illustrated with f4 beautiful etchings in colors.
Buy CONSTANT, Benjamin Adolphe, anecdote trouvée dans les papiers d’un inconnu, et publiée... First French edition, the first of the two Parisian editions.
Buy STENDHAL, Henri Beyle, dit. Le Rouge et le Noir, chronique du XIXè siècle. First edition of "The Red and the Black".
Buy BALZAC, Honoré de Le Lys dans la Vallée. Precious copy of Balzac’s only great love novel.
Buy BERNARDIN DE SAINT-PIERRE, Jacques-Henri. Paul et Virginie – La Chaumière indienne. One of 6 copies on China paper cited by Carteret from « la perle des livres illustrés du XIXe siècle » (Brivois).
Buy RESTIF DE LA BRETONNE Les Contemporaines. First edition of Restif's Contemporaines, illustrated with 283 delightful figures by Binet.
Buy SAND, George La Marquise. Superb deluxe edition of this short novel by George Sand illustrated with 10 engravings in several states.
Buy ROSTAND, Edmond. Cyrano de Bergerac. Comédie héroïque en cinq actes en vers. Représe... The first edition of Cyrano, Rostand's masterpiece, one of only 50 deluxe copies printed on Japan paper.
Buy RADIGUET, Raymond Le Bal du Comte d’Orgel. The true first edition of the young Radiguet's last novel.
Buy CHARLEVOIX, Pierre-François-Xavier de. Histoire de l’Isle Espagnole ou de S. Domingue. First 12mo edition of the “History of Santo-Domingo” by Charlevoix illustrated with 18 maps and 6 engravings.
Buy [ROLLS-ROYCE]. THE 20-25 H.P. ROLLS-ROYCE. A luxuriously produced trade catalogue to present the 20-25 HP series offered for sale by Rolls-Royce in 1931.
Buy MONTESQUIEU. Charles Louis de Secondat, baron de La Brède et de. Considérations sur les causes de la grandeur des romains et de leur... The definitive edition of this beautiful text of Montesquieu printed on fine Holland paper and bound in contemporary red morocco, a rare condition.
Buy BOSSUET. Jacques-Bénigne (1627-1704). Recueil d’oraisons funebres, composées par Messire Jacques Benigne ... "First edition of the six great funeral Oraisons of Jacques-Bénigne Bossuet gathered in this collection" (Tchemerzine).
Buy CHARTIER, Alain (Gilles Le Bouvier). Les Croniques du feu roy Charles septiesme de ce nom que Dieu absou... Rare and sought-after literary and historical first edition about Joan of Arc epic and Charles VII’s reign.
Buy PAULMY, Marquis de. Mélanges tirés d’une grande bibliothèque. (De la lecture des Livres... First edition of one of France's 18th century most captivating literary and bibliophilic ventures, cited and described by Ernest Quentin-Bauchart.
Buy RABELAIS, François Les Œuvres de M. François Rabelais, Docteur en médecine, Contenant ... The second collective edition of Rabelais's Works, published in 1556, the “prettiest and most expensive” of the very first editions of his works.
Sold ERASME DE ROTTERDAM Morias enkomion [Greek-letter] / Stultitiae laus. Des. Erasmi Rot. ... First edition of "In Praise of Folly" by Erasmus (1467-1536) illustrated by Hans Holbein (1497-1543) with 81 engravings made directly from the original drawings the artist com...
Sold DAMHOUDERE, Josse de La practicque et enchiridion des causes criminelles, illustrée par ... First edition of the first great book of criminal procedure illustrated with 56 large woodcuts.