BOUCHARDON, Edme / BOUCHER, François / VAN LOO, Carl Études prises dans le bas Peuple, ou les Cris de Paris.


Rare suite of small Parisian professions and costumes
Precious gathering of 82 very fine engravings illustrating the small Parisian professions and the costumes of various nations.

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BOUCHARDON, Edme. Études prises dans le bas Peuple, ou les Cris de Paris.

Première suite, 1737. Et se vendent à Paris chez Fessard. 12 planches.
Seconde suite, 1737. Chez Fessard. 12 planches.
Troisième suite, 1738. Chez Fessard. 12 planches.
Quatrième suite, 1742. Chez Fessard. 10 planches (sur 12).

BOUCHER, François. – Les Cris de Paris par F. Boucher.
[Paris, Huquier, c. 1735]
12 plates.
Recueil de diverses figures étrangères inventées par F. Boucher, Peintre du Roy.
[Paris, Huquier, c. 1740]
12 plates.

Van Loo, Carl. Recueil de différentes charges dessinées à Rome par Carloo Vanloo Peintre du Roy.
Paris, Huquier, n.d. [1737]
12 plates.

A total of 7 suites bound in 1 folio volume [333 x 251 mm]. Bound in full contemporary mottled calf, spine ribbed and richly decorated, red morocco lettering pieces, marbled edges. Contemporary binding.

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Rare gathering of 7 suites of costumes very sought-after:

I/ 46 plates in 4 squires engraved by the comte de Caylus after Bouchardon’s drawings (out of the 60 that contain the 5 suites of 12 plates usually gathered).
Cohen, 179; Colas, n° 401.

The Comte de Caylus’ signature, thanks to whom we owe this collection, is still in the vanguard, on certain plates.
The superb illustration represents the most beautiful suite of drawings executed by par Bouchardon.
Mixing in these elegance and realism, this great sculptor excels in the representation of very various and lively attitudes and reproduces in a very personal and picturesque manner the such multiform world of small itinerant professions of Paris at the beginning of the 18th century: water-carrier, mill seller, pea sheller, magic lantern, walnut, pâté, cooked apple seller, picklock, well scrubber, bucket repairer, fortune teller, cooper, etc.

II/ Rare first editions in first issue of these two very interesting suites of engravings of the beginning of the 18th century dedicated to the Cris de Paris.
Colas 403 and 404; Cohen 180; Rahir, La bibliothèque de l’amateur, 337; Lipperheide 1179.

Each suite is composed of 12 engravings after François Boucher by Jacques Philippe Le Bas and Simon François Ravenet.

Each of the plate is captioned: Gaigne Petit; A racomoder les vieux Souflets; A ramonner du haut en bas; Des Patez, des Talmouses toutes chaudes; La Laittière and Au Vinaigre…
The second suite by Boucher represents costumes exclusively feminine: Femme de Naples, Dame de Constantinople, Femme du Levant, etc.
This collection is of the highest interest for the knowledge of professions and costumes under Louis XV. Certain engravings are true fashion prints.

III/ First issue of this superb suite of 12 portraits of men in full-length from foreign nations, engraved by Le Bas and Ravenet after Van Loo.

Precious copy gathering 82 plates beautifully executed, very pure and wide-margined, illustrating the small Parisian professions and the costumes of various nations.

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BOUCHARDON, Edme / BOUCHER, François / VAN LOO, Carl