GOEZMANN, Louis Valentin de Histoire politique des grandes querelles entre l’Empereur Charles V, et François I, Roi de France. Avec une introduction contenant l’état de la Milice & la description de l’art de la guerre, avant & sous le règne de ces deux Monarques.

Price : 9.500,00 

First edition of the best historical work of Louis Valentin Goezmann
The Italian expeditions of the kings of France Charles VIII, Louis XII and François I, sumptuously bound at the time for Jean-Charles-Pierre Le Noir, Police Lieutenant general and guard of the King’s Library.

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Paris, au Jardin du Palais Royal, 1777.

Two parts bound in 2 8vo volumes [195 x 123 mm] of: I/ (2) ll., 358 pp., 2 full-page plates; II/ (2) ll., 417 pp., (3) pp., 3 full page plates. Bound in full contemporary red morocco, triple gilt fillet on the covers with corner fleurons, large coat of arms at the center of the covers, flat spines decorated, green morocco lettering pieces, inner gilt border, gilt edges. Contemporary binding.

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First edition of the best historical work of Louis Valentin Goezmann, essentially dedicated to the Italian expeditions of the Kings of France Charles VIII, Louis XII and François I. Barbier, anonymes, II, 826; Bulletin Morgand et Fatout, 2185; Bibliothèque Edouard Rahir, 1060.

This treatise covers the years 1493 to 1547, date of the death of king François I. The second part of Goezmann’s book relates the tripartite relations between England, France and Charles V’s Empire, then Barbarossa’s one and ends on the Crespi’s Peace, the Peace with England and the Death of François I.

The edition is illustrated with 5 copper-engraved portraits of Charles VII, Louis XII, François I, Charles V and Charles de Bourbon.

Goezmann, born in 1730, was guillotined on July 25th, 1794. Councilor at the Parliament Maupéou, he was condemned for corruption during a famous trial brought by Beaumarchais in 1774.

Sumptuous copy bound in red morocco with the arms of Jean-Charles-Pierre Le Noir, Police Lieutenant (1732- 1807). Jean-Charles-Pierre Le Noir, son of Jean-Charles-Joseph, private lieutenant at the Châtelet in Paris, and of Marie-Anne Le Noir de Cindré, born on November 17th, 1732, became councilor at the Châtelet in 1752, particular lieutenant to his father, master of requests, councilor of State in 1775, then lieutenant general of police in Paris on June 10th, 1776; he brought into the administration of this town many improvements and remained in functions until August 10th, 1785; he was appointed in April 1784 guard of the King’s Library and president of the finance commission; in 1790, he emigrated to Switzerland, then in Austria; he went back to France in 1802 and died on November 17th, 1807. Le Noir who had first married Marie Denis, on January 27th, 1757, wed to a French lady in second marriage. Références : Olivier, pl. 288.

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GOEZMANN, Louis Valentin de