Lettre du roi et règlement, pour la convocation des Etats-Généraux à Versailles, le 27 avril 1789.

Price : 9.500,00 

Precious copy of the letter written by the King on January 24th, 1789
The initial act of the French Revolution.

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SKU: LCS-16221 Category:

Paris, de l’Imprimerie Royale, le 24 Janvier 1789.

Folio plate [825 x 545 mm]. The letter is printed on four columns separated with a black fillet. Small tear of paper because of the folds, a few foxing. Framed.

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Precious copy of the letter written by the King on January 24th, 1789 aiming at explaining the rules of elaboration of the book of grievances and the election terms of the deputies of the 3 orders at the Estates-general’s assembly held on April 27th, 1789 in Versailles.

It is the initial act of the French revolution.

Since the beginning of the crisis in September 1788 until the reunion of the Estates-General on May 5th, 1789, the realm was hectic because of the elections’ preparation. They happened in an atmosphere of both anxiety and hope. The Nobility, the Clergy and the Commoners each brought their voice in the assemblies from where would arise the principle of national sovereignty. This large poster settles the rules of the deputies’ election at the Estates-general and the elaboration of the book of grievances.

The convening of the Estates-general is all the actions required to ensure the success of the Estates-general. It lasted around a year, from mid-June 1788, with the first Royal initiatives, to the solemn opening on May 5th, 1789. This period was dedicated to the publication of the rules from January 1789, then to their implementation on the entire territory, as it was agreed that the furthest inhabitant of all the provinces would have the possibility to make himself heard.

The king reminds the goal given to the future states: “We need the participation of our faithful subjects to help Us to overcome all the difficulties that We encounter, in relation to our finances, and to establish, according to our wishes, a steady and invariable order in all the parts of the government that deal with our subjects’ happiness and with the prosperity of our realm” and further the king invites to work to “the establishment of a steady and long-lasting order in all the parts of administration.

Facing a catastrophic political and financial situation, Louis XVI sees himself forced to summon the Estates-General, who only them can decide the collection of new taxes and start the reform of the country. Their opening, on May 5th, 1789 in Versailles, marks the beginning of the French Revolution.

A precious copy of the letter of the king on January 24th, 1789, initial act of the French Revolution.

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