CEPEDA, Fernando de / CARRILLO, Fernando Alfonso Relacion Universal legitima, y verdadera del sitio en que esta fundada la muy noble, insigne, y muy leal Ciudad de Mexico, cabeça de las Provincias de toda la Nueva Espana. Lagunas, Rios, y Montes que la cinen y rodean. Calçadas que las dibiden. Y Azequias que la atraviesan. Ynundaciones que à padecido desde su Gentilidad. Remedios aplicados. Desagues propuestos, y emprendidos. Origen y fabrica del de Gueguetoca, y estado en que oy se halla. Ymposiciones, derramas, y gastos que se an hecho. Forma con que se a auctuado desde el ano de 1553 hasta el presente de 1637. [Avec la suite].

Price : 45.000,00 

Very precious work for the history of Mexico
Very rare first edition of this precious work for the history of Mexico City. Mexico, 1637.

1 in stock

Mexico, Francisco Salbago, 1637.

4 parts bound in 1 volume folio [278 x 196 mm], (2) ff., 31 ff., 41 ff. (misnumbered 42), 41 ff. numbered 1 to 28 and 29 to 39 ( ff. 17-18 are repeated), (1) l., 11 ff. Complete copy. Bound in contemporary brown calf, decorated spine, new endleaves, edges red. Joints rubbed.

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Very rare first edition of this precious work for the history of Mexico City. Leclerc, Bibliotheca Americana, 1095 ; Brunet, I, 1739 ; Graesse, Trésor de livres rares, 103 ; Sabin 11693 ; Medina, La imprenta en México, II, 484.

Written 8 years after the terrible flood that devastated Mexico City in 1629, « this very rare book contains an official account of the celebrated Desaque, or canal of Gueguetoca, called, by Humboldt, Huehuetoca, which was constructed to carry off the superabundant waters of the lake of Mexico. Humboldt gives a full account of this stupendous undertaking. Rich”. (Sabin).

The fourth part of the book was printed 3 months after the publication of the work and is often missing.

A precious complete copy, with the very rare fourth part, preserved in its contemporary binding.

A very rare work. Among French institutions, only the B.n.F. has a copy. OCLC only records 2 complete copies: University of California, Berkeley and University of Oxford.

Not one of the 3 copies that appeared at auction since 1975 had the fourth part of the text.

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CEPEDA, Fernando de / CARRILLO, Fernando Alfonso