VIDUIS (1500-1569). [Médecin du roi François Ier]. Chirurgia è Graeco in Latinum conversa, Vido Vidio Florentino interprete, cum nonnullis eiusdem Vidii com[m]entariis. Indicem auctorum & operum sequenti paginâ quaerito.

Price : 13.000,00 

Very rare first edition of this work by the doctor of king François I.
First issue of these 210 famous woodcuts.

1 in stock

SKU: LCS-18466 Categories: ,

Lutetiae Parisiorum, Petrus Galterius, 1544.

Folio of (18) ll., 533 pp. and (1) errata p. Numerous woodcuts in the text including 30 in full-page, repair in the margin of pp. 465 to 520 not touching the text. Full brown calf, double frame of gilt fillet on the covers decorated with fleurs-de-lys in the corners, spine ribbed. 19th century binding.

337 x 227 mm.

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First edition of this « uncommon work » (Brunet), one of the most beautiful books on surgery from the 16th century, incorporating for the first time the texts of Greek Surgery by Hippocrates, Galen and Oribasio in their Latin translation.

Harvard 542.

It is illustrated with 210 magnificent woodcuts, inspired by drawings of Greek classical types brought to us by Greco-Byzantine people, representing surgical procedures, instruments and bandages including 30 full-page figures showing the use of elaborated machines dedicated to reduce fractures.

The author, Guido Guidi said Vidius (1500-1569), born in Florence, was the doctor of François I. The text is based on a greek manuscript from Lorenzo de Medici’s library in Florence.

Francesco Salviati (1510 in Florence – 1563 in Rome) is a Florentine mannerist painter. Giorgio Vasari wrote that Salviati “possessed a style more beautiful than any other’s in Florence at the time.”

« A volume with a beautiful typographic execution, dedicated to François I, whose author, Guido Guidi was his first doctor after the death of Guillaume Cop. Its 211 woodcuts have left a singular impact on us, we can certainly attribute them to one of the greatest artists from that time and from the Florentine school. This rare book is barely known. (Répertoire universel de bibliographie par Léon Techener, n°934)

Precious copy of one of the most beautiful treatises on surgery from the 16th century.

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VIDUIS (1500-1569). [Médecin du roi François Ier].