SAND, George La Petite Fadette.

Price : 6.500,00 

"Rare and much sought-after" first edition (Clouzot) of La Petite Fadette.
Beautiful copy of this rare first edition preserved in its contemporary binding.

1 in stock

SKU: LCS-17849 Category:

Paris, Michel Lévy frères, 1849.

2 parts bound in 1 volumes 8vo [210 x 129 mm] of: I/ (2) ll., 335 pp. ; II/ (2) ll., 271 pp. Bound in light brown half-calf, flat spine decorated with gilt fillets, green morocco lettering-piece, mottled edges. Slight rubbing. Contemporary binding.

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“Very rare and much sought-after” First edition (Clouzot) of this “rural novel that belongs to the best period of the author.” (Dictionnaire des Œuvres).

Clouzot, p. 245; Vicaire, VII, 238; Quérard, p. 590; Carteret, II, p. 312; Catalogue du baron Rothschild, 1638; Rahir, La Bibliothèque de l’amateur, 631.

« A rare work from the rural novels’ series”. (Carteret).

« With ‘La Mare au Diable’ and ‘François le Champi’, This book belongs to the author’s best period, who, returning to her native Berry, had rediscovered, with a serene mind, these subjects so easily inspired, that renewed her art and brought her a large and lasting success…

Landry falls in love with the little Fadette, daughter of a kind of witch. Everyone despises this child. Landry, alone, was able to discover, hidden under misleading appearances, the naiveté and purity of this human being…

The plot finds its appeal in the subtle and fresh evocation of a rural world, that George Sand loves and knows perfectly. The poetic fiction is harmoniously mingled with reality in this picture where nature, described with great delicacy, and the characters, including the most humble, have the gracious freshness of an idyll. » (Dictionnaire des Œuvres, V, p. 231-232).

George Sand occupied a significant place in 19th century literature. She transformed the novel. Between adventure stories and purely realistic novels, her style is a fine combination between fiction and truth, where a soft poetry and a delicate sensibility find their place and that could really be the real French novel … Her influence was great abroad: Turgenev, George Eliot, Dostoevsky deeply admired her.” (E. Faguet).

Beautiful copy of this rare first edition preserved in its contemporary binding.

According to our search, among French public Institutions, only the French National Library owns this rare first edition.

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SAND, George