Rare and antiquarian books
Our antiquarian books of literature include a wide period from the 15th to the middle of the 20th century. We aim to offer you rare and valuable first editions in their contemporary condition. We mainly deal with French literature but also offer books in Spanish, Italian, etc.
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Showing all 466 results
- Buy VALERY, Paul La Soirée avec Monsieur Teste. "La Soirée avec Monsieur Teste" by P. Valery
- Buy STENDHAL, Henri Beyle L’Abbesse de Castro par M. de Stendhal, Auteur de Rouge et Noir, de... A rare and untrimmed copy of “L’Abbesse de Castro”
- Buy LA CUSTINE, Marquis de La Russie en 1839. "Custine’s most sought after work"
- Buy HUGO, Victor Œuvres complètes de Victor Hugo. Poésie. VII. Les Rayons et les Omb... First edition of this sought-after work by Victor Hugo
- Buy ANDERSEN, Hans Christian. Eventyr, fortalte for born. A rare compilation that gathers together the first editions of two of Andersen’s main tales: "The Little Mermaid" and "The Emperor’s New Clothes".
- Buy REVUE DU MONDE NOUVEAU. Rare first edition of the literary review started by C. Cros
- Buy JOUBERT, Joseph. Recueil des pensées de M. Joubert. Very rare first edition of Joubert’s Pensées
- Buy PERRAULT, Charles La Marquise de Salusses, ou la patience de Grisélidis. Nouvelle. La Marquise de Salusses, by Perrault
- Buy RACINE Alexandre le grand. Tragédie. Alxandre Le Grand by Racine
- Buy SAINTE-BEUVE, Charles Augustin Les Consolations, poésies. The Consolations by Sainte-Beuve dedicated to his friend Alexandre Dumas
- Buy RENAN, Ernest L’Abbesse de Jouarre. The first edition of l’Abbesse de Jouarre, by Renan
- Buy BOURSAULT Esope à la cour, Comédie héroïque. Esope à la cour by Boursault
- Buy GODARD La Nouvelle Muse
- Buy STENDHAL, Henri Beyle La Chartreuse de Parme par l’auteur de Rouge et Noir. Deuxième édit... La Chartreuse de Parme by Stendhal
- Buy ELUARD, Paul. Voir. Poèmes Peintures Dessins. "Voir" by Paul Eluard
- Buy BALZAC, Guez de Les Entretiens de feu Monsieur de Balzac. [Suivi de :] II – A... Compilation of two sought-after texts by Guez de Balzac
- Buy LA BRUYERE Les Caractères de Theophraste traduits du grec ; avec Les Caractère... Censored edition of the “Characters” of La Bruyère
- Buy DU VERDIER, Gilbert Saulnier. Rozemire ou l’Europe délivrée. Dédiée à Madame la Duchesse de Merco... “Rozemire ou l’Europe délivrée” with the arms of the comtesse de Verrue
- Buy SAINCTONGE Poésies galantes de Madame de Sainctonge. The Poésies galantes by Madame de Sainctonge
- Buy BALZAC, Honoré de La grande Bretèche ou les trois vengeances. La Vieille fille. [Étud... "La Vieille Fille" by Balzac on pink paper
- Buy CERVANTES Vida y Hechos del Ingenioso hidalgo Don Quixote de la Mancha, compu... "Don Quixote de la Mancha", with the arms of the Princess of Lamballe.
- Buy DU FAIL, Noël. Les Contes et discours d’Eutrapel. Very rare edition of the "Contes et discours d’Eutrapel" by Du Fail
- Buy ARISTOPHANE. Comoediae novem, en grec. Editio princeps of Aristophanes’ "Comedies".
- Buy VOLTAIRE La Henriade "La Henriade" by Voltaire
- Buy MOISANT DE BRIEUX, Jacques Recueil de pièces en prose et en vers. Prose and verses by Moisant de Brieux
- Buy HAMILTON, le comte Antoine Histoire de Fleur d’Epine, conte. “Histoire de Fleur d'Epine”, the fairytale fantasy by Hamilton
- Buy RESTIF DE LA BRETONNE La Fille naturelle. Rare counterfeit of one of Restif de la Bretonne’s first works
- Buy CHARRON, Pierre De la Sagesse. First edition of La Sagesse
- Buy RACINE, Jean Œuvres Final edition of Racine's Works
- Buy L’HISTOIRE DU NOBLE ET TRES VAILLANT ROY ALEXANDRE LE GRAND, jadis ... Illustrated edition of this romance of chivalry relating the history of Alexander the Great
- Buy CERVANTES Histoire de l’admirable Don Quichotte de la Manche. Complete works of Cervantes
- Buy DU BELLAY, Joachim Les Œuvres françaises de Joachim du Bellay. Reveues, & de nouve... Du Bellay's "Works"
- Buy LA FONTAINE Poème du quinquina, et autres ouvrages en vers de M. de La Fontaine. First edition of this compilation by La Fontaine
- Buy VERLAINE, Paul Bonheur "Bonheur" by Verlaine
- Buy THIROUX D'ARCONVILLE, Marie-Geneviève Des Passions. Par l’Auteur du Traité de l’Amitié. The first edition of Des Passions, Madame Thiroux d’Arconville’s treatise
- Buy BARBIER, Antoine-Alexandre / DESSESSARTS, N.L.M. Nouvelle Bibliothèque d’un homme de goût, entièrement refondue, cor... "Nouvelle Bibliothèque d'un homme de goût" by Barbier
- Buy DIDEROT, Denis Œuvres inédites de Diderot. Le Neveu de Rameau. Voyage de Hollande Diderot’s masterpieces, “Rameau’s Nephew”
- Buy BREBEUF, Georges de Eloges poétiques. The first edition of Brébeuf’s "Eloges poétiques"
- Buy QUEVEDO VILLEGAS, D. Franc Les Œuvres de D. Francisco de Quevedo Villegas, Chevalier Espagnol,... First edition of the French translation of Quevedo’s Works
- Buy DU BELLAY, Joachim Les Œuvres françoises de Joachim du Bellay, Gentilhomme Angevin, &a... First collective edition of Joachim du Bellay’s Works
- Buy AUBIGNE, Théodore Agrippa d'. Les Avantures du baron de Faeneste. Second issue of the final first edition of the Aventures du baron de Faeneste by Agrippa d’Aubigné
- Buy FAERNE, Gabriel Fabulae centum ex antiquis auctoribus delectae… One of the most beautiful Italian fable books
- Buy CAVICEO, Jacomo Dialogue treselegant intitule le Peregrin, traictant de lhonneste e... First French edition of this great romance novel
- Buy DUPLESSIS-MORNAY Histoire de la Vie de Messire Philippes de Mornay Seigneur Du Pless... Saint-Amant’s personal copy of the first edition of Duplessis-Mornay’s biography
- Buy GOUDELIN, Pierre Las Obros augmentados d’uno noubélo Floureto. The Works of Goudelin, the most famous and inventive poet from Languedoc
- Buy SCUDERY, Georges de Poésies diverses dédiées à Monseigneur le Duc de Richelieu, par Mr ... Rare first edition of this poetry collection by Georges de Scudéry, dedicated to the Duke de Richelieu
- Buy MOLIERE Le Sicilien, ou l’amour peintre, Comédie. First edition of Moliere's "Sicilien"
- Buy BOURSAULT, Edme La Metamorphose des yeux de Philis, changez en astres. Pastoralle. ... Rare first edition of Boursault’s rarest theater play
- Buy MARCASSUS, Pierre de La Clorymène Extremely rare first edition of this novel by Pierre de Marcassus
- Buy HELIODORE L’Histoire aethiopique de Heliodorus, contenant dix livres, traitan... First edition of the second French translation by Jacques Amyot
- Buy CORNEILLE, Pierre et Thomas. Les Chef-d’œuvres dramatiques de Mrs. Corneille, avec le Jugement d... Nice edition of Pierre and Thomas Corneille’s “Masterpieces”
- Buy LAMARTINE, Alphonse Jocelyn. Episode. First illustrated edition of this “major work” by Lamartine
- Buy RABELAIS, François Œuvres de Maître François Rabelais, publiées sous le titre de Faits... Annotated and revised edition of Rabelais’ text
- Buy CÉLINE, Louis-Ferdinand Voyage au bout de la nuit. First edition of the “Journey to the End of the Night” by Céline
- Buy [Roumanille, Joseph et Mistral, Frédéric] Un liame de rasin countenènt lis obro de Castil-Blaze, Adoufe Dumas... Very rare first edition of this compilation of poems by five members of the Félibrige
- Buy GRASSET Histoire des Quatre Fils Aymon, tres Nobles et tres Vaillans Cheval... The most beautilful illustrated edition of Histoire des quatre fils d'Aymon
- Buy BARBEY D’AUREVILLY Les Diaboliques The true first edition of the Diaboliques, forbidden by the law.
- Buy Erasmus. Opus D’Erasmi Roterodami de conscribendis epistolis…. Erasmus and his master Laurent Valla: three founding works of the Renaissance.
- Buy DUMAS, Alexandre et GAILLARDET La Tour de Nesle, Drame en cinq actes et en neuf tableaux, par MM. ... “Rare and sought-after” first edition of this drama by Alexandre Dumas.
- Buy BALZAC, Honoré de Le Lys dans la Vallée. Rare first edition of Balzac's "Le Lys dans la Vallée"
- Buy YOURCENAR, Marguerite. Lettres à ses amis et quelques autres. Leading copy of the first edition of Marguerite Yourcenar’s correspondence.
- Buy ZOLA, Emile Les Trois Villes. Unique copy of the "Trois villes" by Emile Zola.
- Buy CERVANTES Histoire de l’admirable Don Quichotte de la Manche.
- Buy ANACREON. Les Poésies d’Anacréon et de Sapho, traduites de grec en vers Franç... First edition of Anacreon’s poems translated into French by the baron de Longepierre.
- Buy Bernardin de Saint-Pierre, Jacques-Henri Paul et Virginie Precious copy belonging to the very luxurious issue, in large folio with colored figures.
- Buy OVIDE / OVID Metamorphoseos libri moralizati. [Commentaires par Lactantius Placi... First illustrated edition from Lyons of Ovid’s Metamorphoses, illustrated with 16 beautiful woodcuts in first issue.
- Buy HUGO, Victor Han d’Islande. Rare first edition of Victor Hugo’s first novel.
- Buy BOUCHET Sensuit le labyriht de fortune et Sejour des trois nobles dames Com... Rare first Parisian edition of the Labyrinthe de Fortune
- Buy BARBEY D'AUREVILLY, Jules Les Diaboliques. The true first edition of the Diaboliques condemned by the law.
- Buy ROUSSEAU, Jean-Jacques Lettres de deux amans, Habitans d’une petite Ville au pied des Alpe... First French edition, first edition for sale in France of La Nouvelle Héloïse and first edition of the Recueil d’estampes pour la Nouvelle Héloïse.
- Buy DUMAS, Alexandre Les Trois Mousquetaires. First edition of the Three Musketeers, “an unequalled masterpiece and one of the most widely read book in the whole world”.
- Buy LA BRUYERE Les Caractères de Theophraste Tradruits du Grec : avec les Caracter... Third original edition of La Bruyère’s Characters, the rarest of all.
- Buy VERLAINE, Paul Parallèlement. First edition of "Parallèlement" by Verlaine, precious copy preserved in wrappers, complete with "Chasteté".
- Buy Chateaubriand, François René de. Congrès de Vérone. Guerre d’Espagne. Négociations : colonies espagn... First edition of the Congrès de Vérone preserved in its elegant contemporary binding.
- Buy REGNIER, Mathurin. Les Satyres du Sieur Régnier. Dernière édition, revue, corrigée &am... First edition, partly original, of Regnier’ Satires, “the greatest satiric poet of the time” published a few months after the author’s death, the most sought-after along with t...
- Buy RABELAIS Œuvres de maître François Rabelais, publiées sous le titre de Faits... First critical and commented edition of Rabelais’ Works illustrated with the portrait of the author, with the map of the region of Chinon and with 3 engravings by la Devinière.
- Buy LONGOBARDI, Nicola. Traité sur quelques points de la religion des Chinois. First edition of this study on the religion of the Chinese by the successor of Matteo Ricci at the head of the Jesuit mission in China.
- Buy MARGUERITE DE VALOIS, reine de Navarre. Les Marguerites de la Marguerite des Princesses, très illustre royn... Rare copy bound in a red morocco binding with “grotesques” by Padeloup. From Horace de Landau’s library (1885).
- Buy GREVIN, Jacques. L’Olimpe de Iaqves Grevin de Clermont en Beauuaisis. Ensemble Les A... Extremely rare first edition of the Olimpe by Jacques Grévin, “one of the most remarkable poets of the Ronsard School”.
- Buy STENDHAL, Henri Beyle Armance ou quelques scènes d’un salon de Paris avec une préface par... Second edition of Stendhal’s first novel sought-after due to “the great rarity of its first edition”. (Clouzot)
- Buy Boileau-Despreaux. Œuvres diverses avec le Traité du sublime ou du merveilleux dans le... First edition of Boileau’s Works bound in contemporary morocco.
- Buy DAUDET, Alphonse Numa Roumestan. Mœurs parisiennes. A moving copy of this first edition of Alphonse Daudet, dedicated by the author to the great literary and Rimbaldian critic Marcel Coulon.
- Buy La Rochefoucauld, François Duc de. Mémoires sur les Brigues à la mort de Louys XIII, les Guerres de Pa... The first edition of the Mémoires de La Rochefoucauld in precious contemporary morocco, condition unknown to Brunet, Tchemerzine, Rochebilière and Deschamps.
- Buy BALZAC, Guez de Lettres choisies du sieur de Balzac. Première partie – Second... First edition in contemporary binding, one of the very rare deluxe copies printed on large paper.
- Buy MAROT, Clément. Les Œuvres de Clément Marot, de Cahors, vallet de chambre du Roy. Important edition of the Works of Clément Marot, partly original, the last one given during the author’s lifetime and published by Marot himself.
- Buy ROUMANILLE, Joseph. La Campano mountado. Pouèmo en sèt cant de J. Roumanille autour di ... First edition of this collection of poems in Provencal by “the Father of Felibrige”, Joseph Roumanille.
- Buy PERRAULT, Charles Paralelle des Anciens et des Modernes en ce qui regarde les arts et... Charles Perrault is the author of two important works: "Mother Goose Tales" published in 1697 and "Quarrel of the Ancients and the Moderns" published from 1688 to 1696.
- Buy BOSSUET Traitez du libre-arbitre, et de la concupiscence. Ouvrages posthume... Superb copy gathering two major original editions buy Bossuet bound in contemporary red morocco.
- Buy LAMARTINE, Alphonse Méditations poétiques Rare first edition of this collection of poems which “had the effect of a Revolution on poetry”.
- Buy PERRAULT, Charles Mémoires de Charles Perrault, de l’Académie Françoise, Et Premier C... First edition of Charles Perrault’s "Memoirs".
- Buy CERVANTES, Miguel de. Il Novelliere Castigliano di Michiel di Cervantes Saavedra… Tradott... First Italian edition of the utmost rarity of the “most accomplished monument of Cervantes’s narrative work.”
- Buy MAUPASSANT, Guy de Mlle Fifi. First edition of Maupassant’s Mademoiselle Fifi, precious copy printed on laid paper and dedicated by the author.
- Buy HUGO, Victor Les Misérables. Precious first French edition of "Les Miserables", the greatest success of 19th century publishing history.
- Buy SEVIGNE, Madame de Lettres de Madame de Sévigné, de sa famille et de ses amis. Avec tr... Stunning copy of the original collective edition in 12mo format.
- Buy MOLIERE L’Escole des femmes, Comédie. Molière’s first great comedy, illustrated with the precious frontispiece representing the earliest portrait of the playwright.
- Buy AUBERT, Jean-Louis. Fables et Œuvres diverses Beautiful copy in red morocco with the arms of the Queen Marie-Antoinette.
- Buy MAROT, Clément. Les Œuvres. « Fine edition, the most sought-after » of the Works by Clément Marot, writes Brunet.
- Buy DELLILE, Jacque. Les Jardins. Poëme. Rare and beautiful specimen of “en vernis Martin binding” recovering a book printed by Herhan with his new method of stereotyping.
- Buy MADAME DE SÉVIGNÉ. Lettres de Madame de Sévigné à sa fille et à ses amis. Nouvelle édi... The famous edition, revised and partly new, of the Letters of Madame de Sévigné printed in 1806 bound for Pauline Bonaparte (1780-1825), the favorite sister of the Emperor, with...
- Buy RACINE, Jean Œuvres complètes, avec les notes (choisies) de tous les comme... « King Louis XVIII, scholar and learned, who nurtured poetry from time to time, had constituted a library composed of serious books, including a large number of classical works...
- Buy SHAKESPEARE. Œuvres complètes de Shakespeare, traduites de l’anglais par Letourn...
- Buy DUMAS, Alexandre La Comtesse de Charny. The first edition of La Comtesse de Charny “a book to be devoured end-to-end”.
- Buy MUSSET, Alfred de. Œuvres. Precious and delightful copy printed on China paper of Alfred de Musset’s Works.
- Buy LORRIS, Guillaume de / MEUNG, Jehan de. Le Roman de la rose. Nouvelle édition, revue et corrigée sur les me... “This edition of the Romance of the Rose, well printed and on vellum paper, should be preferred to all the others”. (Brunet).
- Buy RABELAIS, François Les Œuvres de M. François Rabelais, Docteur en Medecine. Dont le co... Rabelais’ Works printed in Rouen around 1675. Attractive copy preserved in a superb brown olive morocco binding from the time.
- Buy LORRIS, Guillaume de (vers 1250). Senfuyt le Roman de la Rose aultrement dit le Soge vergier. [sic] N... The Romance of the Rose from the libraries of Ambroise Firmin-Didot and C. Bourlon de Rouvre, the only one from the first issue mentioned by Boudillon and Tchemerzine.
- Buy MAROT, Clément (1496-1544). Le Premier Livre de la Metamorphose d’Ovide, translatee de Latin en... The only copy mentioned and described by Tchemerzine still in private hand.
- Buy ETIENNE DE LA BOETIE (1530-1563). BAIF, Ian-Antoine de. Œuvres en rime de Jan Antoine de Baïf secrétaire de la chambre du Roy. Exceedingly rare first collected edition, mostly original, one of the most sought-after from the Pleiade presenting the poetical works of Antoine de Baïf, printed in 1572 and 1...
- Buy DESPORTES, Philippe (1546-1623). Les Premières Œuvres de Philippe Desportes.
- Buy LA FONTAINE, Jean de (1621-1695). L’Élégie pour Monsieur Foucquet. Recueil de poësies Dédié à Monseig... Very rare first edition of the “Recueil de Poésies diverses et chrétiennes” by La Fontaine printed in Paris in 1671.
- Buy COQUILLART, Guillaume, disciple de François Villon. Les Poésies de Guillaume Coquillart, official de l’Église de Reims. The copy preserved in its strictly contemporary binding of the Works of Guillaume Coquillart (1452-1510), a reader of François Villon.
- Buy MADEMOISELLE DE MONTPENSIER, DITE « LA GRANDE MADEMOISELLE » / MME DE LA FAYETTE / MME DE SEVIGNE / LA ROCHEFOUCAULD, ETC… Recüeil des portraits et Eloges en vers et en prose. Dedié à Son Al... First edition printed in 1659 enlarged with 82 new portraits in comparison to the first edition of this same year which only contains 59.
- Buy LA FAYETTE, Madame de La Princesse de Clèves. Second original edition of "La Princesse de Clèves" in its contemporary binding.
- Buy SAND, George La Petite Fadette. "Rare and much sought-after" first edition (Clouzot) of La Petite Fadette.
- Buy BEAUVOIR, Simone de La Force des Choses. Deluxe copy, one of only 35 printed on Holland Van Gelder paper, coming from Pierre-Lucien Martin’s collection who bound it with a superb binding with mosaic patterns.
- Buy DURAS, Mme la Duchesse de. Ourika / Edouard Ourika, the first great black heroine of Western literature.
- Buy BENCIRECHI, Abbé. Leçons hebdomadaires de la langue italienne à l’usage des Dames. Su... The famous Leçons hebdomadaires de la langue italienne à l’usage des Dames preserved in its contemporary morocco binding with the arms of Elisabeth-Philippe-Marie-Hélène of Fra...
- Buy DEFOE, Daniel. La Vie et les Avantures de Robinson Crusoë. Ancienne traduction Rev... The most beautiful edition of the Adventures of Robinson Crusoe.
- Buy LA FONTAINE Fables choisies, mises en vers par M. de La Fontaine. First state of the first edition of La Fontaine’s Fables, printed in Paris in 1668, one of the most famous books of the Western world. Precious copy, with large margins (height...
- Buy GIDE, André. Les Faux-Monnayeurs. Roman. The first edition of the Counterfeiters.
- Buy Homère. L’Iliade d’Homère, traduite en françois, avec des remarques par Mad... "Homer, a plural god, had worked, without mistakes, upstream and downstream at the same time, giving us a glimpse of the whole country of man and gods." René Char.
- Buy [PHILIPPE d’ORLEANS, Régent] - LONGUS. Les Amours pastorales de Daphnis et Chloé (traduites du grec par Am... First issue of the 1718 edition of Les Amours de Daphnis et Chloé, one of the most famous illustrated books of the eighteenth century.
- Buy PREVOST d’EXILES dit Prevost. Mémoires et avantures d’un homme de qualité, qui s’est retiré du mo... First edition of Manon Lescaut which was to "occupy a decisive place in the history of the French novel."
- Buy APOLLINAIRE, Guillaume. Alcools. Poèmes. Unique copy, specially printed for the printer Arrault.
- Buy LA FONTAINE Fables choisies, mises en vers par M. de la Fontaine et par luy rev... First collected edition of La Fontaine’s Fables, the only one printed and corrected under the author’s direction. It is of the highest interest and of the greatest importance.
- Buy CYRANO DE BERGERAC, Savinien. Les Œuvres de monsieur de Cyrano Bergerac. First collective edition of the Works by Cyrano de Bergerac preserved in their old binding.
- Buy [Contes de fées]. [CAYLUS, Anne-Claude-Philippe de Tubières, comte de]. Féeries nouvelles. First edition of the 14 fairy tales of the Count of Caylus, likely to have inspired Andersen.
- Buy GOETHE, Johann-Wolfgang. Les Souffrances du jeune Werther. Traduction nouvelle orné de trois... The Sorrows of Young Werther: Goethe's fame is made and his name will long remain attached to this literary event, to the first German novel that truly crossed the borders of Ge...
- Buy LONDON, Jack. The Call of the Wild. First edition of this adventure novel by Jack London which action takes place during the gold rush era.
- Buy DAUDET, Alphonse Lettres de mon moulin. Impressions et souvenirs. First edition of "Mr Seguin’s Goat".
- Buy GAUTIER, Théophile Le Capitaine Fracasse. Rare first edition of the Capitaine Fracasse, Théophile Gautier's masterpiece, preserved in its elegant contemporary binding.
- Buy HUGO, Victor Hermani ou l’honneur castillan, Drame par Victor Hugo, représenté s... The Meeûs copy, with huge margins since untrimmed.
- Buy Homère. L’Odisee d’Homère Traduict de grec en françois, par Claude Boitel A... The first French prose translation of Homer's entire Odyssey.
- Buy BALZAC, Honoré de Eugénie Grandet. First edition of Eugénie Grandet, one of the masterpieces of literature worldwide.
- Buy VOLTAIRE, François Marie Arouet. Candide ou l’Optimisme, traduit de l’allemand de Mr. le Docteur Ralph. Candide’s first edition in contemporary binding.
- Buy DIDEROT, Denis Le Père de famille, Comédie en cinq Actes, et en Prose, Avec Un Dis... Three first editions by Diderot in superb contemporary blond calf: Discours sur la poésie dramatique, Le Père de Famille, Le Fils Naturel.
- Buy SADE, Donatien-Alphonse-François comte, dit marquis de. Aline et Valcour, ou le roman philosophique. Ecrit à la Bastille un... Extremely rare first edition of one of the most famous works by the Marquis de Sade, published during the Revolution.
- Buy FLAUBERT, Gustave Bouvard et Pécuchet. First edition of Bouvard et Pécuchet.
- Buy FLAUBERT, Gustave L’Education sentimentale. Histoire d’un jeune homme. The first edition of L'Education sentimentale in its contemporary binding.
- Buy DEFOE, Daniel. La Vie et les Aventures de Robinson Crusoë. Traduction Revue et cor... The most beautiful edition of The Adventures of Robinson Crusoe, illustrated in first issue with 20 engravings after Stothard, in superb contemporary blue morocco by Simier.
- Buy MOLIERE, J.-B. Poquelin. George Dandin ou le mary confondu. Comédie. Precious first edition of "George Dandin" by Molière.
- Buy MOLIERE, J.-B. Poquelin. Les Facheux. Comédie. Représentée sur le Theatre du Palais Royal. First edition of "Les Facheux" which was performed on August 17, 1671 at the castle of Fouquet in the presence of Louis XIV, one of Molière's most vivid successes.
- Buy MOLIERE, J.-B. Poquelin. Les Femmes Sçavantes. Comédie. Precious first edition of the "Femmes Savantes".
- Buy MOLIERE, J.-B. Poquelin. Œuvres. Nouvelle édition. The most beautiful old edition of Molière’s Works printed in Paris in 1734, masterly illustrated by the painter Boucher.
- Buy MOLIERE, J.-B. Poquelin. L’Étourdi ou les contre-temps. Comédie. First edition of "L’Étourdi" by Molière
- Buy MOLIERE, J.-B. Poquelin. Rarissime recueil factice réunissant cinq pièces de Molière en reli... One of the only collections of Molière's plays - some of them in first edition – preserved in its armorial contemporary binding, around 1666.
- Buy HEMINGWAY, Ernest. The Old Man and the Sea. First edition first issue of Ernest Hemingway's masterpiece.
- Buy FENELON, François de Salignac de la Mothe. Les Aventures de Télémaque. The Adventures of Telemachus printed on large-paper.
- Buy DURAS, Marguerite. Un barrage contre le Pacifique. First edition of one of Marguerite Duras' most important novels, the one that revealed her to the general public.
- Buy DAUDET, Alphonse Le Petit Chose. Histoire d’un enfant. The first edition of the Petit Chose by Alphonse Daudet
- Buy LEMERCIER DE NEUVILLE, Louis. Théâtre des Pupazzi. The Pupazzi of Lemercier de Neuville through 18 plays each illustrated with a beautiful etching.
- Buy ROUGET DE LISLE, Joseph. Essais en vers et en prose. “The Marseillaise, whatever the musicians and jurists say, is the first song of modern times, is the first song of modern times, since in its day it led men and made them win. "...
- Buy HUGO, Victor Les feuilles d’automne. “Exquisite for the learned, original and essential among the author's other productions, the collection of 'Les Feuilles d'automne' is also in perfect harmony with this century...
- Buy STENDHAL, Henri Beyle Armance, ou quelques scènes d’un salon de Paris en 1827. “The most beautiful copy seen by the great bookseller Maurice Chalvet in the course of his long career.”
- Buy MARIVAUX, Pierre Carlet de Chamblain de Arlequin poli par l’Amour, Comédie. Représentée par les Comédiens I... First edition of the utmost rarity in ancient binding of Marivaux’s first success, Arlequin poli par l’Amour.
- Buy ERASMUS / ETIENNE DE LA PLANCHE. Les troys derniers livres des Apohthegmes [sic], c’est à dire briev... “Etienne de la Planche demonstrates here that French language was sufficiently standing out from Latin to claim to be a full literary language.” (Louis Lobbes).
- Buy MADAME DE GENLIS. Théâtre à l’usage des jeunes personnes. First edition of « the first modern work of education focused on the truth, the reality and the beautiful”.
- Buy ALEMBERT, Jean Le Rond d’ (1717-1783). Histoire des membres de l’Académie françoise, Morts depuis 17... "The powers of Versailles were frowned upon, and the Encyclopédie was courted. We preferred a word of praise from d'Alembert, from Diderot, to the most signal favour of a prin...
- Buy AUBIGNE, Théodore Agrippa d'. Les Avantures du Baron de Faeneste, Comprinses en quatre Parties. L... "Through his dual vocation as a soldier and a Calvinist writer, Agrippa d'Aubigné gradually established himself as a leading figure in French Renaissance literature. Sainte-Beuv...
- Buy BALZAC, Honoré de Études de mœurs au XIXe siècle. First edition of Balzac’s first attempt at the “Human comedy”.
- Buy BALZAC, Honoré de La Fleur des Pois – La Paix du ménage [Etudes de mœurs au XIXe sièc... The first edition of La Fleur des Pois, rare copy on coloured paper as issued with its original cover.
- Buy BALZAC, Honoré de Un début dans la vie. First edition of Un début dans la vie.
- Buy BALZAC, Honoré de Eugénie Grandet. One of the most beautiful copies of Eugénie Grandet, a masterpiece of world literature, in an untooled contemporary binding.
- Buy BALZAC, Honoré de Mémoires de deux jeunes mariées. First edition of the Mémoires de deux jeunes mariées. The only copy cited by Carteret, with huge margins.
- Buy BALZAC, Jean-Louis Guez de. Le Prince. First edition of the Prince by Guez de Balzac (1597-1654), “the work that contributed to set the language and is one of the finest monuments of French prose.”
- Buy BOCCACE. Des Dames de renom, Nouvellement traduict d’Italien en Langage Fran... Edition originale de cette traduction française des Dames de renom de Boccace, la première collection, dans l’histoire occidentale, de biographies féminines.
- Buy HUGO, Victor / DE VIGNY, Alfred. Le Conservateur littéraire. Famous and very rare first edition of the Conservateur littéraire by the Hugo brothers and Alfred de Vigny.
- Buy Chateaubriand, François René de. Mémoires d’Outre-Tombe. Extremely rare pre-original edition of the Mémoires d'Outre-Tombe published before the original Parisian edition, unobtainable in well-preserved original wrappers.
- Buy LEROUX, Gaston Le Fantôme de l’Opéra. The rare first edition of the Phantom of the Opera.
- Buy STENDHAL, Henri Beyle Promenades dans Rome. First edition of Promenades dans Rome.
- Buy MOLIERE, J.-B. Poquelin. L’Avare. Comédie. Par I. B. P. Molière. First edition of L'Avare, one of the rarest and most famous comedies by Molière.
- Buy CORNEILLE, Pierre Le Menteur, Comedie The rare first edition of Corneille's Menteur.
- Buy PELLISSON-FONTANIER, Paul. Relation contenant l’histoire de l’Académie françoise. Rare and sought-after first edition "of this excellent piece of literary history".
- Buy LA FAYETTE, Marie-Madeleine Pioche de La Vergne. Zayde, Histoire espagnole. First edition of one of the main novels of Madame de La Fayette. An exceptional copy with the title of volume 1 dated 1669, condition that no bibliographer has reported.
- Buy RACINE, Jean Œuvres de Racine. Tome Ier (et second). "Racine the poet of the heart and even more sublime because he is only sublime when it is necessary to be; Racine, the only tragic poet of his time whose genius was driven by t...
- Buy PERRAULT, Charles La Marquise de Salusses, ou la patience de Grisélidis. Nouvelle. Extremely rare first edition of the first fairy tale by Charles Perrault « La Marquise de Salusses, ou la patience de Grisélidis », preserved in its contemporary binding with th...
- Buy BUSSY-RABUTIN, (Roger de Rabutin, Comte de Bussy). Histoire du Palais Royal. The Loves of King Louis XIV and Madame de la Vallière featuring Madame de Montespan related by the Count of Bussy-Rabutin
- Buy GOMBERVILLE, Martin Le Roy La Doctrine des mœurs ou sont représentés en cent tableaux la diffé... "La doctrine des Mœurs" by one of our first academicians, illustrated with 103 engravings, intended for the king Louis XIV aged 8 years and intended for the training of the youth.
- Buy BOULLE, Pierre. La Planète des Singes. Roman. One of the greatest Hollywood successes from French literature.
- Buy DAUDET, Alphonse Contes du lundi. "Very sought-after" first edition (Clouzot). Precious copy dedicated by the author to the woman of letters and novelist Emma Bailly also known as Claire de Chandeneux.
- Buy MIRABEAU, Honoré Gabriel Riquetti. Des Lettres de cachet et des prisons d’Etat. First edition of the virulent work of Mirabeau written in the dungeon of Vincennes and speaking out against despotism.
- Buy CASANOVA, Giacomo Girolamo Mémoires du vénitien J. Casanova de Seingalt , extraits de ses manu... A pure copy, without foxing, exceedingly rare in full contemporary binding.
- Buy COLONNA, Francesco Hypnerotomachie ou Discours du Songe de Poliphile, Déduisant comme ... The “Hypnerotomachia Poliphili”, one of the most important works of Renaissance illustrated literature.
- Buy CORNEILLE, Pierre Le Théâtre de P. Corneille. Revue & corrigé par l’Autheur. I. ... A superb copy with wide margins bound in red morocco by Cuzin from the library of the sculptor Weber.
- Buy CORNEILLE, Pierre Le menteur, comédie. Rare counterfeit edition of Le Menteur by Corneille. Ambroise Firmin Didot’s copy described by Picot in his Bibliographie cornélienne.
- Buy CORNEILLE, Pierre Polyeucte Martyr. Tragédie. One of the great first editions of French literature, printed in Paris in 1643.
- Buy DIDEROT, Denis Lettre sur les sourds et muets, A l’Usage de ceux qui entendent ... True first edition of the “Essay on the Beautiful” by Diderot in an attractive contemporary binding bearing the arms of the marquis of Choiseul-Stainville.
- Buy [GHEERAERTS, Marcus] / VONDEL, Joost van Den. Vorsteliicke Warande der dieren […] Oock met aerdige Afbeeldi... Precious collection of two very rare illustrated fable books, in editio princeps,
- Buy MONTESQUIEU Lettres Persanes. Troisième édition. The "third original edition" (Rochebilière) of Montesquieu's Lettres Persanes.
- Buy MONTESQUIEU Considérations sur les causes de la grandeur des romains et de leur... Definitive edition given by Montesquieu himself.
- Buy DIDEROT, Denis Pensées sur l’interprétation de la nature. Definitive original edition of Diderot's exposition of encyclopaedic ideas.
- Buy SAINT-AUGUSTIN Les Confessions de St Augustin, Traduites en François par M. du Boi... "The Confessions" of Saint Augustine from the presses of the Imprimerie Royale.
- Buy VOLTAIRE, François Marie Arouet. La Henriade. Imprimé par ordre du Roi pour l’éducation de Monseigne... The first work published by Didot Fils and one of the rarest and most beautiful illustrated books of the eighteenth century.
- Buy MONTESQUIEU Œuvres Complètes, Nouvelle édition, avec des notes d’Helvétius sur ... "A masculine and fast genius". Voltaire.
- Buy DIDEROT, Denis La Religieuse. First edition.
- Buy HUGO, Victor Œuvres complètes de Victor Hugo. Poésie. VII. Les Rayons et les Omb... First edition of this rare and sought-after work, which was printed in a limited edition of 1500 copies.
- Buy MOLIERE, J.-B. Poquelin. Le Sicilien, ou l’amour peintre, Comédie. A copy with very good margins
- Buy RESTIF DE LA BRETONNE Les Nuits de Paris ou le spectateur nocturne. The original edition is preserved in its strictly uniform contemporary binding, a rare condition.
- Buy BALZAC, Honoré de Ursule Mirouët. Balzac's personal copy in superb condition, bound according to his instructions.
- Buy Chateaubriand, François René de. De la Monarchie selon la charte. A precious and extremely rare first edition.
- Buy DAUDET, Alphonse Aventures prodigieuses de Tartarin de Tarascon. First edition "very rare and much sought-after" (Clouzot).
- Buy FIELDING, Henry. Tom Jones, ou histoire d’un enfant trouvé. Traduction nouvelle et c... First edition of the translation made by the Count de La Bédoyère.
- Buy LE CLÉZIO, J.M.G. L’Extase matérielle. The first edition of "l'Extase matérielle" on large paper.
- Buy LE SAGE. Le Diable boiteux. Extremely rare first edition of Le Sage's "Diable boiteux".
- Buy MIRBEAU, Octave. Le Journal d’une femme de chambre. First edition of "Journal d'une femme de chambre".
- Buy PRÉVOST, Antoine-François, l'abbé. Histoire de Manon Lescaut et du chevalier des Grieux. One of the very few copies on China paper.
- Buy STENDHAL, Henri Beyle Rome, Naples et Florence, en 1817. First edition of this "rare and important work", (Carteret, II, 346).
- Buy VOLTAIRE, François Marie Arouet. Recueil des romans de Voltaire contenant Zadig suivi de Micromégas ... A precious collective edition of Voltaire's greatest novels.
- Buy LA BIBLIOTHEQUE BLEUE Entièrement refondue, & considérablement augmentée. Very rare collective edition of the famous “Bibliothèque Bleue”.
- Buy LARBAUD, Valery. Enfantines. "The bewitching memory of childhood loves".
- Buy MAUPASSANT, Guy de Contes de La Bécasse. The first edition of Maupassant's "Contes de La Bécasse".
- Buy PAGNOL, Marcel Marius. Pièce en quatre actes et six tableaux. Représentée pour la ... Rare first edition of Marius by Marcel Pagnol, printed at 150 copies only.
- Buy PETIS DE LA CROIX, François. Les Mille & un Jour. Contes Persans. Traduits en françois par ... "Les Mille et un Jours, Contes Persans", preserved in their contemporary binding.
- Buy RESTIF DE LA BRETONNE, Nicolas Edme. La Vie de mon Père. Par l’Auteur du Paysan perverti. Original second edition "of the most famous of all Restif's books".
- Buy SCHILLER, Friedrich Von. Œuvres dramatiques… traduites de l’allemand ; précédées d’une... First edition of Baron Prosper Brugière de Barante's French translation of Friedrich von Schiller's dramatic works.
- Buy LAUTRÉAMONT, Comte de (pseudonyme d’Isidore Ducasse). Les Chants de Maldoror. First edition second state of Lautréamont's Chants de Maldoror.
- Buy LA BRUYERE Les Caractères de Théophraste. Traduits du Grec, avec les Caractère... The definitive edition of La Bruyère's Caractères, the ninth, the most sought-after, completed in 1696.
- Buy Sensuit le labyriht de fortune et Sejour des trois nobles dames Com... Rare first Parisian edition of the Labyrinthe de Fortune by Jean Bouchet.
- Buy Contes et nouvelles en vers. First collective edition of the Contes by La Fontaine and first illustrated edition.
- Buy RABELAIS François. Les Œuvres de M. François Rabelais Docteur en Médecine. Dont le con... A very rare 17th century copy preserved in its contemporary morocco.
- Buy BOUCHET, Guillaume. Sérées de Guillaume Bouchet, juge et Consul des Marchands, à Poitiers. The table’s talk of a printer from Poitou, a fervent admirer of Montaigne.
- Buy GRINGORE, Pierre Notables enseignemens adages et proverbes faitz & composez par... Extremely rare second original edition of Les Notables enseignements by Pierre Gringore, published during the author's lifetime.
- Buy SABATIER DE CASTRES, Abbé Les trois Siècles de la Littérature française ou tableau de l’espri... The precious volumes of Queen Marie-Antoinette bound in Versailles by Fournier, intended for her personal library at the Petit Trianon with the monogram C.T. at the tail of the...
- Buy RONSARD, Pierre de Les Amours de P. de Ronsard Vandomois, nouvellement augmentées par ... First edition of "L'Ode à Cassandre".
- Buy SEGUR, Madame la comtesse de (Sophie). François le Bossu. Rare first edition of this famous novel by the Comtesse de Ségur.
- Buy MÉON, Dominique Martin. Le Roman du Renart publié d’après les Manuscrits de la Bibliothèque... The first printing of the Roman de Renart in its original language.
- Buy JOINVILLE, Jehan Sire de. Histoire de Saint Louis. Les Annales de son règne, par Guillaume de... First edition printed by the Imprimerie Royale of "the first example of testimonial literature".
- Buy LABÉ, Louise. Œuvres de Louise Charly dite Labé surnommée la belle cordière. Precious copy of this very rare edition.
- Buy BOTON, Pierre. La Camille de Pierre Boton, Masconnois. Ensemble les resveries ... One of the rarest novelistic and poetic first editions of the 16th century.
- Buy DESCARTES, René. Discours de la méthode pour bien conduire sa raison, & cherche... First edition of the "Discourse on the method".
- Buy [CENT NOUVELLES NOUVELLES]. Sensuyve[n]t les ce[n]t nouvelles contenant cent hystoires nouveaul... The most beautiful copy of the "Cent Nouvelles Nouvelles".
- Buy LACLOS, Choderlos de. Les Liaisons dangereuses, ou Lettres Recueillies dans une Société &... From Pierre Bergé’s library.
- Buy [FREDERIC LE GRAND, ROI DE PRUSSE] Œuvres du Philosophe sans souci. Partly first edition of the Odes and Epistles of Frederick II of Prussia printed in Potsdam in 1760.
- Buy URFE, Honoré d'. L’ASTREE… Où par plusieurs histoires, et souz personnes... First definitive edition of L'Astrée with the five homogeneous volumes published by Augustin Courbé in 1647.
- Buy RABELAIS François. Les Epistres de Maître François Rabelais, Docteur en Médecine, escr... First edition of Rabelais's ‘Epistres’ written during his trip to Italy.
- Buy DESCARTES, René. Epistolae. First edition of Descartes’ Letters to the Princess Elisabeth and to Mersenne.
- Buy MAROT, Clément. Les Œuvres de Clément Marot de Cahors, valet de chambre du Roy. Rev... Perhaps the most famous copy preserved in its mosaic bindings of the time of the most valuable edition of the Works of Clément Marot (1495-1544) printed in the seventeenth cent...
- Buy MOLIERE, J.-B. Poquelin. Les Œuvres. Nouvelle édition, Revue, corrigée & augmentée, Enr... Precious collective edition of Molière's works, illustrated with 31 figures in the first state showing for the first time the exact fashions under the Regency.
- Buy VOLTAIRE, François Marie Arouet. La ligue ou Henry le Grand, poème épique. First edition of “La Henriade” in extremely rare contemporary morocco with arms.
- Buy Montaigne, Michel de. Essais. One of 25 copies of Montaigne's Essais printed on large Holland paper in 1783.
- Buy STENDHAL, Henri Beyle La Chartreuse de Parme. Par l’auteur de Rouge et Noir. First issue of the first edition of La Chartreuse de Parme.
- Buy FENELON, François de Salignac de la Mothe. Les Aventures de Télémaque. M. Rosenbaum and Charles Hayoit’s copy of the superb Telemachus of 1785 enriched with a remarkable autograph letter from Fénelon signed “Cambray, 6 décembre 1713”.
- Buy LA FAYETTE, Madame de La Princesse de Clèves. ‘The Princess of Cleves’ printed on fine vellum paper.
- Buy STAËL Considérations sur les principaux évènemens de la Révolution franço... First edition of this essay by Mme de Staël, which caused quite a stir and was at the origin of the first great intellectual debate on the Revolution.
- Buy Continuation Du Discours des Miseres de ce Temps. A La Royne Par P.... Five important and extremely rare works by Pierre de Ronsard (1524-1585) reunited in the 18th century.
- Buy MARTIN DU GARD, Roger. Confidence africaine. First edition of which 600 numbered copies were printed on chamois laid paper.
- Buy HUGO, Victor (1802-1885). Marion de Lorme, drame. The Tsars' copy in Tsarkoe Selo with 2 autograph pages by Victor Hugo.
- Buy LOUISE DE BOSSIGNY, Countess of Auneuil. The first edition of the twelve fairy tales. Twelve original editions of fairy tales by the Countess of Ausseuil (1670-1730), one of the famous Précieuses.
- Buy DU BELLAY, Joachim Les Regrets et autres Œuvres poétiques. Together eleven original editions.
- Buy PERRAULT, Charles Adam ou la Création de l’homme,… Par Mr Perrault de l’Académie Fran... In the year 1697 Charles Perrault (1628-1703) delivered his two rarest first editions: “Adam” and “Histoires ou Contes du temps passé”.
- Buy DIDEROT, Denis Essais sur la peinture ; par Diderot. Interesting and rare first edition of Diderot's uniting literature and art history in the 18th century.
- Buy BERNARDIN DE SAINT-PIERRE, Jacques-Henri. Paul et Virginie et la Chaumière indienne. One of the most beautiful productions of the Romantic period, the lavishly illustrated edition of Paul et Virginie edited by Curmer.
- Buy MONTESQUIEU. Charles Louis de Secondat, baron de La Brède et de. Lettres familières du Président de Montesquieu, Baron de la Brède, ... Rare edition of Montesquieu's “most lively” (Roger Caillois) literary work.
- Buy VIGNY, Alfred de Cinq-Mars, ou une Conjuration sous Louis XIII. "Extremely rare" first edition (Carteret) of the "first French historical novel".
- Buy VOLTAIRE, François-Marie Arouet dit. La Pucelle d’Orléans. Poëme. Divisé en quinze livres. Par monsieur ... First edition and extremely rare first issue of La Pucelle condemned by decree on January 20, 1757, one of the masterpieces of the Age of Enlightenment.
- Buy LORRIS, Guillaume de. Le Rommant de la Rose nouuellement imprimé a Paris. First edition of the Romance of the Rose printed in the 16th century.
- Buy LA FONTAINE, Jean de (1621-1695). Les Amours de Psyché et de Cupidon. Édition ornée de Figures imprim... Didot’s edition illustrated with f4 beautiful etchings in colors.
- Buy CONSTANT, Benjamin Adolphe, anecdote trouvée dans les papiers d’un inconnu, et publiée... First French edition, the first of the two Parisian editions.
- Buy STENDHAL, Henri Beyle, dit. Le Rouge et le Noir, chronique du XIXè siècle. First edition of "The Red and the Black".
- Buy BALZAC, Honoré de Le Lys dans la Vallée. Precious copy of Balzac’s only great love novel.
- Buy BERNARDIN DE SAINT-PIERRE, Jacques-Henri. Paul et Virginie – La Chaumière indienne. One of 6 copies on China paper cited by Carteret from « la perle des livres illustrés du XIXe siècle » (Brivois).
- Buy DAUDET, Alphonse Sapho. Mœurs parisienne. First edition of Alphonse Daudet's Sapho, “one of the most important works of his second manner, or 'Parisian manner' ”.
- Buy SAND, George La Marquise. Superb deluxe edition of this short novel by George Sand illustrated with 10 engravings in several states.
- Buy ROSTAND, Edmond. Cyrano de Bergerac. Comédie héroïque en cinq actes en vers. Représe... The first edition of Cyrano, Rostand's masterpiece, one of only 50 deluxe copies printed on Japan paper.
- Buy RADIGUET, Raymond Le Bal du Comte d’Orgel. The true first edition of the young Radiguet's last novel.
- Buy PAULMY, Marquis de. Mélanges tirés d’une grande bibliothèque. (De la lecture des Livres... First edition of one of France's 18th century most captivating literary and bibliophilic ventures, cited and described by Ernest Quentin-Bauchart.
- Buy RABELAIS, François Les Œuvres de M. François Rabelais, Docteur en médecine, Contenant ... The second collective edition of Rabelais's Works, published in 1556, the “prettiest and most expensive” of the very first editions of his works.
- Buy RESTIF DE LA BRETONNE Les Contemporaines. First edition of Restif's Contemporaines, illustrated with 283 delightful figures by Binet.
- Buy CORNEILLE, Pierre Le Théâtre de P. Corneille. Reveu et corrigé par l’Autheur. I. [II.... Contemporary binding from the workshop of Jean Le Vasseur, bookbinder to King Louis XIV.
- Buy NERCIAT, Andréa de. Félicia ou mes Fredaines, Orné de Figures en taille-douce. Superb edition of André de Nerciat's first erotic novel, illustrated with 24 erotic figures by Eluin after Borel.
- Buy MOILIN, Tony. Paris en l’an 2000. First edition of this important and exceedingly rare utopia in which the author describes the French capital in the late twentieth century.
- Buy RABELAIS Les Œuvres de M. François Rabelais, Docteur en Médecine. Dont le co... Famous and very rare copy of the Works of François Rabelais (1483-1553) printed in 1691, from the workshop of the "Queen's Binder A" at that time, sold for €11,986 on October 6...
- Buy DAUDET, Alphonse (1840-1897). Le Trésor d’Arlatan. First edition of the last novel published during the author's lifetime.
- Buy CERVANTES, Miguel de. El Ingenioso Hidalgo Don Quixote de la Mancha. Compuesto por Miguel... The Don Quixote printed in Madrid by Ibarra in 1780, preserved in its dazzling decorated contemporary Spanish red morocco bindings.
- Sold LA CALPRENEDE, Gauthier de Costes de Cassandre A fine copy of the famous novel "Cassandra" including five frontispieces
- Sold ALAIN-FOURNIER Le Grand Meaulnes. First edition of the Grand Meaulnes
- Sold LA FAYETTE, Madame de La Princesse de Clèves. First edition of the "Princesse de Clèves"
- Sold BALZAC, Honoré de Les Paysans. Scènes de la vie de campagne, par H. de Balzac, auteur... Les Paysans, the main piece of « Scènes de la vie de campagne » by Balzac
- Sold BERTRAND, Louis Gaspard de la nuit. Fantaisies à la manière de Rembrandt et de Callot. The first edition of Gaspard de la nuit
- Sold STENDHAL, Henri Beyle Mémoires d’un touriste par l’auteur de Rouge et Noir. The true first edition of Stendhal’s « Mémoires d’un touriste »
- Sold BARBEY D'AUREVILLY, Jules Les Diaboliques. The true first edition of the "Diaboliques"
- Sold ROJAS, Fernando de. Célestine en laquelle est Traicte des deceptions des serviteurs env... “The most famous Spanish book after Don Quixote”
- Sold Produit Exceptional copy dedicated by Jean Paul Sartre to Simone de Beauvoir
- Sold BEAUMARCHAIS, Pierre-Augustin Caron de La Folle Journée, ou le Mariage de Figaro, Comédie en cinq actes, e... "The finest edition among old ones" of the Mariage de Figaro
- Sold RABELAIS La plaisante, et joyeuse histoyre du grand Geant Gargantua. Prochai...
- Sold BERNARDEZ, Diogo Varias rimas ao bom Iesus, e a Virgem Gloriosa sua May, e a sanctos... Poems by one of the important Portuguese mannerists
- Sold MOUHY Le masque de fer ou les Avantures admirables du père et du fils (si... First edition of the historical enigma of the Masque de Fer
- Sold HUGO, Victor La Voix de Guernesey. Victor Hugo and the Battle of Mentana
- Sold BENOIT, Pierre L’Atlantide. The legend of the Atlantide on Japanese vellum
- Sold STENDHAL La Chartreuse de Parme par l’auteur de Rouge et Noir. First edition of a very rare classic of the French literature of the 19th century
- Sold LA FONTAINE Fables choisies, mises en vers par M. de La Fontaine. First edition of La Fontaine's Fables, rich with 118 etchings
- Sold RAMEAU Castor et Pollux, tragédie mise en musique. First edition of Rameau's great opera: Castor et Pollux
- Sold BARBEY D’AUREVILLY La Bague d’Annibal. Account of youth by Barbey d'Aurevilly
- Sold LORRIS & MEUNG Le romant de la Rose Moralisié cler et net. Translate de rime en pr... The most famous work from the French Middle Ages
- Sold DAUDET Tartarin sur les Alpes. Nouveaux exploits du héros tarasconnais. Il... Tartarin sur les Alpes by Daudet
- Sold DUMAS, Alexandre Impressions de voyage. The rare « Impressions de voyage » by Alexandre Dumas
- Sold Produit Precious copy of Topaze by Marcel Pagnol dedicated to another writer
- Sold FLAUBERT Madame Bovary- Mœurs de province- First edition of Flaubert’s masterpiece, with dedication
- Sold DIDEROT Jacques le Fataliste et son maitre. Jacques le fataliste by Diderot in first edition
- Sold PASTERNAK Kogda Razguliaetsia (= Quand il fera beau / When the weather clears). Precious collection of poems by Pasternak including "The Nobel Prize"
- Sold RESTIF DE LA BRETONNE La Découverte australe par un Homme-volant ou le Dédale français ; ... First and only edition of « one of Restif de la Bretonne’s rarest works ». (Rahir)
- Sold DUMAS, Alexandre Kean, comédie en 5 actes. The "most achieved drama by Alexandre Dumas senior" in first edition
- Sold MAROT, Clément. Les Œuvres. The best of French ancient poetry by Marot
- Sold STAËL, Madame de Corinne ou l’Italie. First edition of Corinne by Madame de Staël
- Sold MERIMEE, Prosper. Colomba. One of the most famous works by Prosper Merimee
- Sold BERNARDIN DE SAINT-PIERRE. Paul et Virginie et la Chaumière indienne. Paul et Virginie in a splendid binding "in the Indian manner"
- Sold LA CONSTITUTION FRANCOISE, présentée au roi par l’Assemblée Nationa... The French Constitution
- Sold FLAUBERT Salammbô Salammbô by Flaubert dedicated to his close friend Théophile Gautier
- Sold VIGNY, Alfred de Cinq-Mars, ou une Conjuration sous Louis XIII. The first French historical novel
- Sold LE LIVRE DES MILLE NUITS ET UNE NUIT. Traduction littérale et compl... The Thousand and One Nights illustrated with oriental design on the covers
- Sold LECOMTE, Hyacinthe-Louis-Victor-Jean-Baptiste Aubry. Contes de Perrault. First issue of this rare series of contemporary coloured lithographs illustrating Perrault’s Contes.
- Sold BARBEY D'AUREVILLY, Jules Memorandum Memorandum by Barbey d'Aurevilly, offprint for the friends of the author
- Sold BOUHOURS, le Père Dominique. Histoire de Pierre d’Aubusson grand-maistre de Rhodes. First edition of the fascinating biography of Father Bouhours.
- Sold BOILEAU Satires – Discours sur la Satire. Very rare first edition of the Satires by Boileau
- Sold Laclos Les Liaisons Dangereuses Liaisons Dangereuses by Laclos
- Sold BEAUVOIR, Simone de Mémoires d’une jeune fille rangée Simone de Beauvoir's "Mémoires d'une jeune fille rangée"
- Sold RADIGUET, Raymond Recueil de poèmes non publiés Radiguet's poetry
- Sold MAIRET, Jean L’Illustre corsaire. Tragicomédie.
- Sold ALAIN-FOURNIER Le Grand Meaulnes First edition of Le Grand Meaulnes
- Sold CAILHAVA D'ESTENDOUX Le Pucelage nageur Le Pucelage nageur by Cailhava d’Estendoux
- Sold BLIXEN Out of Africa. Out of Africa by Karen Blixen
- Sold DAUDET, Alphonse Numa Roumestan. Mœurs parisiennes. "Numa Roumestan" by Alphonse Daudet
- Sold HUGO, Victor Notre-Dame de Paris. "Notre-Dame de Paris" by Victor Hugo
- Sold SAND, George La Petite Fadette "La Petite Fadette" by George Sand
- Sold DAUDET Tartarin sur les Alpes "Tartatin sur les Alpes" by Alphonse Daudet
- Sold VOLTAIRE Théâtre complet Voltaire's "Theatre"
- Sold DESCARTES Epistolae Epistolae by Descartes
- Sold FAVART, Charles Simon L’Anglois à Bordeaux ; comédie en un acte et en vers libres ; Par M... Comedy by Favart celebrating peace with England
- Sold FLAUBERT Madame Bovary – Moeurs de province- "Madame Bovary" by Flaubert
- Sold GAUTIER, Théophile Le Roman de la Momie. Quarante-deux composition originale de Alex. ... "The Romance of the Mummy" by Théophile Gautier, illustrated by Alexandre Lunois
- Sold COLETTE, Sidonie-Gabrielle Sido ou les points cardinaux. "Sido", a moving maternal portrait by Colette
- Sold FLAUBERT, Gustave L’Education sentimentale. Histoire d’un jeune homme. "L'Education sentimentale" by Flaubert on large paper
- Sold SWIFT, Jonathan Le Conte du Tonneau, Contenant tout ce que les Arts, & les Scie... "The Tale of a Tub" by Swift
- Sold PROUST A la recherche du temps perdu. "A la recherche du temps perdu" by Marcel Proust
- Sold DAUDET, Alphonse Contes du lundi. The "Contes du lundi" dedicated to Paul Dalloz
- Sold MERIMEE, Prosper. La Double méprise, Par l’auteur du Théâtre de Clara Gazul. "La Double méprise" by Mérimée
- Sold DORAT, Claude-Joseph Adélaïde de Hongrie, Tragédie, Représentée, pour la premiere fois, ... “Adélaïde de Hongrie” by Dorat
- Sold HUGO, Victor Lucrèce Borgia, drame "Lucrèce Borgia" by Victor Hugo
- Sold TAGAULT, Barthélémy Le Ravissement d’Orithye composé par B. Tag. dédié à M. Roger de Va... "Le Ravissement d'Orithye" by Tagault
- Sold PESSELIER, Charles-Etienne Fables nouvelles. Pesselier's Fables
- Sold MONTAIGNE, Michel Eyquem de Les Essais. Edition nouvelle, prise sur l’exemplaire trouvé après l... The final version of Montaigne's "Essays" given by Marie de Gournay
- Sold PAGNOL Rare réunion de trois éditions originales de Marcel Pagnol sur papi... A rare collection of three first editions by Marcel Pagnol on Japanese vellum
- Sold CAZOTTE Le Diable Amoureux Rare and beautiful illustrated edition of Cazotte's "Devil in Love"
- Sold STAËL De l’influence des passions sur le bonheur des individus et des nat... "On the infuence of passions" by Mme de Staël
- Sold DEFOE La Vie et les Avantures de Robinson Crusoë. The most beautiful edition of Robinson Crusoe
- Sold MAETERLINCK / LEPAPE L’Oiseau bleu. Décors et costumes pour l’Oiseau Bleu. "L'Oiseau bleu" wonderfully bound by Georges Baudin
- Sold FROMENTIN, Eugène. Dominique. First edition of “Dominique” by Eugene Fromentin, a masterpiece dedicated to George Sand.
- Sold GUEUVIN Rêves et échos. Collection by the Mauritian author Charles Gueuvin, a major figure of the Francophone poetry
- Sold GARNIER, Robert Les Tragedies de Robert Garnier Conseiller du Roy, Lieutenant gener... "Les Tragédies" by Garnier
- Sold LEROUX, Gaston Le Fantôme de l’Opéra. First edition of the Phantom of the Opera
- Sold MOLIERE Œuvres. First issue of Molière's Works illustrated by François Boucher
- Sold RONSARD, Pierre de Les Oeuvres "Les Oeuvres" by Ronsard
- Sold MOLIERE Œuvres de Molière, avec des remarques grammaticales, des avertissem... Third edition of Moliere's "Works"
- Sold HEGEMON, Philibert La Colombière et maison rustique de Philibert Hegemon, de Chalon su... Extremely rare first edition of “La Colombière et maison rustique” by Philibert Hegemon
- Sold LARBAUD Enfantines. “The charm of childlike loves memory”
- Sold RABELAIS, François Œuvres de maître François Rabelais, publiées sous le titre de Faits... First critical and commented edition of Rabelais’ "Works"
- Sold DES ROCHES, Madeleine et Catherine La Puce de Madame Desroches qui est un recueil de divers poèmes Gre... Famous and rare first edition of “La Puce” by Mesdames Des Roches
- Sold LA FONTAINE, Jean de Je vous prens sans verd. Comédie. “Rare first edition” (Tchemerzine) of this play in verse by La Fontaine
- Sold VOLTAIRE Zadig ou la Destinée, Histoire orientale The first edition from Lyon of Zadig
- Sold BOURSAULT Le Mort vivant, comédie. Dédiée à Monseigneur le Duc de Guise. Very rare first edition of one of Boursault’s very first comedies.
- Sold RABELAIS, François Œuvres de Maitre François Rabelais, avec des remarques historiques ... The most beautiful illustrated edition of Rabelais
- Sold ROUSSEAU, Jean-Jacques Collection complète des œuvres de J.J. Rousseau citoyen de Genève. First collective edition of the “Confessions” by Jean-Jacques Rousseau
- Sold PREVOST Histoire de Manon Lescaut et du Chevalier des Grieux. One of the finest editions of Manon Lescaut
- Sold MAUPASSANT, Guy de Bel Ami. First edition of “one of Maupassant’s master-pieces” (Carteret)
- Sold RABELAIS, François Les Œuvres de M. François Rabelais, Docteur en Medecine, Contenans ... The famous Protestant edition of Rabelais’ complete Works
- Sold [MIRABEAU] L’Ami des hommes, ou Traité de la population. Nouvelle édition, Aug... First complete edition of “L’ami des Hommes”, extremely rare
- Sold PAGNOL, Marcel Marius. Pièce en quatre actes et six tableaux. Représentée pour la ... Rare first edition, of which only 150 copies were printed, of this famous text by Pagnol.
- Sold PLAUTE Comoediae. Plautinae viginti comoediae emendatissimae, cum…, interp... First incunabula edition of Plaute’s Comedies, with Valla's comments.
- Sold VERLAINE, Paul Fêtes galantes. First edition of Verlaine’s masterpiece
- Sold RESTIF DE LA BRETONNE Les Posthumes ; Lettres reçues après la mort du Mari, par sa Femme,... Extremely rare first edition of Restif’s subversive novel, seized by the police when published
- Sold ZOLA La Terre. Les Rougon-Macquart. Histoire naturelle et sociale d’une ... First edition of this famous novel by Emile Zola, dedicated to the farming world
- Sold GRAFFIGNY, Françoise d'Isembourg de Lettres d’une Péruvienne. Important 18th century literary first edition
- Sold [CHATEAUBRIAND, LAMARTINE, CASTELBAJAC, VILLELE, ETC.] Le Conservateur. Rare collection of the ultra royalist paper « Le Conservateur »
- Sold LORRIS, Guillaume & MEUNG, Jean de. Cy est le Rommant de la Rose. The "Romance of the Rose" printed in Paris in 1531 by Galliot du Pré, illustrated with 60 figures.
- Sold CICERON, Marcus Tullius Der Teütsch Cicero. [Traduit par Johann von Schwarzenberg]. "Rare and fascinating German Renaissance woodcut book"
- Sold SEVIGNE, Madame de Lettres de Madame Rabutin-Chantal, Marquise de Sevigné, à Madame la... Partly original edition of Madame de Sévigné’s "Letters"
- Sold MARIVAUX, Pierre Carlet de Chamblain de Le Jeu de l’amour et du hazard. Comédie en trois actes. Représentée... First edition of Marivaux’s most accomplished comedy
- Sold VOLTAIRE Le Micromégas de Mr. De Voltaire. Avec une histoire des croisades &... Rare second edition of “Micromegas”
- Sold CHEVREAU, Urbain Lettres nouvelles. Extremely rare first edition of Urbain Chevreau’s "Lettres nouvelles"
- Sold URFE, Honoré d’/ BARO Conclusion et dernière partie d’Astrée. Ou par plusieurs histoires,... Rare first edition of "La Conclusion de l’Astrée"
- Sold BOCCACE, Jean Le Décaméron, nouvellement traduict d’Italien en Francoys par Maist... First edition of the illustrious translation of the Decameron
- Sold TOLSTOÏ, Comte Léon La Guerre et la Paix. Roman historique traduit avec l’autorisation ... Extremely rare first edition of the first French translation of Tolstoy’s masterpiece
- Sold BURROUGHS, Edgar Rice Tarzan of the Apes. First edition and first issue of the adventures of Tarzan
- Sold [DU BELLAY, Joachim] / LE ROY, Louis Le Sympose de Platon, ou de l’amour et de beauté, traduit de Grec e... Extremely rare first edition of this French interpretation of Plato’s Symposium
- Sold GRENIER, Charlotte Fleurs peintes à l’aquarelle. Charming watercolor album dedicated to the alpine flora
- Sold FLAUBERT, Gustave Édition originale de la correspondance sur Japon. Superb leading copy from the first edition of the Correspondance by Flaubert
- Sold CORNEILLE, Pierre Théâtre de Pierre Corneille, avec des commentaires par Voltaire. Precious copy of Corneille’s Théâtre printed by Voltaire
- Sold BALZAC, Honoré de Histoire de la grandeur et de la décadence de César Birotteau, parf... First edition of César Birotteau preserved in a contemporary binding.
- Sold MAIRET, Jean Le Marcantoine ou la Cleopatre. Tragédie de Mairet. First edition of this tragedy by Mairet, a very pure copy preserved in its contemporary limp vellum binding.
- Sold LESGRET, Nicolas [l’Aïné]. Le Nouveau livre d’Ecritures Italiene Bâtarde. Avec des Instruction... First edition of one of the rarest French book of the 17th century.
- Sold LA FAYETTE, Madame de La Princesse de Clèves. "La Princesse de Clèves" in its contemporary binding.
- Sold DURAS, Marguerite. L’Amant. Marguerite Duras’s master-piece preserved untrimmed under its original wrappers.
- Sold CHORIER, Nicolas. Le Meursius François, ou Entretiens galans d’Aloysia. Orné de... The most famous erotic book of the 18th century
- Sold BEAUVOIR, Simone de Journal de guerre. Septembre 1939-Janvier 1941. Edition présentée, ... First edition of Simone de Beauvoir’s famous Journal de Guerre.
- Sold ZOLA, Emile La Débacle. Les Rougon-Macquar. First edition of La Débâcle by Zola, “One of the most prominent works of the entire cycleˮ of the Rougon-Macquart.
- Sold CHARTIER, Alain Les Œuvres feu maistre Alain Chartier… First edition in round letters and last edition given in the sixteenth century of Chartier’s Works.
- Sold VERLAINE, Paul La Bonne Chanson. The first edition of La Bonne Chanson, “Verlaine’s favorite work”.
- Sold CERVANTES [Don Quixote] Segunda parte del ingenioso cavallero Don Quixote de ... "Exceedingly rare edition of Don Quixote" (Ricardo Hérédia, n°2518)
- Sold COLONNA, Francesco Hypnerotomachie ou Discours du Songe de Poliphile, Déduisant comme ... One of the most important works of Renaissance illustrated literature
- Sold FENELON Les Avantures de Télémaque, fils d’Ulysse.Suite du quatrième livre ... Extremely rare first edition of the first publication of the Avantures de Télémaque by Fenelon
- Sold HUGO Notre-Dame de Paris Remarkable first issue of "Notre-Dame de Paris" in an exceptional contemporary signed cathedral binding.
- Sold BALZAC, Honoré de Physiologie du mariage ou méditations de philosophie éclectique, su... A precious copy preserved in its binding signed at the time, an extremely rare condition.
- Sold LA CALPRENEDE, Gauthier de Costes de Cléopâtre, dédiée à Monseigneur le Duc d’Anguyen. Première-Douzième... Cléopâtre printed in 1649 – 1658 preserved in contemporary vellum binding.
- Sold L'HERITIER, Marie-Jeanne. La Tour tenebreuse. Et les jours lumineux, contes anglois, Accompag... First edition of Melle L’Héritier most famous fairy tales, forerunner author of this genre and close relative of Charles Perrault, inspired by Richard the Lionheart.
- Sold Marot, Jean. Le Recueil Iehan Marot de Caen, Poete & escrivain de la magnani... Extremely rare edition of Jean Marot’s Recueil, the poet of Anne of Brittany and King François I.
- Sold LACLOS, Choderlos de. Les Liaisons dangereuses. The finest 18th century edition of the Dangerous Liaisons illustrated with 15 engravings in first state.
- Sold TOURGUENEFF (TOURGUENIEV), Ivan. Fumée. Rare first French edition of this remarkable novel by Turgenev, first published in St Petersburg a few months earlier.
- Sold Homère. Illias (L’Iliade). Superb copy of Homer’s Iliad preserved in its Italian binding from the time in blind-stamped morocco.
- Sold NERVAL, Gérard de. Les Illuminés, récits et portraits. The first edition of "Les Illuminés", rare copy preserved in its signed binding from the time.
- Sold Montaigne, Michel de. Essais de Messire Michel de Montaigne, Chevalier de l’Ordre d... First edition of Montaigne’s "Essays".
- Sold CARMONTELLE, Louis Carrogis, dit, lecteur du duc de Chartres (1717-1806) Proverbes dramatiques Carmontelle (1717-1806), painter, architect, engraver and dramatic author, reader of the duke of Chartres, brings here at completion point this genre born in the previous centur...
- Sold PERRAULT, Charles Contes des Fées, par Ch. Perrault, de l’Académie française. Contena... First collective and definitive edition of the Contes de Perrault “including, in addition to the previous one from 1742, Donkey Skin, in prose and verse’, Griselidis and The Ri...
- Sold HUGO, Victor La Légende des siècles. « ‘La Légende des siècles’ remains one of the most remarkable landmarks of nineteenth century literature ».
- Sold MOLIERE, J.-B. Poquelin. Le Mariage forcé. Comédie. First edition of the Mariage forcé. Louis XIV danced on its first representation wearing an Egyptian costume.
- Sold BOUCHET, Jean (1476-1557). Les Anciennes et modernes généalogies des Roys de France et mesment... Very rare first edition of this work in prose and verse by Jean Bouchet (1476-1557), a cultured friend of Rabelais.
- Sold MEDICI, Lorenzo de. Poesie volgari, nuovamente stampate, di Lorenzo de’Medici. First edition of the poems of Lorenzo de’ Medici.
- Sold KESSEL, Joseph. Le Lion. First edition, limited to 155 numbered copies, of the “most charming” novel of Joseph Kessel.
- Sold [LA FORCE, Charlotte-Rose de Caumont de]. Les Fées. Contes des Contes. Par Mademoiselle de ***. The fairy tales of Mademoiselle de La Force, inspirer of the Brothers Grimm, literary friend of the Countess de Murat.
- Sold MADAME D'AULNOY. Les Contes des Fées par Madame d’Aulnoy. Very rare and precious edition of the Fairy Tales of Madame d’Aulnoy, the creator of the French fairy tale, even rarer than the one of Perrault’s tales.
- Sold BOCCACE. Il Decamerone di M. Giovanni Boccacio. "The proofs of the figures and especially the tail-pieces are generally more beautiful in the Italian edition than in the French edition”. (Cohen, 260).
- Sold OVIDE. Les Métamorphoses, en latin et en françois, De la Traduction de M. ... Les Métamorphoses d’Ovide illustrated by François Boucher, Eisen, Gravelot, Monnet.
- Sold DUMAS, Alexandre et GAILLARDET La Tour de Nesle, Drame en cinq actes et en neuf tableaux, par MM. ... “Rare and highly sought-after” first edition of this drama by Alexandre Dumas.
- Sold GALLAND, Antoine / SILVESTRE DE SACY, le Baron. Les Mille et une nuits contes Arabes traduits par Galla... Superb romantic edition of this French translation of the Thousand and One nights.
- Sold HUGO, Victor Les Misérables. Precious first French edition of Les Misérables, the greatest publishing success of the nineteenth century.
- Sold BARBEY D'AUREVILLY, Jules Le Chevalier des Touches. First edition of Barbey d’Aurevilly’s masterpiece.
- Sold L’Etranger. L’édition originale de L’Etranger de Camus conservée brochée telle que parue.
- Sold BLONDIN, Antoine. Un singe en hiver. Roman. First edition of a legendary book, the author’s masterpiece.
- Sold TOURNIER, Michel. Le Roi des Aulnes. Rare first edition, of which no large paper copies were printed, of the novel which earned Michel Tournier the Prix Goncourt.
- Sold PROUST, Marcel. A la recherche du temps perdu. Copy reimposed on large paper of the first edition of the most important work of twentieth-century literature in a strictly contemporary binding with doublures by Huser.
- Sold SADE, Donatien-Alphonse-François comte, dit marquis de. Justine ou les malheurs de la vertu. Extremely rare first edition of Justine by the marquis de Sade, “whose copies could be counted on the fingers of one hand.” (Pierre Berès). One of the most sublime lessons of m...
- Sold VOLTAIRE Lettres chinoises, indiennes et tartares, à Monsieur Paw, par un be... First edition of this work by Voltaire exposing his opinion on China and the Chinese people.
- Sold Chateaubriand, François René de. Mémoires d’Outre-tombe. Precious copy from the first issue preserved in its highly elegant contemporary bindings with provenance.
- Sold LACLOS, Choderlos de. Les Liaisons Dangereuses. Rare first edition of the Dangerous Liaisons in contemporary binding.
- Sold MENDEZ PINTO, Ferdinand. Les Voyages advantureux de Fernand Mendez Pinto. Fidelement traduic... "Very rare first edition of the French translation" (Chadenat) of this travel account in China, India, Japan, Siam, dedicated to the Cardinal de Richelieu.
- Sold GAUTIER, Théophile Emaux et camées. "Charles Baudelaire said of this book that it was a pure masterpiece of a language magician. The first edition is very rare.” (Carteret).
- Sold LA FONTAINE, Jean de Fables choisies mises en vers par J. de La Fontaine. Undoubtedly the most spectacular and prestigious copy of La Fontaine's Fables illustrated by Oudry
- Sold FIELDING, Henry. The History of Tom Jones, a Foundling. Precious copy of Tom Jones adorned with 12 beautiful contemporary hand-coloured figures.
- Sold FLAUBERT, Gustave La tentation de Saint-Antoine. The most precious copy cited and described by Carteret, n°4 on China paper out of an issue of 12.
- Sold MOLIERE Les Fourberies de Scapin. Comédie par I. B. Moliere. Rare first edition of "Les Fourberies de Scapin", one of Molière’s most creative comedies.
- Sold MOLIERE, J.-B. Poquelin. Amphitryon, comédie. Attractive copy of "Amphitryon", one of Moliere’s masterpieces.
- Sold MOLIERE La critique de l’escole des femmes. Comédie. Rare first edition of "La Critique de l'Escole des femmes" by Molière.
- Sold MOLIERE, J.-B. Poquelin. Le Misantrope. Comédie. Rare first edition of Molière's "Misantrope" printed on December 24, 1666.
- Sold ROUSSEAU, Jean-Jacques Les Confessions de J.J. Rousseau, suivies des Rêveries du Promeneur... Very rare first edition of Jean-Jacques Rousseau’s Confessions and Rêveries,"the true masterpiece of the author", in a uniform contemporary binding, with wide margins.
- Sold PASCAL, Blaise Les Provinciales ou lettres escrites par Louis de Montalte à un pro... First edition of Pascal’s Les Provinciales.
- Sold APULEE. De l’Ane d’ore, XI livres. Traduit en Franços par J. Louveau d’Orlé... The delicious copy of the Comte de Lignerolles, bound in antique morocco, of "L'Ane d'or" by Apulée.
- Sold BALZAC, Honoré de Le dernier Chouan ou la Bretagne en 1800. Exceedingly rare first edition of Le dernier Chouan ou la Bretagne en 1800 by Balzac, the first work bearing his name and the starting point of his cycle called “The Human Comedy”.
- Sold BALZAC, Honoré de Le Curé de village. Scène de la vie de campagne. Balzac, a legitimist, is a faithful subject of Henri de France.
- Sold BALZAC, Honoré de Le Lys dans la Vallée. A moving copy in original wrappers, as published, of the only great love novel by Balzac.
- Sold BECKFORD, William. Vathek. Precious first edition of Vathek, unique masterpiece of one of the rare French-speaking English writers, William Beckford (1760-1844), Byron and Mallarme’s bible, the forerunner...
- Sold COLONNA, Francesco Hypnerotomachie ou Discours du Songe de Poliphile, Deduisant comme ... The « Songe de Poliphile », one of the landmark works of Renaissance illustrated literature.
- Sold BUSSY-RABUTIN, (Roger de Rabutin, Comte de Bussy). Discours du Comte de Bussy Rabutin à ses enfans, sur les divers évè... First edition of the "Discourse of the Count of Bussy Rabutin to his children on the various events of his life and the good use of adversity ", in 4 leaves, 350 pages, and 8 l...
- Sold RESTIF DE LA BRETONNE Les Contemporaines. First edition of the Les Contemporaines by Restif illustrated with 283 beautiful figures by Binet.
- Sold ROUSSEAU, Jean-Jacques Discours sur l’origine et les fondemens de l’inégalité parmi les ho... First issue "of this momentous event in the history of political doctrines".
- Sold PAGNOL, Marcel La gloire de mon père. Le château de ma mère. Le temps des secrets.... The first edition of Marcel Pagnol's Childhood memories.
- Sold FLAUBERT, Gustave La Tentation de Saint-Antoine. One of 75 copies on Holland paper, "highly sought-after" (Clouzot).
- Sold La Guerre des Mondes. Edition illustrée par Alvim-Correa. A masterpiece of illustration and a masterpiece of science fiction.
- Sold Pensées de M. Pascal sur la religion et sur quelques autres sujets,... A superb copy bound in contemporary red morocco.
- Sold FRANCE, Anatole. Thaïs. Quinze compositions dont un frontispice en couleurs par Geor... An interesting set of two works by Anatole France finely illustrated by Georges Rochegrosse and Maurice Lalau.
- Sold HUGO, Victor Les Contemplations. First edition of Hugo’s Contemplations. "Victor Hugo's master poetic work along with 'La légende des Siècles'".
- Sold La Gerusalemme liberata. Magnificent illustrated edition of The freed Jerusalem illustrated with 20 superb full-page figures and two frontispieces.
- Sold RACINE, Jean Œuvres. The most beautiful illustrated edition of the 18th century of Racine’s Works bound in contemporary red morocco.
- Sold VOLTAIRE, François Marie Arouet. Dictionnaire philosophique, portatif. Extremely rare first edition of one of the greatest texts of the Age of Enlightenment, Voltaire's master book for “crushing the infamous”.
- Sold Les Mille & un Jour, Contes Persans. Traduits en françois par ... 'Les Mille et un Jours, Contes Persans', preserved in their contemporary bindings with Maria Feodorovna's coat of arms.
- Sold LA FONTAINE, Jean de Fables. Avec les dessins de Gustave Doré. One of only ten printed on China in 1867.
- Sold IONESCO, Eugène (1909-1994). Le Rhinocéros. A first edition copy in perfect condition.
- Sold DAMHOUDERE, Josse de La practicque et enchiridion des causes criminelles, illustrée par ... First edition of the first great book of criminal procedure illustrated with 56 large woodcuts.