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Showing all 1279 results
Buy BERTIUS, Petrus Commentariorum rerum Germanicarum Libri Tres. The German Empire at the very beginning of the 17th century.
Buy Album d’échantillons de tissu destiné aux maisons de couture. / Alb... A catalogue with more than 1500 samples of silk, satin, etc.
Buy VALERY, Paul La Soirée avec Monsieur Teste. "La Soirée avec Monsieur Teste" by P. Valery
Buy STENDHAL, Henri Beyle L’Abbesse de Castro par M. de Stendhal, Auteur de Rouge et Noir, de... A rare and untrimmed copy of “L’Abbesse de Castro”
Buy FROES, Luis Lettera annua del Giappone dell’anno MDXCVI. Scritta dal P. Luigi F... Christian missions in Asia in the 16th century
Buy CERILLO, Edoardo Dipinti murali di Pompei. Medaglie Istituto d’Incoraggiamento di Na... Pompeian wall paintings
Buy FOY DE LA NEUVILLE Relation curieuse, et nouvelle de Moscovie. Contenant, l’état prése... The mission of Foy de La Neuville to Russia in 1689
Buy Tapisseries du Roi, où sont représentez les quatre éléments et les ... The Tapestries ordered by Louis XIV for Versailles
Buy MAMEROT, Sébastien Les passages doultremer faitz par les francoys. Nouvellement imprim... Turkey, Syria, Palestine.
Buy AKSON EUROPA CHEEK TAM PHASA THAI SAMRAB DEK PHU’NG HAT RIEN ... The expansion of printing in Thailand
Buy STAMLER, Johannes Dyalogus Johannis Stamler Augustn. De Diversarum Gencium Sectis et ... The earliest book relating to the religions of the world
Buy MARQUARD, Johanne Tractatus politico-juridicus de jure mercatorum et commerciorum sin... Commercial treatise dedicated to America and the colonies
Buy OSIANDER Harmonie Evagelicae libri quatuor, in quibus evangelica historia […]. Extremely rare edition of this Protestant book
Buy CEPEDA, Fernando de / CARRILLO, Fernando Alfonso Relacion Universal legitima, y verdadera del sitio en que esta fund... Very precious work for the history of Mexico
Buy LA CUSTINE, Marquis de La Russie en 1839. "Custine’s most sought after work"
Buy HUGO, Victor Œuvres complètes de Victor Hugo. Poésie. VII. Les Rayons et les Omb... First edition of this sought-after work by Victor Hugo
Buy ANDERSEN, Hans Christian. Eventyr, fortalte for born. A rare compilation that gathers together the first editions of two of Andersen’s main tales: "The Little Mermaid" and "The Emperor’s New Clothes".
Buy REVUE DU MONDE NOUVEAU. Rare first edition of the literary review started by C. Cros
Buy JOUBERT, Joseph. Recueil des pensées de M. Joubert. Very rare first edition of Joubert’s Pensées
Buy AUZOLES LAPEYRE Le Mercure charitable, ou contre-touche et souverain remède pour dé... First edition of this work dedicated to chronology
Buy NEGRI, Cesare Nuove inventioni di balli, opera vaghissima di Cesare Negri milanes... The earliest illustrated book on dancing
Buy LAPLACE, Pierre Simon, marquis de Théorie analytique des probabilités ; par M. le comte de Laplace… First edition of a foundind work of the theory of probability
Buy BOURGES, Jacques de Relation du voyage de Monseigneur l’évêque de Beryte Vicaire aposto... Rare first edition of the first French book ever published about Siam
Buy LA MOTTRAYE, Aubry de Voyages du Sieur A. de La Motraye, en Europe, Asie et Afrique. Où l... La Mottraye travelling with through Europe, Asia and Africa
Buy NODIER Journal de l’Expédition des Portes de Fer rédigé par Charles Nodier... One of the rare copies not issued for sale of the Duke of Orleans' travel through Algeria
Buy ORTELIUS, Abraham Theatro del mondo. Ortelius’ pocket-atlas
Buy MATTHIEU, Pierre La Magicienne estrangere, Tragedie. En laquelle on voit les tiranni... Tragedy in verses in the honour of the marchioness d’Ancre’s execution
Buy CASTELLI, P. / ALDINI, Tobie Exactissima descriptio rariorum quarundam plantarum, Que continentu... First edition of the "Hortus Farnesianus" by Aldini
Buy D’ALLEMAGNE Les cartes à jouer du XIVe au XXe siècle. Packs of cards, art and history
Buy ARMAND, Jean dit Mustapha Voyages d’Afrique faicts par le commandement du Roy. Ou sont conten... Account of two expeditions organized by Richelieu to the coasts of Morocco
Buy LE PRIEUR, J.-C. Description d’une partie de la vallée de Montmorenci, Et de ses agr... The art of gardens
Buy LUSIGNAN DE CYPRE, le R.P. Estienne de Les généalogies de soixante et sept très nobles et très illustres m... An interesting genealogical study conducted in the 16th century on the Lusignans
Buy LE BLANC, Jean-Bernard Lettres de Monsieur l’Abbé Le Blanc, historiographe des bastimens d... Portrayal of the English customs of the 18th century by the protégé of Mme de Pompadour
Buy PERRAULT, Charles La Marquise de Salusses, ou la patience de Grisélidis. Nouvelle. La Marquise de Salusses, by Perrault
Buy EDWARDS, George. A Natural History of Birds. A Natural History of Birds in reversed impresssion
Buy AMELOT DE LA HOUSSAYE, Nicolas Histoire du gouvernement de Venise, Avec le supplément. Story of the Government of Venice in the 17th century
Buy LAGNIET, Jacques Recueil des plus illustres proverbes, divisés en trois livres, le p... The life, manners and proverbs of the French people in the reign of Louis XIII and Louis XIV
Buy ZOLA Photographs. Portraits of Denise. Photographies originales prises par Zola représentant sa fille.
Buy COPPOLA, Giovanni Carlo Le Nozze degli dei favola […] Rappresentata in Musica in Firenze ne... Italian festival book illustrated by S. della Bella
Buy MERIGOT/ GIRARDIN Promenade ou itinéraire des Jardins d’Ermenonville, Auquel on a joi... The gardens of Ermenonville, place of retreat and inspiration of J-J. Rousseau
Buy RACINE Alexandre le grand. Tragédie. Alxandre Le Grand by Racine
Buy DUMERIL, André-Marie-Constant Traité élémentaire d’histoire naturelle. The teaching of natural sciences
Buy CORROZET, Gilles Les Antiquitez croniques et singularitez de Paris, ville Capitalle ... The Antiquitez de Paris by Corrozet
Buy BOUGARD, R. Le Petit Flambeau de la mer ou le veritable guide des pilotes cotie... The most famous marine pilot guide from the end of the 17th century
Buy RENAN, Ernest L’Abbesse de Jouarre. The first edition of l’Abbesse de Jouarre, by Renan
Buy [LAMOIGNON, Guillaume de] Recueil des arrêtés de Monsieur le premier président de Lamoignon. A project of reform of the French legislation by Lamoignon
Buy NAUDE, Gabriel De Antiquitate et dignitate Scholae medicae Parisiensis Panegyris. ... Eulogy of the Faculty of Medicine of Paris by the famous bibliographer Gabriel Naudé
Buy CATALOGUE D’INVENTAIRE D’OUTILS offerts à la vente vers... Catalogue of tools from the 19th century entirely drawn and hand-coloured
Buy BOURSAULT Esope à la cour, Comédie héroïque. Esope à la cour by Boursault
Buy NEANDER, Johann Tabacologia : Hoc est Tabaci, seu Nicotianae Descriptio Medico-Chir... Tabacologia by Neander
Buy GODARD La Nouvelle Muse
Buy COLMENERO DE LEDESMA, Antonio Chocolata inda, Opusculum De qualitate & natura chocolatae. Traité sur le chocolat par Colmenero de Ledesma
Buy STENDHAL, Henri Beyle La Chartreuse de Parme par l’auteur de Rouge et Noir. Deuxième édit... La Chartreuse de Parme by Stendhal
Buy AMMAN Icones Novi Testamenti A set of 93 engravings by Jost Amman. “His masterpiece”, in very attractive contemporary vellum.
Buy [MAUPERTUIS, Pierre-Louis Moreau de] Lettre sur la comète Lettre sur la comète by Maupertuis
Buy DANIELL, Thomas et William A picturesque voyage to India "A picturesque voyage to India" by Daniell
Buy PORCACCHI, Thomaso L’Isole piu famose del Mondo. "L'Isole piu famose del Mondo" by Porcacchi
Buy Relacao que trata de como em cincoenta e oito graos do Sul foy desc... Collection of two rare texts relating the recent discoveries of two islands, by French and Spanish.
Buy NICOLAY, Nicolas d. Le Navigationi et viaggi nella nella Turchia, di Nicolo de Nicolai ... "Le Navigationi et viaggi nella nella Turchia" by Nicolay
Buy BOSSUET Catéchisme du diocèse de Meaux Catéchisme du diocèse de Meaux by Bossuet
Buy CURIÖSER SPIEGEL Curiöser Spiegel, worinnen der gantze Lebenslauf des Menschen von d... Beautiful "Curiöser Spiegel", book about trades illustrated coloured for the children
Buy SCHENCK, I. Tarot animalier. Tarot game by a German card maker
Buy ELUARD, Paul. Voir. Poèmes Peintures Dessins. "Voir" by Paul Eluard
Buy LAET, Jean de Notae ad dissertationem Hugonis Grotii De Origine Gentium Americano... Jean de Laet refutes Grotius' theories about the origin of primitive populations of America
Buy MIRO, Joan Joan Miro et l’émancipation définitive de la queue du chat. First edition by Miro illustrated with three etchings
Buy BALZAC, Guez de Les Entretiens de feu Monsieur de Balzac. [Suivi de :] II – A... Compilation of two sought-after texts by Guez de Balzac
Buy SOREL, Charles De la Connoissance des bons livres, ou examen de plusieurs autheurs. "De la Connaissance des bons livres" by Charles Sorel
Buy JAUFFRET, Louis-François. Les Charmes de l’Enfance, et les Plaisirs de l’amour maternel. “Les Charmes de l'Enfance”, illustrated by Monnet
Buy ALKEN The National Sports of Great Britain. Chasse et amusemens nationaux... Hunting and horse racing illustrated by Alken
Buy VISSCHER, Nicholas Speculum Zelandiae dat is Een Beschryvinge ofte Afbeelding der Sted... Visscher’s baroque atlas of the Netherlands
Buy LA BRUYERE Les Caractères de Theophraste traduits du grec ; avec Les Caractère... Censored edition of the “Characters” of La Bruyère
Buy LA CONDAMINE, Charles-Marie de Relation abrégée d’un Voyage fait dans l’intérieur de l’Amérique mé... The first scientific trip down the Amazon River by La Condamine
Buy DU VERDIER, Gilbert Saulnier. Rozemire ou l’Europe délivrée. Dédiée à Madame la Duchesse de Merco... “Rozemire ou l’Europe délivrée” with the arms of the comtesse de Verrue
Buy LA SERRE, J. Puget de Histoire curieuse de tout ce qui s’est passé à l’entrée de la Reyne... Royal entry of Marie de Medici in exile in the Netherlands
Buy SAINCTONGE Poésies galantes de Madame de Sainctonge. The Poésies galantes by Madame de Sainctonge
Buy MACHAULT, Jacques de Relation des missions des Pères de la Compagnie de Jesus, dans les ... Rare relation of the Jesuits' mission to the East Indies
Buy Album Amicorum 40 watercolors engravings on various subjects
Buy BALZAC, Honoré de La grande Bretèche ou les trois vengeances. La Vieille fille. [Étud... "La Vieille Fille" by Balzac on pink paper
Buy ENGELBRECHT, (Martin), WILL (John-Martin) Album de jeux, jouets et images enfantines de la famille Walch (158... Album of games, toys and pictures.
Buy CERVANTES Vida y Hechos del Ingenioso hidalgo Don Quixote de la Mancha, compu... "Don Quixote de la Mancha", with the arms of the Princess of Lamballe.
Buy CATALOGUE DE DÉGUISEMENTS POUR LE CARNAVAL, offerts à la vente en 1... Catalogue of costumes for the carnival
Buy PINDER, Ulrich LA FRANCE EN MINIATURE "The France in miniature"
Buy POSTEL, Guillaume L’Histoire mémorable des expéditions depuys le deluge faictes par l... "L’Histoire mémorable des expéditions" by Postel
Buy PIATTOLI, Giuseppe. Giuochi, Trattenimenti e Feste Annue che si costumano in Toscana e ... Games and entertainments by G. Piattoli
Buy DESCARTES, René. Les Passions de l’âme. First edition of the "Passions of the soul" by Descartes
Buy ENGLERT, D. Produit 60 coloured plates illustrating the twelve months of the year for children
Buy I. [PAEZ, Gaspar / MENDEZ, le Père Alphonse] II. [KIRWITZER, Wencelas Pantaléon] III. [ANDRADE, Antonio de] I. Histoire de ce qui s’est passé au royaume d’Ethiopie Es années 1... Relations written by the Jesuits in Ethiopia, China and Tibet
Buy DU FAIL, Noël. Les Contes et discours d’Eutrapel. Very rare edition of the "Contes et discours d’Eutrapel" by Du Fail
Buy CATALOGUE DE PARFUMS ET COSMETIQUES Rare and luxury sale catalogue of a perfumes and cosmetic products manufacturer
Buy ARISTOPHANE. Comoediae novem, en grec. Editio princeps of Aristophanes’ "Comedies".
Buy MŒURS ET COUTUMES DES PEUPLES, ou Collections de tableaux représent... Habits and customs of 61 nations of the world, illustrated and contemporary hand-coloured
Buy VOLTAIRE La Henriade "La Henriade" by Voltaire
Buy MOISANT DE BRIEUX, Jacques Recueil de pièces en prose et en vers. Prose and verses by Moisant de Brieux
Buy FROISSART Le Premier [Second / Tiers / Quart] volume de l’Histoire et Croniqu... Froissart's Chronicles
Buy DU TERTRE, R. P. Jean-Baptiste Histoire générale des Antilles habitées par les François "L'Histoire des Antilles" de Du Tertre
Buy CHARRON, Pierre Les Trois veritez. Seconde édition, revue, corrigée & de beauco... "Les Trois veritez" by Charron
Buy BOSSUET, Jacques Bénigne Relation sur le quiétisme. Par Messire Jacques Benigne Bossuet Eves... "Relation sur le quiétisme" by Bossuet
Buy HAMILTON, le comte Antoine Histoire de Fleur d’Epine, conte. “Histoire de Fleur d'Epine”, the fairytale fantasy by Hamilton
Buy SACCANO, Père Metelle Relation des progrez de la foy au Royaume de la Cochinchine és anné... Rare travel account to Cochinchina by the Jesuit missionary Metelle Saccano
Buy ELLIS, Jean. Essai sur l’histoire naturelle des corallines, et d’autres producti... The best work dedicated to coral in the 18th century
Buy RESTIF DE LA BRETONNE La Fille naturelle. Rare counterfeit of one of Restif de la Bretonne’s first works
Buy CHARRON, Pierre De la Sagesse. First edition of La Sagesse
Buy CHIFFLET, Jean-Jacques Lilium Francicum, veritate historica, botanica, et heraldic illustr... Rare first edition of this beautiful illustrated work about lily
Buy BOECKLER Theatrum machinarum novum, exhibens aquarias, alatas, iumentarias, ... Boeckler’s theater of inventions
Buy LA VILLE, abbé Jean-Ignace de Etat présent de la Pensilvanie, où l’on trouve le détail de ce qui ... Etat présent de la Pensilvanie, by La Ville in first edition
Buy RACINE, Jean Œuvres Final edition of Racine's Works
Buy RHODES, Alessandro de / MACHAULT, Jacques de Relation de la mission des Pères de la Compagnie de Jésus. Etablie ... First edition of this relation in Persia by Father Alexandre de Rhodes
Buy L’HISTOIRE DU NOBLE ET TRES VAILLANT ROY ALEXANDRE LE GRAND, jadis ... Illustrated edition of this romance of chivalry relating the history of Alexander the Great
Buy CERVANTES Histoire de l’admirable Don Quichotte de la Manche. Complete works of Cervantes
Buy BOYS, Thomas Shotter. Picturesque architecture in Paris. Very beautiful work entirely chromolithographed dedicated to the architecture in Paris, Ghent, Antwerp, Rouen, Chartres…
Buy MONNIER, Henry. Mœurs parisiennes. Monnier's Moeurs parisiennes
Buy DU BELLAY, Joachim Les Œuvres françaises de Joachim du Bellay. Reveues, & de nouve... Du Bellay's "Works"
Buy RHODES, Alessandro de Relazione de’félici successi della Santa Fede Predicata Da Pa... Rare work on the Jesuit missionnaries in China
Buy ALARD, Jean Entrée du Roy à Tolose. Louis XIII's entry in Toulouse
Buy RICHON / ROZE Atlas des champignons comestibles et vénéneux de la France et des p... Atlas of the comestible and toadstool mushrooms
Buy REDOUTE, Pierre-Joseph Les Roses peintes par J.P. Redouté. 182 Roses by Redouté
Buy VIRGILE Les Œuvres de Virgile Maron, traduites de Latin en Francois par Rob... Virgil's "Works"
Buy AUBIGNE, Théodore Agrippa d'. L’Histoire universelle depuis l’an 1550 jusques en l’an... Protestantism in 16th-century France
Buy HERRERA, Antonio de Novus Orbis, Sive Descriptio Indiae Occidentalis,… Accesserun... First complete account of Le Maire’s world tour, the first sailor to cross Cape Horn
Buy LA FONTAINE Poème du quinquina, et autres ouvrages en vers de M. de La Fontaine. First edition of this compilation by La Fontaine
Buy GRESSET, Jean-Baptiste Louis Œuvres choisies de Gresset précédées d’un essai sur sa vie et ses é... An exceptional mosaic binding by Vogel
Buy LAON, Jean de, Seigneur d'Aigremont Relation du Voyage des Francois Fait au Cap de Nord en Amerique, Pa... First edition of the report of the unfortunate expedition of Royville
Buy Poésie libre de Piron, Voltaire, Grécourt, etc. [Suivi de] : Recuei... A “licentious unica” with a flaunted eroticism of a gripping modernity
Buy BONNART, Nicolas et Robert. BERAIN, Jean et LEPAUTRE J. Recueil de costumes. Important and rare collection of costumes from the 17th century
Buy ZOLA, Emile ENSEMBLE DE LA CORRESPONDANCE MANUSCRITE AUTOGRAPHE D’ANTOINE... Set of the handwritten autograph correspondence by Antoine Guillemet to Emile Zola
Buy PLATON / DU BELLAY, Joachim Le Timée de Platon, traittant de la nature du monde, & de l’hom... Precious volume comprising 59 poetic pieces by Joachim du Bellay, as well as the second French edition of Plato’s Timaeus
Buy VERLAINE, Paul Bonheur "Bonheur" by Verlaine
Buy [JAPON – INDES ORIENTALES]. Recueil des plus fraisches lettres, escrittes des Indes Orientales,... Extremely rare 16th century French first edition about the discoveries of the Jesuit missionaries in Japan and in the East Indies
Buy THIROUX D'ARCONVILLE, Marie-Geneviève Des Passions. Par l’Auteur du Traité de l’Amitié. The first edition of Des Passions, Madame Thiroux d’Arconville’s treatise
Buy BARBIER, Antoine-Alexandre / DESSESSARTS, N.L.M. Nouvelle Bibliothèque d’un homme de goût, entièrement refondue, cor... "Nouvelle Bibliothèque d'un homme de goût" by Barbier
Buy SAITO GESSHIN Edo Meisho zue. (= Illustration des sites célèbres de la ville d’Edo). First edition of the best description of the city of Edo (the current Tokyo), the largest city in the world in the middle of the 19th century
Buy LABORDE, Alexandre Louis-Joseph, comte de Description d’un pavé en mosaïque découvert dans l’ancienne ville d... Rare first edition of this superb work of which only 160 copies were printed
Buy RECUEIL DE GOUACHES DU CHÂTEAU DE CHENONCEAU Original collection painted in gouache in the XVIIIth century coming from the chateau de Chenonceau
Buy KIRCHER, Athanase. Obeliscus Pamphilius, hoc est, interpretatio Nova & hucusque in... Hieroglyphic decipherment according to Kircher
Buy FLAVIUS Histoire des juifs écrite par Flavius Joseph sous le Titre de Antiq... Flavius’ "History of the Jews"
Buy BODIN, Jean De la démonomanie des sorciers. A Monseigneur M. Chrestofle de Thou... Jean Bodin’s famous sorcery book
Buy STATUTA INCLYTAE CIVITATIS AVENIONIS item, ex antiquis statutis eiu... Rare edition printed in Avignon of the Statutes of the town of Avignon
Buy DIDEROT, Denis Œuvres inédites de Diderot. Le Neveu de Rameau. Voyage de Hollande Diderot’s masterpieces, “Rameau’s Nephew”
Buy SERRES, Olivier de Le Théâtre d’agriculture et Mesnage des champs […] Ici est représen... The first great French treatise on agronomy
Buy BREBEUF, Georges de Eloges poétiques. The first edition of Brébeuf’s "Eloges poétiques"
Buy LEFEBVRE. DURUFLE, Jacques Noël. BONINGTON. FIELDING. Excursion sur les côtes et dans les ports de Normandie. The most beautiful book dedicated to Norman coasts in the reign of Charles X
Buy MUNSTER, Sebastian Compositio horologiorum, in plano, muro, truncis, anulo, con concav... First edition of the first treatise on sundials given by Sebastian Münster
Buy ATHENEE. Banquet des savans, traduit, tant sur les Textes imprimés, que sur ... A treatise of learned gastronomy bound in contemporary red morocco.
Buy NEW YORK AND BROOKLYN BRIDGE (Bridge n°1) John A Roebling. Designer... Outstanding panoramic view in colors of New York City
Buy QUEVEDO VILLEGAS, D. Franc Les Œuvres de D. Francisco de Quevedo Villegas, Chevalier Espagnol,... First edition of the French translation of Quevedo’s Works
Buy DU BELLAY, Joachim Les Œuvres françoises de Joachim du Bellay, Gentilhomme Angevin, &a... First collective edition of Joachim du Bellay’s Works
Buy DU FOUILLOUX, Jacques La Venerie et Fauconnerie de Iaques dv Fouilloux, Jean de Franchier... First edition to gather Hunting and Hawking by Jacques du Fouilloux.
Buy AUBIGNE, Théodore Agrippa d'. Les Avantures du baron de Faeneste. Second issue of the final first edition of the Aventures du baron de Faeneste by Agrippa d’Aubigné
Buy FAERNE, Gabriel Fabulae centum ex antiquis auctoribus delectae… One of the most beautiful Italian fable books
Buy MOREAU LE JEUNE. Collection des drapeaux de l’armée nationale parisienne faits dans ... The flags of the Parisian districts drawn by Moreau le Jeune
Buy PEINTURE CHINOISE EN ROULEAU REPRÉSENTANT UN CORTÈGE DE MARIAGE. Procession of a luxurious wedding on Chinese scroll painting in the 19th century
Buy CAVICEO, Jacomo Dialogue treselegant intitule le Peregrin, traictant de lhonneste e... First French edition of this great romance novel
Buy GOEZMANN, Louis Valentin de Histoire politique des grandes querelles entre l’Empereur Charles V... First edition of the best historical work of Louis Valentin Goezmann
Buy DUPLESSIS-MORNAY Histoire de la Vie de Messire Philippes de Mornay Seigneur Du Pless... Saint-Amant’s personal copy of the first edition of Duplessis-Mornay’s biography
Buy CABIAS, Jean-Baptiste de. Les Merveilles des bains d’Aix en Savoye : Dédiées à Monseigneur le... Very rare first edition of the first work dedicated to Aix-les-Bains thermal springs
Buy GRAMAYE, Jean-Baptiste Africae Illustratae libri decem, in quibus Barbaria, gentesque eius... Extremely rare first edition of this essential book for the history and description of Africa
Buy MEYNIER, Honorat Le principe et progrez de la guerre civile, opposée aux Gouverneurs... First edition of this history of the religious wars in Provence
Buy MORE, Thomas Omnia, quae hucusque ad Manus nostras pervenerunt, Latina Opera, qu... First edition mentioned by Brunet of Thomas More’s Works in Latin
Buy PISO, Willem et MARCGRAF, Georg Historia naturalis Brasiliae, Auspicio et Beneficio Illustriss. I. ... “The only illustrated work on Brazilian natural history”
Buy GOUDELIN, Pierre Las Obros augmentados d’uno noubélo Floureto. The Works of Goudelin, the most famous and inventive poet from Languedoc
Buy [ENTREE DE CHARLES IX A PARIS]. [RONSARD] Bref et sommaire recueil de ce qui a esté faict, & de l’ordre t... First edition of one of the most beautiful “Entries” of the Renaissance
Buy CONSTANT, Benjamin De l’appel en calomnie de M. le Marquis de Blosseville, contre Wilf... First edition of the work for the defense of Wilfrid Regnault, by Benjamin Constant.
Buy RENAU D'ELISSAGARAY, Bernard De la Théorie de la Manœuvre des vaisseaux. First edition of the best book of “Louis XIV famous seaman”
Buy SCUDERY, Georges de Poésies diverses dédiées à Monseigneur le Duc de Richelieu, par Mr ... Rare first edition of this poetry collection by Georges de Scudéry, dedicated to the Duke de Richelieu
Buy REAUMUR, René Antoine Ferchault de Mémoires pour servir à l’Histoire des insectes [Tome premier – quat... First edition and first state of the real first scientific history of insects
Buy VIRGILE Les Œuvres, translatées de latin en françoys et nouvellement imprim... Precious second French illustrated edition of Virgil’s complete work
Buy BOURSAULT, Edme La Metamorphose des yeux de Philis, changez en astres. Pastoralle. ... Rare first edition of Boursault’s rarest theater play
Buy MARCASSUS, Pierre de La Clorymène Extremely rare first edition of this novel by Pierre de Marcassus
Buy DAVILA, Henri-Catherin Histoire des guerres civiles de France. Contenant tout ce qui s’est... Copy of the Duchess of Montpensier of the French Wars of Religion
Buy HELIODORE L’Histoire aethiopique de Heliodorus, contenant dix livres, traitan... First edition of the second French translation by Jacques Amyot
Buy FLOQUET, Jean-André Canal de Richelieu en Provence et dépendances. Délibérations de l’A... First edition of the report of the general assembly’s deliberations held by the company of the Provence Canal on April 1752.
Buy CORNEILLE, Pierre et Thomas. Les Chef-d’œuvres dramatiques de Mrs. Corneille, avec le Jugement d... Nice edition of Pierre and Thomas Corneille’s “Masterpieces”
Buy ALCIAT Diverse Imprese Accomodate a diverse moralità, con versi che i loro... Rare edition of this illustrated book of emblems
Buy MARBAN, Pedro Arte de la lengua moxa, con su vocabulario, y catechismo. Compuesto... First edition of this rare lexicon of the language spoken by the Moxos Indians
Buy ORONCE FINE … De Mundi sphaera, sive Cosmographia, primave Astronomiae pa... Rare separated first edition of Oronce Fine’s Cosmographia
Buy MORNAY, Sieur du Plessis-Marly, Philippe de De la vérité de la religion chrestienne. Contre les Athées, Epicuri... Second Parisian edition, entirely revised by the author, of “this treatise is considered as one of the best works of the famous Protestant author” (Morgand et Fatout, n°11426)
Buy POSTEL, Guillaume De la République des Turcs : & là où l’occasion s’offrera, des ... The Ottoman society during Renaissance by Guillaume Postel
Buy DURANTE, Castore Herbario novo di Castore Durante medico, et cittadino Romano. Con F... Rare second edition of this very beautiful herbarium preserved in contemporary overlapping vellum
Buy Lettre du roi et règlement, pour la convocation des Etats-Généraux ... Precious copy of the letter written by the King on January 24th, 1789
Buy [CROME ou CRUCE] Dialogue d’entre le maheustre et le manant. Contenant les raisons d... Rare third edition, enlarged and modified compared to the first one published a few months before, of this famous lampoon redacted by a member of the League
Buy LE CORGNE, Marie-Louise Histoire naturelle. Botanique. Superb and precious handwritten herbarium entirely calligraphed
Buy OLINA, Giovanni Pietro Vccelliera overo discorso della natura, e proprieta di diversi vcce... One of the great Italian hunting books
Buy LAMARTINE, Alphonse Jocelyn. Episode. First illustrated edition of this “major work” by Lamartine
Buy FELIBIEN DES AVAUX, Jean-François Description de la nouvelle église de l’Hostel royal des Inval... First 12mo edition of the "Description des Invalides"
Buy RABELAIS, François Œuvres de Maître François Rabelais, publiées sous le titre de Faits... Annotated and revised edition of Rabelais’ text
Buy BALINGHEM, Père Anthoine de Apresdinees et propos de table contre l’excez au boire, et au mange... Very rare “first edition of this facetious and amusing work against the vice of drunkenness and drunks”. (Vicaire, 62)
Buy RAMELLI Le diverse et artificiose machine del capitano Agostino Ramelli. The most important illustrated technical treatise from the 16th century
Buy ZEISING, H. Theatri machinarum… Zeising’s theater of inventions
Buy AGRICOLA, Georgius De re Metallica. De animantibus subterraneis liber. “One of the first technological books of modern times”. P. M. M., n°79.
Buy CÉLINE, Louis-Ferdinand Voyage au bout de la nuit. First edition of the “Journey to the End of the Night” by Céline
Buy ARS MORIENDI. Le Livre nomme Lart et science de bien vivre et de bi... The Art of Dying and Living
Buy ALBUM D’AQUARELLES SUR L’INDE. ALBUM DES MÉTIERS. Unique and precious Indian collection of 60 watercolours
Buy ANDRADE, Antonio Lettere annue del Tibet del 1626 e della Cina del 1624. Scritte al ... Missions in China and in Tibet
Buy SANDER, Henry Frederick Conrad Reichenbachia, orchids illustrated and described. The greatest work of the "Orchid King"
Buy GOYA Y LUCIENTES, Francisco Los Proverbios. Colleccion de diez y ocho laminas invetadas y graba... The complete suite of “Los Proverbios” by Goya
Buy FALDA, Giovanni Battista Le Fontane di Roma nelle Piazze, e luoghi publici della Citta… Date... Rare and beautiful complete collection of 107 leaves engraved in 1691 of Falda.
Buy BIDLOO, Govert Relation du voyage de sa Majesté britannique en Hollande, Et de la ... One of the most beautiful Dutch baroque festival books
Buy FAUCHARD, Pierre Le chirurgien dentiste, ou traité des dents, Où l’on enseigne les m... Pierre Fauchard, the creator of the art of dentistry
Buy HARDIVILLER Souvenirs des Highlands ; Voyage à la suite de Henri V en 1832 par ... The journey of the Count of Chambord emigrated in the Highlands
Buy ALCIAT, Andrea Emblemata Cum Commentariis… par Claude Minorem Alciato’s Emblems illustrated with 211 woodcuts
Buy [Roumanille, Joseph et Mistral, Frédéric] Un liame de rasin countenènt lis obro de Castil-Blaze, Adoufe Dumas... Very rare first edition of this compilation of poems by five members of the Félibrige
Buy DANIELL, Samuel African scenery and animals The most beautiful work published about South Africa.
Buy SANSON D'ABBEVILLE, Nicolas L’Amérique en plusieurs cartes, & en divers traittés de géograp... One of the rarest french atlas on America
Buy [Entrée de Henri II dans Paris] C’est l’ordre qui a este tenu a la nouvelle et ioyeuse entrée, que ... The entry of Henry II into Paris illustrated with 11 engravings
Buy GRASSET Histoire des Quatre Fils Aymon, tres Nobles et tres Vaillans Cheval... The most beautilful illustrated edition of Histoire des quatre fils d'Aymon
Buy BARBEY D’AUREVILLY Les Diaboliques The true first edition of the Diaboliques, forbidden by the law.
Buy BIANCHINI, François Hesperi et Phosphori nova phaenomena sive observationes circa Plane... Rare first edition relating for the first time the presernce of dark pots on Venus.
Buy RELIURE BAROQUE PARLANTE EN ARGENT. Reliure baroque parlante en argent de la fin du XVIIe siècle. Baroque silver reliure parlante made in all likelihood in Vienna at the end of the 17th century.
Buy BONAPARTE, Charles-Lucie. Iconographie des pigeons non figurés par Mme Knip (Mme Pauline de C... A great hunting and ornithology book dedicated to pigeons.
Buy CASTELLAN Mœurs, usages, costumes des Othomans, et abrégé de leur histoire. Turkish culture through 72 plates contemporary hand-colored.
Buy GALLUCCI, Giovanni Paolo. Theatrum mundi, et temporis, In quo non solum precipuae horum parte... First edition of the “first modern celestial atlas using the coordinates of Copernicus”.
Buy Erasmus. Opus D’Erasmi Roterodami de conscribendis epistolis…. Erasmus and his master Laurent Valla: three founding works of the Renaissance.
Buy DUMAS, Alexandre et GAILLARDET La Tour de Nesle, Drame en cinq actes et en neuf tableaux, par MM. ... “Rare and sought-after” first edition of this drama by Alexandre Dumas.
Buy DAVILA, Henri-Catherin Histoire des guerres civiles de France. Contenant tout ce qui s’est... The great history of the French Wars of Religion by Davila.
Buy BALZAC, Honoré de Le Lys dans la Vallée. Rare first edition of Balzac's "Le Lys dans la Vallée"
Buy BONNART. MARIETTE. ENGELBRECHT. Recueil de portraits et de costumes de l’époque de Louis XIV. Superb compilation of costumes engravings entirely illuminated
Buy Recueil d’aquarelles sur l’Inde Precious and unique album of watercolors about India
Buy [BERNARD, P. J.-B] La Reconstruction de l’Eglise Sainte Geneviève [Le Panthéon]. Ode, ... The reconstruction of the Pantheon by Soufflot
Buy ARNAUD, Antoine / LANCELOT, Claude. Grammaire générale et raisonnée contenant les fondemens de l’art de... First edition of « La Grammaire de Port-Royal », bound for Jérôme Duvivier, La Fontaine’s friend.
Buy YOURCENAR, Marguerite. Lettres à ses amis et quelques autres. Leading copy of the first edition of Marguerite Yourcenar’s correspondence.
Buy PLUTARQUE. Les vies des Hommes illustres. The finest old edition of Plutarque’s Works
Buy ZOLA, Emile Les Trois Villes. Unique copy of the "Trois villes" by Emile Zola.
Buy Magne de Marolles, G.F. La Chasse au fusil, ouvrage divisé en deux parties contenant :La pr... “Complete first edition. This book is the first French book devoted exclusively to the hunting rifle and the gun hunting...” (Thiébaud, 621-622)
Buy [CHARPENTIER, Henri] [Recueil des costumes de la Bretagne et des contrées de la France... Superb suite of costumes of men and women coming from many departments of France and more particularly of Brittany.
Buy [CATALOGUE DE PARFUMS ET COSMETIQUES]. Parfumeries de Maugenet et C... Outstanding sample catalogue of perfumes and cosmetics offered for sale by the Parisian house Maugenet et Coudray.
Buy CERVANTES Histoire de l’admirable Don Quichotte de la Manche.
Buy ANACREON. Les Poésies d’Anacréon et de Sapho, traduites de grec en vers Franç... First edition of Anacreon’s poems translated into French by the baron de Longepierre.
Buy BICCI, Antonio et Gaetano. I contadini della Toscana Espressi al naturale Secondo le diverse l... Extremely rare suite by Antonio and Gaetano Bicci illustrating 18th century Tuscany costumes
Buy Guignes, Chrétien-Louis-Joseph de. Voyages à Peking, Manille et l’Ile de France, faits Dans l’interval... First edition of this fascinating travel account to China printed of the imperial presses in 1808.
Buy RIDINGER, Johannes-Elias. Fürstenlust… Parfaite & exacte Representation des Divertissemen... First editions of Ridinger's major work "Fürstenlust", and "Contemplatio Ferarum Bestiarum".
Buy CONDORCET et MAZZEI Recherches historiques et politiques sur les Etats-Unis de l’Amériq... First edition of this work that “forms a precious directory of information of all kind about the United States” (Fay)
Buy [FEYDEL, Gabriel] Mœurs et coutumes des Corses : Mémoire tiré en partie d’un grand ou... Remarkable copy with a particularly saucy provenance: from the Malmaison Library.
Buy Bernardin de Saint-Pierre, Jacques-Henri Paul et Virginie Precious copy belonging to the very luxurious issue, in large folio with colored figures.
Buy KNOOP, Johann Hermann Pomologia, dat is beschryvingen en afbeeldingen van de beste soorte... First editions of Knoop’s treatises on fruit trees.
Buy NAGAKUBO SEKISUI Kaisei Chikyu Bankoku Zenzu 改正地球万国全図 (= Carte géographique ... The map of the world “seen from Japan” in 1785, entirely hand-colored at the time.
Buy JOURNAL DES DAMES ET DES MODES. The Journal des Modes (Fashion magazine) of the Empire illustrated with 864 etchings finely contemporary hand-colored, in very fresh contemporary bindings.
Buy Le Prince, Xavier. Les Jeux des Jeunes Garçons Représentés en 25 gravures à l’aquatint... Children’s games painted under the Restoration by the painter Xavier Leprince in 25 paintings enhanced with watercolor.
Buy CHARDIN Voyages de Mr. le chevalier Chardin, en Perse, et autres lieux de l... The most valued edition, partly original, of the description of Persia by Chardin.
Buy Bing, Valentin et Braet von Ueberfeldt. Nederlandsche Kleederdragten, naar de natuur geteekend door Valenty... The 75 superb lithographs have been executed after the drawings of Valentin Bing and Jan Braet Von Ueberfeldt
Buy OVIDE / OVID Metamorphoseos libri moralizati. [Commentaires par Lactantius Placi... First illustrated edition from Lyons of Ovid’s Metamorphoses, illustrated with 16 beautiful woodcuts in first issue.
Buy HUGO, Victor Han d’Islande. Rare first edition of Victor Hugo’s first novel.
Buy Hancarville, Hugues, dit d'. Monumens de la vie privée des douze Césars d’après une suite ... The famous erotica from Louis XVI’s century illustrated with 100 erotic engravings, lavishly bounded in citron mosaic morocco.
Buy Docteur Navier, Médecin du roi Louis XVI. Contre-poisons de l’arsenic, du sublimé corrosif, du verd-de-gris e... Precious volumes that belonged to the author, the doctor of King Louis XVI, offered to Queen Marie-Antoinette and contemporary bound in red morocco decorated with her wide arms.
Buy Lanté / Gatine / La Mésangère. Galerie française de femmes célèbres par leurs talens, leur rang ou... Famous women of the historic and literary France through 70 costumes finely hand-colored and enhanced with gold at the time.
Buy BOUCHET Sensuit le labyriht de fortune et Sejour des trois nobles dames Com... Rare first Parisian edition of the Labyrinthe de Fortune
Buy BARBEY D'AUREVILLY, Jules Les Diaboliques. The true first edition of the Diaboliques condemned by the law.
Buy TORY, Geoffroy. Bréviaire. The breviary of the Benedictine nuns of Saint Susan illustrated by Geoffroy Tory in 1533, decorated with gorgeous fanfare binding from the 16th century in a perfect state of con...
Buy CHARRON, Pierre Les Trois veritez. Seconde édition, revue, corrigée & de beauco... The first work of Pierre Charron, the friend of Montaigne.
Buy Vecellio, Cesare. Corona delle nobili et virtuose donne. Libro primo […secondo… terzo... 80 pieces of Venetian embroidery drawn by Titian’s disciple, printed for the author. A beautiful copy, preserved in its contemporary vellum binding.
Buy Le Comte, Louis. Nouveaux Mémoires sur l’état présent de la Chine. Complete first edition of the "Mémoires sur la Chine" by Louis Le Comte.
Buy Album pintoresco de la isla de Cuba. One of the few testimonies of daily life in Cuba in the 19th century, illustrated with 27 chromolithographs.
Buy Engelbrecht, Martin. Assemblage nouveau des Manouvriers habilles – Neu-eröffnete Samlung... The 84 « Men and Women dressed with their professional ustensils » by Martin Engelbrecht in contemporary coloring.
Buy PATTE. Monumens érigés en France à la gloire de Louis XV, Précédés d’un Ta... The Monuments erected in France for the glory of King Louis XV of France. Presentation copy bound for King Louis XV of France.
Buy ROUSSEAU, Jean-Jacques Lettres de deux amans, Habitans d’une petite Ville au pied des Alpe... First French edition, first edition for sale in France of La Nouvelle Héloïse and first edition of the Recueil d’estampes pour la Nouvelle Héloïse.
Buy NAUDOT, Jean-Jacques. Chansons Notées de la très vénérable Confrérie des Francs-Maçons Pr... The dedication copy bearing the arms of Louis de Bourbon-Condé.
Buy DUMAS, Alexandre Les Trois Mousquetaires. First edition of the Three Musketeers, “an unequalled masterpiece and one of the most widely read book in the whole world”.
Buy ROZIER, abbé François. Mémoire sur La meilleure manière de faire & de gouverner les Vi... Very rare first edition of this excellent report on the art of making Provence wines.
Buy MORISOT, Claude Barthélémy Orbis maritimi sive rerum in mari et littoribus gestarum generalis ... First and unique edition of the first encyclopedia dedicated to the maritime world.
Buy BLUMENSTRAUSS Für Musen und Menschen Freunde zum Neujahrsgeschenke 1808. Very rare Empire binding with musicians, painted on enamel.
Buy DORE, Gustave. La Ménagerie parisienne. First issue of the 24 lithographs composing the "Ménagerie parisienne" by Gustave Doré, caricaturing Parisians under Napoleon III.
Buy GRIMOD DE LA REYNIERE. Manuel des Amphitryons ; contenant un Traité de la Dissection des v... Very sought after first edition of the "best work by the gastronome" Grimod de La Reynière "containing a Treatise on Dissection of meat at the table, the Nomenclature of the new...
Buy LA BRUYERE Les Caractères de Theophraste Tradruits du Grec : avec les Caracter... Third original edition of La Bruyère’s Characters, the rarest of all.
Buy MOCQUET DE MEAUX, Jean. Voyages en Afrique, Asie, Indes orientales, & Occidentales… div... Mocquet’s travel to America, the Indies and Africa in very rare contemporary hand-colouring.
Buy VERLAINE, Paul Parallèlement. First edition of "Parallèlement" by Verlaine, precious copy preserved in wrappers, complete with "Chasteté".
Buy Chateaubriand, François René de. Congrès de Vérone. Guerre d’Espagne. Négociations : colonies espagn... First edition of the Congrès de Vérone preserved in its elegant contemporary binding.
Buy CORROZET, Gilles Les Antiquitéz, histoires et singularitez de Paris, ville capitale ... Unique copy in contemporary binding of this description of Paris at the time of Michel de Montaigne to appear on the public market since half a century.
Buy REGNIER, Mathurin. Les Satyres du Sieur Régnier. Dernière édition, revue, corrigée &am... First edition, partly original, of Regnier’ Satires, “the greatest satiric poet of the time” published a few months after the author’s death, the most sought-after along with t...
Buy RABELAIS Œuvres de maître François Rabelais, publiées sous le titre de Faits... First critical and commented edition of Rabelais’ Works illustrated with the portrait of the author, with the map of the region of Chinon and with 3 engravings by la Devinière.
Buy LONGOBARDI, Nicola. Traité sur quelques points de la religion des Chinois. First edition of this study on the religion of the Chinese by the successor of Matteo Ricci at the head of the Jesuit mission in China.
Buy [MIRABEAU, Gabriel Honoré Riquetti comte de]. Histoire secrète de la Cour de Berlin, ou Correspondance D’un Voyag... Very pure copy of this book condemned to be burned, preserved in its original wrappers.
Buy BEROALDE DE VERVILLE. Le Cabinet de Minerve. Avquel sont plusieurs singularités. Figures.... One of the rarest novelistic first editions of French literature.
Buy CALMET, Dom Augustin, Abbé de Senone. Histoire des Juifs et du Nouveau Testament (titre de départ du volu... Don Calmet’s "Histoire des Juifs" sumptuously bound in contemporary citron morocco with lace with the arms of Comte Henri de Calenberg (1685-1772), one of the most famous biblio...
Buy BARTOLI, Cosimo. Del modo di misurare le distantie, le superficie, i corpi, le piant... Rare first edition of one of the best 16th century treatises of geometry, finely illustrated with 162 woodcuts.
Buy MAGNI, Pietro Paolo (Piacentino). Discorsi sopra il modo di Sanguinare, Attacar le Sanguisughe, &... One of the most beautiful illustrated books from the Roman Renaissance, illustrated with 11 copper-engravings showing the blood-letting process.
Buy Torelli, Giacomo. Scene e machine preparate alle Nozze dit Teti… Décorations et... An exceptional collection of Baroque sets of theatre, architecture and decoration, engraved in first issue under the Regency of Anne of Austria and preserved in its contemporar...
Buy Trigault, Père Nicolas. Due lettere annue della Cina del 1610 e del 1611. Scritte al M.R.P.... Extremely rare first edition of “Due Lettere annue della Cina del 1610 e del 1611” by the missionary Nicolas Trigault (1557-1628).
Buy Zuallart, Jean. Le Très devot Voyage de Jerusalem, Avecq les Figures des lieux sain... Zuallart’s travel to Jerusalem from Jean-Baptiste Colbert’s library.
Buy MARGUERITE DE VALOIS, reine de Navarre. Les Marguerites de la Marguerite des Princesses, très illustre royn... Rare copy bound in a red morocco binding with “grotesques” by Padeloup. From Horace de Landau’s library (1885).
Buy GREVIN, Jacques. L’Olimpe de Iaqves Grevin de Clermont en Beauuaisis. Ensemble Les A... Extremely rare first edition of the Olimpe by Jacques Grévin, “one of the most remarkable poets of the Ronsard School”.
Buy GEMMA FRISIUS. Gemma Phrysius de Principiis astronomiae & Cosmographiae Deq3 v... Second enlarged edition, of the utmost rarity, of this important work of cosmography by Gemma Frisius, the founder of scientific cartography in the Netherlands and Mercator’s t...
Buy STENDHAL, Henri Beyle Armance ou quelques scènes d’un salon de Paris avec une préface par... Second edition of Stendhal’s first novel sought-after due to “the great rarity of its first edition”. (Clouzot)
Buy Il callotto resuscitato. Il callotto resuscitato oder neu eingerichtes zwerchen Cabinet. Precious and very rare first complete edition of one of the best German illustrated books of the baroque period, in the rococo style, printed in Augsburg about 1710, inspired b...
Buy Boileau-Despreaux. Œuvres diverses avec le Traité du sublime ou du merveilleux dans le... First edition of Boileau’s Works bound in contemporary morocco.
Buy DAUDET, Alphonse Numa Roumestan. Mœurs parisiennes. A moving copy of this first edition of Alphonse Daudet, dedicated by the author to the great literary and Rimbaldian critic Marcel Coulon.
Buy [Fermanel de Favery, Luc]. Relation des missions des evesques françois aux royaumes de Siam, d... "Very rare" first edition of this mission to the Far East.
Buy La Rochefoucauld, François Duc de. Mémoires sur les Brigues à la mort de Louys XIII, les Guerres de Pa... The first edition of the Mémoires de La Rochefoucauld in precious contemporary morocco, condition unknown to Brunet, Tchemerzine, Rochebilière and Deschamps.
Buy CANAL, Giovanni Antonio, "Il Canaletto" (artiste) et BRUSTOLON Giambattista (graveur). Prospectuum aedium, Viarumque insigniorum Urbis Venetiarum Nautico ... The most beautiful suite by Canaletto and Brustolon to appear on the market since half a century.
Buy BALZAC, Guez de Lettres choisies du sieur de Balzac. Première partie – Second... First edition in contemporary binding, one of the very rare deluxe copies printed on large paper.
Buy GAU, Francisque-Christian. Antiquités de la Nubie, ou Monumens inédits des bords du Nil, situé... First and unique edition of this impressive “reference work on antique art, culture and architecture of the Nile Valley”.
Buy HERBIN, Auguste F.J. Développemens des principes de la langue arabe moderne, suivis d’un... First and only edition of Herbin's Arabic grammar sought-after for its essay on calligraphy and for its plates.
Buy PAAW, Petrus. Succenturiatus anatomicus. Continens commentaria in Hippocratem, de... First edition of this anatomical treatise dedicated to the human skull.
Buy PAAW, Petrus. Galerie de Rubens, dite du Luxembourg : ouvrage composé de vingt-ci... Superb collection of 24 paintings dedicated by Rubens to Marie de Medici’s life and intended to decorate the Luxembourg Palace.
Buy MAROT, Clément. Les Œuvres de Clément Marot, de Cahors, vallet de chambre du Roy. Important edition of the Works of Clément Marot, partly original, the last one given during the author’s lifetime and published by Marot himself.
Buy GREGOIRE, Henri. De la Littérature des Nègres, ou Recherches sur leurs facultés inte... Rare first edition of this great text of modern thinking printed in Paris, under the First French Empire, in 1808.
Buy ROUMANILLE, Joseph. La Campano mountado. Pouèmo en sèt cant de J. Roumanille autour di ... First edition of this collection of poems in Provencal by “the Father of Felibrige”, Joseph Roumanille.
Buy PERRAULT, Charles Paralelle des Anciens et des Modernes en ce qui regarde les arts et... Charles Perrault is the author of two important works: "Mother Goose Tales" published in 1697 and "Quarrel of the Ancients and the Moderns" published from 1688 to 1696.
Buy [BIBLE]. Biblia cum concordantiis veteris novi testameti sacrouca…[In fine :... Fine edition of this rare illustrated bible elegantly printed in 1518 on Jacques Sacon’s (1472-1530) presses of Lyons for the famous German printer Anton Koberger, printer o...
Buy BOISSARD, Robert. Mascarades Recueillies & mises en taille douce. Very rare first edition illustrating the Renaissance masquerades, a work of Robert Boissard.
Buy BOSSUET Traitez du libre-arbitre, et de la concupiscence. Ouvrages posthume... Superb copy gathering two major original editions buy Bossuet bound in contemporary red morocco.
Buy GUIBERT, Jacques-Antoine-Hippolyte. Éloge du roi de Prusse. Par l’Auteur de l’Essai Général de Tactique… "Guibert’s work has had a great influence on the military conceptions of Napoleon, who had read and reflected on his writings."
Buy SAINT-NON,J.-C. Richard de & VIVANT DENON,Dominique. Voyage Pittoresque à Naples et en Sicile, par J.-C. Richard de Sain... One of the masterpieces of illustrated book, very rare in its uniform contemporary binding. One of the most sumptuous works on Italy, enlarged with new plates.
Buy DUGOURC, Jean-Démosthène. Recueil de dessins et aquarelles originaux Collection of original drawings by Dugourc, one of the great French ornamentalists on the eve of the Revolution.
Buy FRANÇOIS-MARIE, R. Père Jean. Nouvelle découverte sur la lumière, Pour la mesurer & en compte... First edition of the utmost rarity of this scientific work by Father François-Marie in which he presents two new means of measuring light.
Buy SAUVAN, Jean-Baptiste Balthazar. Picturesque Tour of the Seine from Paris to the Sea : with Particul... The valley of the Seine at the dawn of industrial revolution. First edition illustrated with 26 etchings in colors.
Buy LAMARTINE, Alphonse Méditations poétiques Rare first edition of this collection of poems which “had the effect of a Revolution on poetry”.
Buy PERRAULT, Charles Mémoires de Charles Perrault, de l’Académie Françoise, Et Premier C... First edition of Charles Perrault’s "Memoirs".
Buy CERVANTES, Miguel de. Il Novelliere Castigliano di Michiel di Cervantes Saavedra… Tradott... First Italian edition of the utmost rarity of the “most accomplished monument of Cervantes’s narrative work.”
Buy MAUPASSANT, Guy de Mlle Fifi. First edition of Maupassant’s Mademoiselle Fifi, precious copy printed on laid paper and dedicated by the author.
Buy LABAT, Jean-Baptiste. Voyages du P. Labat de l’ordre des FF. Precheurs, en Espagne et en ... First edition of Labat’s travel to Spain and Italy.
Buy PARMENTIER, Antoine Augustin. Traité sur la culture et les usages des pommes de terre, de la pata... First edition of Parmentier’s important work which allowed France to use potato to fight against famine on the eve of Revolution.
Buy [PELLETIER DE FREPILLON]. Essai sur la taille des arbres fruitiers. Par une Société d’amateurs. The art of pruning fruit trees.
Buy HUGO, Victor Les Misérables. Precious first French edition of "Les Miserables", the greatest success of 19th century publishing history.
Buy SALLUSTE, Cayo. La Conjuracion de Catilina y la Guerra de Jugurta. A masterpiece of 18th century book illustration.
Buy TOURNEFORT, Joseph Pitton de. Relation d’un voyage du Levant fait par ordre du Roy, contenant : l... First edition of the “most interesting travel account about the Levant” (Chadenat).
Buy MEDINA, Pedro de L’Art de naviguer de M. Pierre de Medine, espagnol, Contenant toute... Copy complete with the large folding map of America and the New World of Medina’s Art of Navigation, in fine condition.
Buy SEVIGNE, Madame de Lettres de Madame de Sévigné, de sa famille et de ses amis. Avec tr... Stunning copy of the original collective edition in 12mo format.
Buy AUBERT, Jean-Louis. Fables et Œuvres diverses Beautiful copy in red morocco with the arms of the Queen Marie-Antoinette.
Buy STRADANUS, Joannes. Venationes Ferarum, Avium, Piscium. Pugnae Bestiarorum: & mutu... The famous collection of hunting prints by Jean Stradanus, illustrated with a frontispiece and 104 engravings printed in Antwerp in 1585.
Buy LEFEBVRE-DURUFLÉ Jacques Noël / BONINGTON / FIELDING, Théodore. Excursion sur les côtes et dans les ports de Normandie. The most beautiful book dedicated to Norman coasts during the reign of Charles X, illustrated with 40 sumptuous contemporary watercolored aquatints.
Buy FRIDOLIN, Stephan Der Schatzbehalter oder schrein der wahren Reichtümer des Heils und... First edition of the Schatzbehalter - Nuremberg 1491 - one of the most beautiful gothic incunabula, preserved in its contemporary binding.
Buy MUNSTER, Sebastian Cosmographey oder beschreibung aller Länder herrschafften, fürnemst... Very rare edition not described by Sabin of one of the most famous travel and geography books from the Renaissance.
Buy MAROT, Clément. Les Œuvres. « Fine edition, the most sought-after » of the Works by Clément Marot, writes Brunet.
Buy DELLILE, Jacque. Les Jardins. Poëme. Rare and beautiful specimen of “en vernis Martin binding” recovering a book printed by Herhan with his new method of stereotyping.
Buy FABRIS, Salvator. Della vera pratica & scienza d’armi libri due… opera di S... First edition of this famous fencing treatise by Salvator Fabris illustrated with 191 prints engraved by Halbeeck.
Buy BONNET, Pierre et Jacques. Histoire de la musique, et de ses effets, Depuis son origine jusqu’... The Histoire de la Musique bound for the Regent Philippe II, Duke of Orléans. Precious dedication copy bound in 1715.
Buy RELIURE BRODEE ET ARMORIEE EN VELOURS - ANTIPHONAIRE. Antiphonae, Capitula, Hymni, & Orationes Ad Vesperas in Solemni... Rare specimen of illuminated handwritten antiphonary preserved in its contemporary binding embroidered with silver thread and emblazoned.
Buy MILLER, Philip. Figures Of the most Beautiful, Useful, and Uncommon plants describe... Superb first edition of the botanist Philip Miller (1691-1771) illustrated with 300 full-page plates hand-colored at the time.
Buy DEBUCOURT, Philippe-Louis. Modes et Manières du Jour à Paris, à la fin du 18eme Siècle et au C... "It is the most interesting and also the rarest collection of fashion so characteristic from the beginning of the 19th century” (Colas, Bibliographie des costumes et de la mode,...
Buy MADAME DE SÉVIGNÉ. Lettres de Madame de Sévigné à sa fille et à ses amis. Nouvelle édi... The famous edition, revised and partly new, of the Letters of Madame de Sévigné printed in 1806 bound for Pauline Bonaparte (1780-1825), the favorite sister of the Emperor, with...
Buy PELLETAN, Philippe-Jean. Clinique chirurgicale ou mémoires et observations de chirurgie clin... Precious copy that belonged to Cambaceres, bound in green morocco with the large arms of the Archichancelier of the Empire.
Buy RACINE, Jean Œuvres complètes, avec les notes (choisies) de tous les comme... « King Louis XVIII, scholar and learned, who nurtured poetry from time to time, had constituted a library composed of serious books, including a large number of classical works...
Buy SHAKESPEARE. Œuvres complètes de Shakespeare, traduites de l’anglais par Letourn...
Buy DUMAS, Alexandre La Comtesse de Charny. The first edition of La Comtesse de Charny “a book to be devoured end-to-end”.
Buy ROZIER, Abbé Jean. Nouveau cours complet d’agriculture théorique et pratique, contenan... The sumptuous dedication copy printed on large vellum paper, in contemporary green morocco, with the arms and armorial pieces of the Duchess de Berry, wife of the Duke of Berry,...
Buy MUSSET, Alfred de. Œuvres. Precious and delightful copy printed on China paper of Alfred de Musset’s Works.
Buy DESCARTES, René. Discours de la méthode pour bien conduire sa raison, & chercher... First edition of the Discourse on the Method preserved in its elegant contemporary Parisian binding.
Buy LORRIS, Guillaume de / MEUNG, Jehan de. Le Roman de la rose. Nouvelle édition, revue et corrigée sur les me... “This edition of the Romance of the Rose, well printed and on vellum paper, should be preferred to all the others”. (Brunet).
Buy RABELAIS, François Les Œuvres de M. François Rabelais, Docteur en Medecine. Dont le co... Rabelais’ Works printed in Rouen around 1675. Attractive copy preserved in a superb brown olive morocco binding from the time.
Buy MOROKOSHI MEISHO ZUE. 唐土名所図絵 (= Description illustrée des lieux célèbres de la Chine). Very rare first edition of the best description of China’s famous places at the beginning of the 19th century, illustrated with 250 woodcuts.
Buy LORRIS, Guillaume de (vers 1250). Senfuyt le Roman de la Rose aultrement dit le Soge vergier. [sic] N... The Romance of the Rose from the libraries of Ambroise Firmin-Didot and C. Bourlon de Rouvre, the only one from the first issue mentioned by Boudillon and Tchemerzine.
Buy MAROT, Clément (1496-1544). Le Premier Livre de la Metamorphose d’Ovide, translatee de Latin en... The only copy mentioned and described by Tchemerzine still in private hand.
Buy ETIENNE DE LA BOETIE (1530-1563). BAIF, Ian-Antoine de. Œuvres en rime de Jan Antoine de Baïf secrétaire de la chambre du Roy. Exceedingly rare first collected edition, mostly original, one of the most sought-after from the Pleiade presenting the poetical works of Antoine de Baïf, printed in 1572 and 1...
Buy DESPORTES, Philippe (1546-1623). Les Premières Œuvres de Philippe Desportes.
Buy LA FONTAINE, Jean de (1621-1695). L’Élégie pour Monsieur Foucquet. Recueil de poësies Dédié à Monseig... Very rare first edition of the “Recueil de Poésies diverses et chrétiennes” by La Fontaine printed in Paris in 1671.
Buy COQUILLART, Guillaume, disciple de François Villon. Les Poésies de Guillaume Coquillart, official de l’Église de Reims. The copy preserved in its strictly contemporary binding of the Works of Guillaume Coquillart (1452-1510), a reader of François Villon.
Buy BOUCHER, François / LONDERSEEL, Assuerus van / BOUCHARDON, Edme. Les cris de Paris. Unique and remarkable collection of 192 engravings from the 18th century from Edouard Rahir’s library, bound at the time for the King Louis XV or his close entourage, gathering...
Buy HELVETIUS. De l’Esprit. First edition of De l’Esprit burned in public on February 10, 1758.
Buy HOLMES, Samuel. Voyage en Chine et en Tartarie, à la suite de l’ambassade de Lord M... First edition of this compilation of first French translations related to the mission of Lord Macartney to China.
Buy GREUZE, Jean-Baptiste. Divers habillements suivant le costume d’Italie dessinés d’après na... The Savoyard and Italian tableaux by Jean-Baptiste Greuze in first issue.
Buy MERIGOT. Promenades ou itinéraires des Jardins de Chantilly, Orné d’un Plan ... First edition of the Jardins de Chantilly, printed on large vellum paper, preserved in its contemporary inlaid binding.
Buy LIVRE D’HEURES A L’USAGE D’AMIENS. Shimmering illuminated manuscript of high quality, evocative of the Abbeville painting from the 1480s.
Buy MADEMOISELLE DE MONTPENSIER, DITE « LA GRANDE MADEMOISELLE » / MME DE LA FAYETTE / MME DE SEVIGNE / LA ROCHEFOUCAULD, ETC… Recüeil des portraits et Eloges en vers et en prose. Dedié à Son Al... First edition printed in 1659 enlarged with 82 new portraits in comparison to the first edition of this same year which only contains 59.
Buy LA FAYETTE, Madame de La Princesse de Clèves. Second original edition of "La Princesse de Clèves" in its contemporary binding.
Buy SAND, George La Petite Fadette. "Rare and much sought-after" first edition (Clouzot) of La Petite Fadette.
Buy BEAUVOIR, Simone de La Force des Choses. Deluxe copy, one of only 35 printed on Holland Van Gelder paper, coming from Pierre-Lucien Martin’s collection who bound it with a superb binding with mosaic patterns.
Buy DURAS, Mme la Duchesse de. Ourika / Edouard Ourika, the first great black heroine of Western literature.
Buy ZURLAUBEN, Le Baron de. Tableaux topographiques, pittoresques, physiques, historiques, mora... First edition, first issue, of the great illustrated book on Switzerland.
Buy MAFFEI, Giovanni Pietro. Histoires des Indes, De Jean Pierre Maffee Bergamesque, de la Socie... Very beautiful copy of the first French edition of the Histoire des Indes by Jean-Pierre Maffei preserved in its old morocco binding, an exceedingly rare condition.
Buy SOWERBY, James. Coloured figures of English Fungi or Mushrooms First edition of one of the most beautiful works on mycology, illustrated with 440 plates delicately hand-colored at the time.
Buy HUGO, Victor Notre-Dame de Paris The first edition of “Notre-Dame de Paris”, one of only 1100 copies printed.
Buy [KEPLER]. II - MAESTLIN, Michael. Epitome Astronomiae, qua brevi explicatione omnia, tam ad Sphaerica... Extremely rare first edition of the astronomical “Great Work” of Kepler’s master. A superb volume in contemporary binding.
Buy TUCCARO, Arcangelo. Trois dialogues de l’exercice de sauter, et voltiger en l’air. Avec... Extremely rare first edition of the most ancient work on stunts, one of the most beautiful French illustrated book from the 16th century.
Buy THOMAS, Corbinianus. Manuductio ad Astronomiam, Juxta modum Bayeri, Mathematici celeberr... The very rare celestial atlas of Corbinianus Thomas, with its 83 full-page plates completely hand-colored at the time.
Buy [MAUPERTUIS, Pierre-Louis Moreau de] Lettre sur la comète. First edition of the Lettre sur la comète by Maupertuis, precious copy on large Holland paper preserved in its contemporary binding.
Buy UNIFORMES DE L'INFANTERIE FRANCAISE. Uniformes de l’infanterie française, suivant le Règlement arrêté pa... "This beautiful suite is very rare when complete" (Colas)
Buy BAR, Jacques-Charles [Giacomo Carlo Rabelli]. Mascarades Monastiques et Religieuses de toutes les Nations du Glob... First edition belonging to the deluxe issue on vellum paper illustrated, a very rare condition, with 55 engravings (25 in contemporary colors - 30 in black) including 3 in tripl...
Buy ARNAULT, Antoine-Vincent. Les Souvenirs et les regrets du vieil amateur dramatique, ou Lettre... Very beautiful copy preserved in its elegant romantic blind-stamped binding by Thouvenin.
Buy GUICHARDIN, François. Histoire des guerres d’Italie, Composée par M. François Guichardin ... One of the very first modern historiographers Sumptuously bound in citron morocco doubled with red morocco by Luc Antoine Boyet, bookbinder of King Louis XIV.
Buy FRANCO, Giacomo. Habiti d’Huomeni et Donne Venetiane con la Processione della Ser ma... “This collection is of major interest for Venecian costumes during its best times. It is highly sought after today especially as it has become extremely rare.” (Vinet, n° 2291).
Buy BERTELLI, Francesco. Il Carnevale Italiano Mascherato que si Veggono in Figura Varie Inv... Precious copy of this very rare illustrated book dedicated to the costumes of the Venice carnival in the 17th century.
Buy ZOCCHI, Giuseppe (1711-1767). Vedute delle ville, e d’altri luoghi della Toscana. Superb first edition (out of three) of towns, gardens and views of Tuscany by Giuseppe Zocchi.
Buy HANCARVILLE (P.-F. Hugues dit d') Antiquités étrusques, grecques et romaines gravées par F.A. David. ... Etruscan, Greek and Roman Antiquities illustrated with 366 prints, most of them enhanced at the time in sepia watercolors, bound with the arms of Tsar Paul I (1754-1801). Paris,...
Buy BENCIRECHI, Abbé. Leçons hebdomadaires de la langue italienne à l’usage des Dames. Su... The famous Leçons hebdomadaires de la langue italienne à l’usage des Dames preserved in its contemporary morocco binding with the arms of Elisabeth-Philippe-Marie-Hélène of Fra...
Buy : Codice di Procedura Civile. Codice di Procedura Civile Pel Regno d’Italia. Edizione originale e... First edition of the Code of Civil Procedure for the Kingdom of Italy.
Buy APIANUS, Petri Apiani. Cosmographia, per gemmam Phrysium, apud Louanienses Medicum ac Math... Precious copy of Petrus Apianus’ “Cosmography” preserved in an old binding.
Buy VIGENERE, Blaise de. Traicté du feu et du sel. Excellent et rare Opuscule… Very rare first edition of this sought-after alchemy treatise in which the author describes how to make gold.
Buy BLAEU, Guillaume. Institution Astronomique de l’usage des globes et sphères Celestes ... Rare first French edition of this treatise dealing with the use of astronomical instruments.
Buy La science des eaux qui explique en quatre parties leur Formation, ... Rare first edition of this important treatise on hydraulics.
Buy I/ CASSINI, Jacques. Elémens d’astronomie. First edition of one of the most complete treatises on astronomy of the 18th century.
Buy DEIDIER, l’Abbé. Eléments généraux des principales parties de mathématiques, nécessa... Abbé Deidier’s Treatise on Mathematics for the Military.
Buy LUC, Jean-André de. Idées sur la météorologie. Rare first edition of this treatise on meteorology, preserved in its elegant red morocco bindings in Bozérian’s style.
Buy BERQUEN, Robert de. Les Merveilles des Indes Orientales et Occidentales ou nouveau trai... The precious stones, pearls, diamonds, sapphires, topaz, rubies, emeralds, etc…, their price “dedicated to the Grande Mademoiselle, Duchess of Montpensier”.
Buy ROSNEL, Pierre de. Le Mercure Indien, ou le Trésor des Indes. Première partie dans laq... First edition, first issue, very rare of « Mercure Indien ou le Trésor des Indes », of gemological interest dealing with the origin of gemstones and describing the diamond, rub...
Buy CATO, Valerius. Ethica, cum comment. amplissimis Philippi Bergomensis. This "rare" princeps edition (Brunet), of great reputation in the Middle Ages achieved considerable prices at public auction, higher than the famous original of Les Précieuses r...
Buy CURTIS, John. British entomology; being illustrations and descriptions of the gen... Cuvier considered the work of John Curtis as « the paragon of perfection ».
Buy DEFOE, Daniel. La Vie et les Avantures de Robinson Crusoë. Ancienne traduction Rev... The most beautiful edition of the Adventures of Robinson Crusoe.
Buy GOOS, Pieter. Le Grand & Nouveau Miroir ou Flambeau, De la Mer contenant la d... Extremely rare first French edition of the most beautiful 17th century Dutch sea atlas.
Buy GUILMARD, Désiré. Le Garde meuble, Journal d’ameublement. Collection de sièges ... « Désiré Guimard wishes above all to share the furniture models of his time with the greatest accuracy, offering the enthusiasts and the professionals a huge illustrated catalog...
Buy LA FONTAINE Fables choisies, mises en vers par M. de La Fontaine. First state of the first edition of La Fontaine’s Fables, printed in Paris in 1668, one of the most famous books of the Western world. Precious copy, with large margins (height...
Buy PASCAL, Blaise Traitez de l’équilibre des liqueurs, et de la pesanteur de la masse... Pascal, scientist and literary man!
Buy [PHILIPPE D’ORLEANS REGENT]. Reglement du Roy, et instructions touchant l’administration des har... The regulations of the Regent Philippe d’Orléans enacted between 1717 and 1719 bound in 1724 in red morocco with the arms and crowned cypher of the young Louis XV (1715-1774).
Buy PTOLEMAEUS, Claudius. Geographicae enarrationis libri oct. Traduit par Wilibald Pirckkeim... First edition of Ptolemy’s Geography edited by Michael Servetus, illustrated with 50 engraved maps, in 18th century red morocco.
Buy Plan de Turgot PLAN DE PARIS, commencé l’année 1734, dessiné et gravé sur les ordr... The map of Paris, drawn and engraved on Turgot’s orders, in 1739.
Buy WATTEAU, Antoine. L’Œuvre d’Antoine Watteau, Peintre du Roy. En son Académie Roïale d... "This sumptuous collection printed in 1735 is one of the most beautiful and rare books of the 18th century. Among the 100 copies that were printed almost three centuries ago, ba...
Buy LE SONGE DU VERGIER LE SONGE DU VERGIER, qui parle de la disputation du clerc et du che... Rare first incunabular edition of the Songe du Vergier printed in Lyons in 1491.
Buy GIDE, André. Les Faux-Monnayeurs. Roman. The first edition of the Counterfeiters.
Buy GOLTZIUS, Hendrick. La Passion de Jésus-Christ. “Goltzius is a superb engraver and his works are rightly sought-after” E. Benezit. “A virtuoso of chisel as the history of engraving never knew”. E. Rouir.
Buy RIVIERE, Pierre-Louis. Poh-Deng. Scènes de la vie siamoise. Illustrations de H. de La Nézi... First edition of Poh Deng by Riviere, sumptuously illustrated by Joseph de la Nézière, and wonderfully bound by Georges Baudin.
Buy [RECUEIL D'UNIFORMES MILITAIRES]. [RECUEIL D’UNIFORMES MILITAIRES]. Precious collection illustrated with 333 plates of military uniforms entirely stenciled.
Buy VAN DER MEULEN, Adam François. Recueil de 34 estampes, la plupart doubles ou plusieurs fois replié... Presentation copy offered by King Louis XIV of the famous collection of Van der Meulen, the most beautiful seventeenth century French illustrated book bound in contemporary red ...
Buy Homère. L’Iliade d’Homère, traduite en françois, avec des remarques par Mad... "Homer, a plural god, had worked, without mistakes, upstream and downstream at the same time, giving us a glimpse of the whole country of man and gods." René Char.
Buy [PHILIPPE d’ORLEANS, Régent] - LONGUS. Les Amours pastorales de Daphnis et Chloé (traduites du grec par Am... First issue of the 1718 edition of Les Amours de Daphnis et Chloé, one of the most famous illustrated books of the eighteenth century.
Buy PREVOST d’EXILES dit Prevost. Mémoires et avantures d’un homme de qualité, qui s’est retiré du mo... First edition of Manon Lescaut which was to "occupy a decisive place in the history of the French novel."
Buy MELANCHTHON, Philip / [CARION]. Des Faictz et gestes du roy François, premier de ce nom ; précédé d... First edition in French of legendary rarity preserved in its pure and beautiful contemporary binding from Lyons with coloured wax.
Buy APOLLINAIRE, Guillaume. Alcools. Poèmes. Unique copy, specially printed for the printer Arrault.
Buy DU FOUILLOUX, Jacques La Venerie et Fauconnerie de Iaques dv Fouilloux, Jean de Franchier... First edition of Du Fouilloux to contain Hunting and Hawking, printed in Paris in 1585.
Buy FOURNIER, Pierre-Simon. Manuel typographique, utile aux gens de lettres, & à ceux qui e... First edition of the most famous work dedicated to typographical art.
Buy LA FONTAINE Fables choisies, mises en vers par M. de la Fontaine et par luy rev... First collected edition of La Fontaine’s Fables, the only one printed and corrected under the author’s direction. It is of the highest interest and of the greatest importance.
Buy LAS CASAS, Don Bartolomeo de. Istoria o brevissima relatione della distruttione dell’Indie Occide... First Italian edition of a plea in favor of American Indians.
Buy VALERIUS MAXIMUS. Valerii Maximi factorū et dictorum memorabilium, ad Tiberiu Cesarem... Exceedingly rare editio princeps of the “Factorii et dictorum by Valerius Maximus” printed in Strasbourg in 1469 (Brunet) on the press of the first Alsatian printer, Johannes Me...
Buy NIEUHOFF, Jan. L’Ambassade de la compagnie orientale des Provinces unies vers l’Em... First French edition of Nieuhoff’s travel to China richly illustrated with 14 very fine engravings and preserved in its contemporary vellum binding.
Buy MONCORNET, Balthasar. Les vrais pourtraicts des Roys de France tirez de ce qui nous reste... Superb collection of 100 portraits of French monarchs and European personalities from the 17th century copper-engraved by Balthasar Moncornet.
Buy KANGXI (ou QING SHENGZU, 1654-1722). Gengzhitu (耕織圖 = Le Livre du Riz et de la Soie). First edition of this superb album financed by the Chinese emperor Kangxi in 1696, presenting poems he wrote as well as 46 superb wooducts representing the everyday life of Chin...
Buy GUIBERT, Jacques-Antoine-Hippolyte. Eloge du roi de Prusse. Par l’Auteur de l’Essai Général de Tactique... "Guibert’s work has had a great influence on the military conceptions of Napoleon, who had read and reflected on his writings."
Buy BULLIARD, Pierre. Flora Parisiensis ou descriptions et figures des plantes qui croiss... First edition of Bulliard’s botanical treatise illustrated with a title and with 642 engravings watercoloured at the time. Complete with the extremely rare introduction.
Buy PRISSE D’AVENNES, Achille Constant Théodore Emile. Oriental Album, characters, costumes, and modes of life in the vall... “The above is one of the most attractive books of Eastern Costume”.
Buy RIPALDA, P. Geronymo de. Catecismo Mexicano Que contiene toda la Doctrina Christiana con tod... “Of all catechisms translated or composed in Mexican, this one is the most complete, the most accurate and the most elegant. ˮ (Leclerc)
Buy GEILER VON KAISERBERG, Johann. Doctor Keiserbergs Postill uber die fyer Evangelia durchs Jor, samp... Very rare first editions of two reformer texts illustrated with 205 original woodcuts of Hans Wechtling (active from 1502 to 1526) and Heinrich Vogtherr (1490-1556) remarkably i...
Buy BEVY, Abbé Charles-Joseph de. Histoire des inaugurations des rois, empereurs, et autres souverain... 81 French costumes from the thirteenth to the eighteenth century.
Buy [Contes de fées]. [CAYLUS, Anne-Claude-Philippe de Tubières, comte de]. Féeries nouvelles. First edition of the 14 fairy tales of the Count of Caylus, likely to have inspired Andersen.
Buy GOETHE, Johann-Wolfgang. Les Souffrances du jeune Werther. Traduction nouvelle orné de trois... The Sorrows of Young Werther: Goethe's fame is made and his name will long remain attached to this literary event, to the first German novel that truly crossed the borders of Ge...
Buy STENDHAL, Henri Beyle La Chartreuse de Parme par l’auteur de Rouge et Noir. One of the most beautiful recorded copies of the first edition of La Chartreuse de Parme “very rare and extremely sought-after” (Clouzot), with wider margins than the copy sold...
Buy LONDON, Jack. The Call of the Wild. First edition of this adventure novel by Jack London which action takes place during the gold rush era.
Buy DAUDET, Alphonse Lettres de mon moulin. Impressions et souvenirs. First edition of "Mr Seguin’s Goat".
Buy GAUTIER, Théophile Le Capitaine Fracasse. Rare first edition of the Capitaine Fracasse, Théophile Gautier's masterpiece, preserved in its elegant contemporary binding.
Buy HUGO, Victor Hermani ou l’honneur castillan, Drame par Victor Hugo, représenté s... The Meeûs copy, with huge margins since untrimmed.
Buy Homère. L’Odisee d’Homère Traduict de grec en françois, par Claude Boitel A... The first French prose translation of Homer's entire Odyssey.
Buy BALZAC, Honoré de Eugénie Grandet. First edition of Eugénie Grandet, one of the masterpieces of literature worldwide.
Buy VOLTAIRE, François Marie Arouet. Candide ou l’Optimisme, traduit de l’allemand de Mr. le Docteur Ralph. Candide’s first edition in contemporary binding.
Buy REGNAULT, Nicolas-François et Geneviève. La Botanique mise a la portée de tout le monde ou collection des pl... One of the most beautiful botanical books from the 18th century. 472 engravings of natural sciences entirely watercolored at the time.
Buy SIMON DE COLINES. Horae en Laudem beatissimae virginis Mariae ad usum Romanum. The iconographic genius from the Renaissance preserved in a contemporary binding with a decoration inspired by Francis I of France and Jean Grolier.
Buy DIDEROT, Denis Le Père de famille, Comédie en cinq Actes, et en Prose, Avec Un Dis... Three first editions by Diderot in superb contemporary blond calf: Discours sur la poésie dramatique, Le Père de Famille, Le Fils Naturel.
Buy SADE, Donatien-Alphonse-François comte, dit marquis de. Aline et Valcour, ou le roman philosophique. Ecrit à la Bastille un... Extremely rare first edition of one of the most famous works by the Marquis de Sade, published during the Revolution.
Buy ISOCRATE. Orationes omnes [Graece], quarum nomina in sequenti invenies pagina... The Works of Isocrates printed in Greek in 1540 bound at the time for Marcus Függer (1529-1597), rival of Giovanni Batista Grimaldi.
Buy CASTANEDA, Fernand Lopez de. L’Histoire des Indes de Portugal, contenant comment l’Inde a esté d... This volume contains the first book of Lopes de Castanheda in which the author gives an account of the voyage of Pedro Alvarez Cabral in India in 1500, in the course of which ...
Buy ABRAHAM BAR HIYYA. Sefer Zurat ha-Erets… Sphaera mundi, describens figuram terrae disp... Exceedingly rare first edition, bilingual Hebrew-Latin, of the most famous treatise on astronomy by Abraham bar Hiyya.
Buy Recueil manuscrit de plans de batailles. Desseins, ou Delineations des Batailles et Campements. Faites et fo... Precious manuscript album entirely contemporary handcolored presenting maps of battles and of the armed camps.
Buy BOUCHER, Juste-François. Recueil de décorations intérieures. First edition of the utmost rarity of this precious collection of interior design by the son of the painter François Boucher, illustrated with 60 plates in first issue.
Buy Livre (Le) de honneste volupté. Contenant la maniere d’habiller toutes, sortes de viandes tan... The gastronomy in French language printed in Lyons in 1588.
Buy DUPERREY, Louis-Isidore. Voyage autour du Monde, exécuté par ordre du Roi sur la corvette de... Precious and exceedingly rare set comprising the four atlases that illustrate the account of one of the most famous Voyages to the Pacific published in parts from 1825 to 1835.
Buy MONTIGNY. Uniformes militaires où se trouvent gravés en taille-douce les Unif... The Uniformes Militaires watercoloured and bound in contemporary morocco.
Buy [RECUEIL D'ESTAMPES] [RECUEIL D’ESTAMPES représentant les Grades, les Rangs & ... First issue of one of the most precious costumes and historical portraits collections, “the engraving picturing Marie-Antoinette in her court costume was sold alone for 265 gold...
Buy FLAUBERT, Gustave Bouvard et Pécuchet. First edition of Bouvard et Pécuchet.
Buy FLAUBERT, Gustave L’Education sentimentale. Histoire d’un jeune homme. The first edition of L'Education sentimentale in its contemporary binding.
Buy CICERO, Marcus Tullius Cicero, 103-43 B.C. Œuvres complètes de M. T. Cicéron, traduites en français, avec le t... The first and most precious French collective edition of Cicero’s Works sumptuously contemporary bound in red morocco by Simier, the king’s binder, with the arms of the Duchess ...
Buy [Fermanel de Favery, Luc]. Relation des missions et des voyages des evesques vicaires apostoli... « Very rare » first edition of this account of the missions to Cochin-china, Tonkin, China, Cambodia, Chiampa, India and Siam.
Buy DEFOE, Daniel. La Vie et les Aventures de Robinson Crusoë. Traduction Revue et cor... The most beautiful edition of The Adventures of Robinson Crusoe, illustrated in first issue with 20 engravings after Stothard, in superb contemporary blue morocco by Simier.
Buy MOLIERE, J.-B. Poquelin. George Dandin ou le mary confondu. Comédie. Precious first edition of "George Dandin" by Molière.
Buy MOLIERE, J.-B. Poquelin. Les Facheux. Comédie. Représentée sur le Theatre du Palais Royal. First edition of "Les Facheux" which was performed on August 17, 1671 at the castle of Fouquet in the presence of Louis XIV, one of Molière's most vivid successes.
Buy MOLIERE, J.-B. Poquelin. Les Femmes Sçavantes. Comédie. Precious first edition of the "Femmes Savantes".
Buy MOLIERE, J.-B. Poquelin. Œuvres. Nouvelle édition. The most beautiful old edition of Molière’s Works printed in Paris in 1734, masterly illustrated by the painter Boucher.
Buy MOLIERE, J.-B. Poquelin. L’Étourdi ou les contre-temps. Comédie. First edition of "L’Étourdi" by Molière
Buy MOLIERE, J.-B. Poquelin. Rarissime recueil factice réunissant cinq pièces de Molière en reli... One of the only collections of Molière's plays - some of them in first edition – preserved in its armorial contemporary binding, around 1666.
Buy AUDEBERT, Jean-Baptiste/ VIEILLOT, Louis-Pierre Oiseaux dorés ou à reflets métalliques. I- Histoire naturelle et gé... 190 superb bird engravings printed in colour and enhanced with gold. One of the 200 sumptuous copies of the deluxe issue in large folio format with captions printed in gold.
Buy HEMINGWAY, Ernest. The Old Man and the Sea. First edition first issue of Ernest Hemingway's masterpiece.
Buy JUCHEREAU DE LA FERTE, dite de Saint-Ignace, Jeanne-Françoise. Histoire de l’Hôtel-Dieu de Québec. First edition of these annals recounting the creation of the first hospital in Quebec City by the Hospitallers of Dieppe under the auspices of the Duchess of Aiguillon, niece of...
Buy LE GANGNEUR, Guillaume (1553-1624). La Rizographie ou les Sources, élémens & perfections de l’écrit... Very rare first edition of this superb treatise on calligraphy engraved in 1599.
Buy BREYDENBACH, Bernhard von. Par Nicole Le Huen. (L)e grant voyage de hierusalem diuise en deux parties. First publication of this large map of Jerusalem in a printed book. First mention of the discovery of Labrador in 1501 by Cortereal.
Buy MANUSCRIT ENLUMINE [Heures à l’usage de Paris]. Very pleasant illuminated Parisian manuscript illustrated with 6 large miniatures bound in an elegant 16th century binding.
Buy MARMOL. L’Afrique de Marmol de la traduction de Nicolas Perrot d’Ablancourt... Marmol’s Afrique illustrated with 28 superb maps by Nicolas Sanson.
Buy FENELON, François de Salignac de la Mothe. Les Aventures de Télémaque. The Adventures of Telemachus printed on large-paper.
Buy LA MARTINIERE, Pierre-Martin de (1634-1690). Nouveau Voyage du Nort dans lequel on voit les Mœurs, la Manière de... Extremely rare first edition illustrated with 18 engravings.
Buy DURAS, Marguerite. Un barrage contre le Pacifique. First edition of one of Marguerite Duras' most important novels, the one that revealed her to the general public.
Buy DAUDET, Alphonse Le Petit Chose. Histoire d’un enfant. The first edition of the Petit Chose by Alphonse Daudet
Buy LEMERCIER DE NEUVILLE, Louis. Théâtre des Pupazzi. The Pupazzi of Lemercier de Neuville through 18 plays each illustrated with a beautiful etching.
Buy ROUGET DE LISLE, Joseph. Essais en vers et en prose. “The Marseillaise, whatever the musicians and jurists say, is the first song of modern times, is the first song of modern times, since in its day it led men and made them win. "...
Buy FRIZON, Pierre. La Saincte Bible Françoise, Selon la vulgaire Latine reveuë par le ... “We believe that this heraldic iron (combining a fleur-de-lys and a dolphin, both surmounted by the crown of the princes of the blood, here repeated 3 times on the back of each...
Buy [LINNE, Carl von] / MOUTON-FONTENILLE DE LA CLOTTE, J.-P. Système des plantes, Contenant les Classes, Ordres, Genres et Espèc... The diffusion of Linnaeus' ideas in France.
Buy LEMERY, Nicolas. Traité Universel des Drogues simples, mises en ordre alphabétique. ... First edition of the Traité des Drogues simples by Lémery, botanist and chemist of the 17th century.
Buy HUGO, Victor Les feuilles d’automne. “Exquisite for the learned, original and essential among the author's other productions, the collection of 'Les Feuilles d'automne' is also in perfect harmony with this century...
Buy [CORNEILLE / CHAPELAIN]. Les Sentimens de l’Académie françoise sur la Tragi-comédie du Cid. The rare first edition of the first work of the very young French Academy by which it takes part in the fierce quarrel triggered by the publication of the Cid in 1637.
Buy STENDHAL, Henri Beyle Armance, ou quelques scènes d’un salon de Paris en 1827. “The most beautiful copy seen by the great bookseller Maurice Chalvet in the course of his long career.”
Buy MARIVAUX, Pierre Carlet de Chamblain de Arlequin poli par l’Amour, Comédie. Représentée par les Comédiens I... First edition of the utmost rarity in ancient binding of Marivaux’s first success, Arlequin poli par l’Amour.
Buy ZORN, Joseph (1739-1799). Afbeeldingen der Artseny-Gewassen met Derzelver Nederduitsche en La... Rare first Dutch edition illustrated with 712 superb engravings of flowers and plants printed between 1796 and 1813 drawn by the pharmacist Joseph Zorn (1739-1799) and delicatel...
Buy ERASMUS / ETIENNE DE LA PLANCHE. Les troys derniers livres des Apohthegmes [sic], c’est à dire briev... “Etienne de la Planche demonstrates here that French language was sufficiently standing out from Latin to claim to be a full literary language.” (Louis Lobbes).
Buy MADAME DE GENLIS. Théâtre à l’usage des jeunes personnes. First edition of « the first modern work of education focused on the truth, the reality and the beautiful”.
Buy ADANSON, Michel. Histoire naturelle du Sénégal. Coquillages. Avec la Relation abrégé... Rare first edition of this account of a journey to Senegal by the naturalist Michel Adanson, illustrated with a large map and 19 folding engraved plates.
Buy AGRICOLA, Georgius De re Metallica. The only known copy of this original scientific edition preserved in its beautiful contemporary blind-stamped pigskin binding from Basel with its original clasps preserved.
Buy ALEMBERT, Jean Le Rond d’ (1717-1783). Histoire des membres de l’Académie françoise, Morts depuis 17... "The powers of Versailles were frowned upon, and the Encyclopédie was courted. We preferred a word of praise from d'Alembert, from Diderot, to the most signal favour of a prin...
Buy ALKEN, Henry. Symptoms of being amused. [Followed by]: Illustrations to Popular s... First edition of this collection of caricatures by Alken. Tooley, 57.
Buy ALMANACH ou calendrier pour l’année 1697 Exactement supputé sur l’élévation et le méridien de Paris. Où sont... « These volumes have become of the utmost rarity, better to say to be true, unobtainable». (Comte de Montgrand, year 1862).
Buy ALMANACH DU COMMERCE DE PARIS, des départements, de l'Empire français, et des principales villes du monde; par J. de la Tynna, de la Société d’Encouragement pour l’Industrie ... The Trade Almanac for the year 1812 contemporary bound with the arms of the Emperor Napoleon 1st (1769-1812).
Buy ALMANACH IMPERIAL AN BISSEXTIL 1812 PRESENTE A. S. M. L’EMPEREUR ET ROI. Almanach Impérial. Imperial Almanac bound in green morocco with the supposed monogram of Joseph Fouché, an exceedingly rare provenance.
Buy ALVAREZ DE COLMENAR, J. Beschryving van Spanjen en Portugal. Superb volume illustrated with 167 engravings on Spain and Portugal in 1707.
Buy AUBIGNE, Théodore Agrippa d'. Les Avantures du Baron de Faeneste, Comprinses en quatre Parties. L... "Through his dual vocation as a soldier and a Calvinist writer, Agrippa d'Aubigné gradually established himself as a leading figure in French Renaissance literature. Sainte-Beuv...
Buy BALBUS, Johannes (d. 1298). Catholicon. The famous "Catholicon" completed by Koberger on 21 August 1486, complete, preserved in its decorated workshop binding of the time.
Buy BALZAC, Honoré de Études de mœurs au XIXe siècle. First edition of Balzac’s first attempt at the “Human comedy”.
Buy BALZAC, Honoré de La Fleur des Pois – La Paix du ménage [Etudes de mœurs au XIXe sièc... The first edition of La Fleur des Pois, rare copy on coloured paper as issued with its original cover.
Buy BALZAC, Honoré de Un début dans la vie. First edition of Un début dans la vie.
Buy BALZAC, Honoré de Eugénie Grandet. One of the most beautiful copies of Eugénie Grandet, a masterpiece of world literature, in an untooled contemporary binding.
Buy BALZAC, Honoré de Mémoires de deux jeunes mariées. First edition of the Mémoires de deux jeunes mariées. The only copy cited by Carteret, with huge margins.
Buy BALZAC, Jean-Louis Guez de. Le Prince. First edition of the Prince by Guez de Balzac (1597-1654), “the work that contributed to set the language and is one of the finest monuments of French prose.”
Buy BARBARO, Daniele. La Pratica della perspettiva, opera molto profittevole a pittori, s... Precious and rare first edition of Barbaro's great architectural treatise, the first work of practical perspective published in Italy.
Buy BARLA, J. B. Les champignons de la province de Nice et principalement les espèce... First edition of the author’s first book, illustrated with 48 chromolithographs enhanced with gum Arabic.
Buy BEVERLEY, Robert. Histoire de la Virginie ; contenant I. L’histoire de son étab... The delicious volume on the Histoire de la Virginie printed in 1707 bound with Madame de Pompadour’s arms.
Buy MANUSCRIT ENLUMINE ÉTHIOPIEN. Manuscrit liturgique illustré écrit en ge’ez. Attractive Ethiopian bible handwritten on vellum skin and illuminated with two full-page polychrome figures.
Buy MANUSCRIT ENLUMINE ÉTHIOPIEN. Manuscrit liturgique illustré écrit en ge’ez. Precious Ethiopian bible handwritten on vellum skin illuminated with 13 full-page polychrome figures.
Buy BIDLOO, Govert Komste van Zyne Majesteit Willem III. Koning van Groot Britanje, en... First edition of one of the most beautiful Dutch festive books of the baroque period decorated with 16 sumptuous engravings in the first edition. First edition of one of the mo...
Buy Boccace, Jean (1313-1375). Le livre de Jehan Bocasse [sic] De la Louenge et vertu des nobles e... First French edition and first issue illustrated with 80 woodcuts.
Buy BOCCACE. Des Dames de renom, Nouvellement traduict d’Italien en Langage Fran... Edition originale de cette traduction française des Dames de renom de Boccace, la première collection, dans l’histoire occidentale, de biographies féminines.
Buy ANCIENNES DENTELLES BELGES. formant la collection de Feue Madame Augusta Bnne Liedts, et donnée... Magnificent and impressive binding in blue morocco with gilt dentelle and large arms in mosaic in the center of the covers, signed Desamblancx-Weckesser.
Buy HUGO, Victor / DE VIGNY, Alfred. Le Conservateur littéraire. Famous and very rare first edition of the Conservateur littéraire by the Hugo brothers and Alfred de Vigny.
Buy SADELER, Jan / GEERAERTS, Marc. Passio Verbigenae quae nostra Redeptio Christi, nos dvcit ad svmmi ... The original engraved work of Queen Elisabeth’s painter.
Buy MORIN, Pierre. Remarques nécessaires pour la culture des fleurs. Diligemment obser... Advises from the greatest French florist of his time along with his sales catalogue.
Buy BOSSUET, Jacques Bénigne Méditations sur l’Evangile. Ouvrage posthume. First edition of Bossuet’s Méditations sur l’Evangile bound in contemporary red morocco with the arms of Charles-Gaspard Guillaume de Vintimille du Luc, successively bishop of...
Buy CHARDIN, Sir John. Voyages du chevalier Chardin en Perse, et autres lieux de l’Orient.... First complete edition of the Voyages du chevalier Chardin en Perse et autres lieux de l’Orient “enlarged with the Coronation of Suleiman III & numerous extracts from the Auth...
Buy CALENDRIER DES BERGERS Le Grand Kalendrier et Compost des Bergers composé par le berger de... The great "Calendrier des Bergers" illustrated with more than 80 woodcuts.
Buy TRENTO, Jean-Baptiste / [Frangidelphe]. Histoire de la Mappe-monde papistique, en laquelle est declaire tou... First edition of great rarity of one of the most virulent Calvinist pamphlets of the 16th century.
Buy NEANDER, Johann Traicté du tabac, ou nicotiane, panacee, petun : autrement Herbe a ... One of the major tabacology treatises illustrated with the first representations of Amerindians cultivating tobacco.
Buy Chateaubriand, François René de. Mémoires d’Outre-Tombe. Extremely rare pre-original edition of the Mémoires d'Outre-Tombe published before the original Parisian edition, unobtainable in well-preserved original wrappers.
Buy LEROUX, Gaston Le Fantôme de l’Opéra. The rare first edition of the Phantom of the Opera.
Buy BOCK, Hieronymus. Kreutterbuch darin vnderscheidt Name(n) vnnd würckunng der Kreutter... The famous herbarium by Bock from 1572, illustrated with 500 engravings in contemporary colors.
Buy WATTEAU, Antoine. Figures de différents caractères de Paysages & d’Etudes d... « Very rare » (Cohen) first edition of Antoine Watteau’s Figures de différents caractères, one of the most beautiful books of the history of French bibliophily.
Buy [CARTE / CHINE]. A Map and History of Peiping. Formerly known as Peking; capital of ... “Perhaps the best known and most iconic pictorial map of Beijing published in the 20th Century”.
Buy STENDHAL, Henri Beyle Promenades dans Rome. First edition of Promenades dans Rome.
Buy TROIS PRÉCIEUX ROMANS DE CHEVALERIE. Pierre de Provence et Maguelonne. Cleomadès et Cleremonde. Les nobl... Volume of the highest interest gathering at that time several chivalry novels illustrated post-incunables in 16th century’s binding including Pierre de Provence et Maguelonne ...
Buy MOLIERE, J.-B. Poquelin. L’Avare. Comédie. Par I. B. P. Molière. First edition of L'Avare, one of the rarest and most famous comedies by Molière.
Buy DUMONT D'URVILLE, Jules Sébastien César. Voyage de la corvette de l’Astrolabe (autour du Monde) exécuté par ... First edition of the most important French travel undertaken in the Pacific in the nineteenth century.
Buy CORNEILLE, Pierre Le Menteur, Comedie The rare first edition of Corneille's Menteur.
Buy PELLISSON-FONTANIER, Paul. Relation contenant l’histoire de l’Académie françoise. Rare and sought-after first edition "of this excellent piece of literary history".
Buy LA FAYETTE, Marie-Madeleine Pioche de La Vergne. Zayde, Histoire espagnole. First edition of one of the main novels of Madame de La Fayette. An exceptional copy with the title of volume 1 dated 1669, condition that no bibliographer has reported.
Buy RACINE, Jean Œuvres de Racine. Tome Ier (et second). "Racine the poet of the heart and even more sublime because he is only sublime when it is necessary to be; Racine, the only tragic poet of his time whose genius was driven by t...
Buy FLECHIER, Esprit. Oraison funebre de tres-haut et puissant Seigneur Messire Michel Le... The illustrious funeral oration of Michel Le Tellier, chancellor of France, pronounced by Esprit Fléchier. Precious and magnificent copy printed on large paper bound with the a...
Buy PERRAULT, Charles La Marquise de Salusses, ou la patience de Grisélidis. Nouvelle. Extremely rare first edition of the first fairy tale by Charles Perrault « La Marquise de Salusses, ou la patience de Grisélidis », preserved in its contemporary binding with th...
Buy BUSSY-RABUTIN, (Roger de Rabutin, Comte de Bussy). Histoire du Palais Royal. The Loves of King Louis XIV and Madame de la Vallière featuring Madame de Montespan related by the Count of Bussy-Rabutin
Buy FONTENELLE. Œuvres diverses de M. de Fontenelle, de l’Académie françoise. First collective edition of Fontenelle's Works and one of the most precious copies recorded - one of the few 4to copies printed on large Holland paper - covered with luxurious ...
Buy GOMBERVILLE, Martin Le Roy La Doctrine des mœurs ou sont représentés en cent tableaux la diffé... "La doctrine des Mœurs" by one of our first academicians, illustrated with 103 engravings, intended for the king Louis XIV aged 8 years and intended for the training of the youth.
Buy [MANUSCRIT] JOURNAL HISTORIQUE DE TOUTES LES BATAILLES. Sièges et Prises de Villes, Exploits de Guerre, et Evenemens les pl... Dedication manuscript illustrated with 9 large drawings of fortified places, watercolored on double-page including Ath, fortified by Vauban, in red morocco with dentelle and the...
Buy BOSSUET, Jacques Bénigne Histoire des variations des églises protestantes. First edition of Bossuet’s great anti-protestant work sumptuously bound in contemporary red morocco with the arms of Achille de Harlay (1639-1712), prosecutor and President of t...
Buy BOSSUET, Jacques Bénigne Traitez du libre-arbitre, et de la concupiscence. Ouvrages posthume... Magnificent copy of the first edition of the Traité du Libre-Arbitre by J.B. Bossuet contemporary bound in red morocco with the arms of Jacques-Bénigne Bossuet, nephew of the gr...
Buy BOUCHET, Jean. Les Annalles dacquitaine faictz et gestes en sommaire des Roys de F... Second original edition of Jean Bouchet’s best text of which Rabelais praised the science and beautiful language.
Buy BOULLE, Pierre. La Planète des Singes. Roman. One of the greatest Hollywood successes from French literature.
Buy [FÊTES]. [BOURDELOT (Abbé)]. Relation des assemblées Faites à Versailles dans le grand Apparteme... Rare account of the great carnival of 1683, during which the whole court showed itself in picturesque disguises.
Buy [BREVET DE NOBLESSE ESPAGNOL]. Brevet de noblesse conféré par le roi Philippe III d’Espagne à Luis... Superb copy of this Spanish certificate of nobility from the very beginning of the 17th century entirely painted and illuminated on vellum skin.
Buy BRETON DE LA MARTINIERE La Russie ou mœurs, usages et costumes des habitans de toutes les p... 111 contemporary hand-colored engravings depicting Russia.
Buy BRY, Jean Theodore de. Alphabeta et Characteres… Apud Omnes Omnino Nationes usurpatj ; ex ... First edition and first issue of the rarest collection of alphabets « Alphabeta et Characteres » by the de Bry brothers, printed in Frankfurt in 1596.
Buy BRY, Joh. Theod. De (1561-1623) Anthologia magna, Sive Florilegium novum & absolutum, variorum ... Complete first edition preserved in its pure binding in contemporary overlapping ivory vellum.
Buy DAUDET, Alphonse Contes du lundi. "Very sought-after" first edition (Clouzot). Precious copy dedicated by the author to the woman of letters and novelist Emma Bailly also known as Claire de Chandeneux.
Buy MIRABEAU, Honoré Gabriel Riquetti. Des Lettres de cachet et des prisons d’Etat. First edition of the virulent work of Mirabeau written in the dungeon of Vincennes and speaking out against despotism.
Buy GRIGNETTE, Bégnine. Les Armes Triomphantes de son Altesse, Monseigneur, le duc d’Espernon. Édition originale de cette superbe Entrée à Dijon.
Buy CHARLEVOIX, Pierre-François-Xavier de. Histoire et description générale de la Nouvelle France, avec le jou... First edition of “a precious work for the History of Canada and Louisiana”, 44 plates and 28 large maps.
Buy BOSSE, Abraham Traité des Manières de dessiner les Ordres de l’Architecture Antiqu... “Bosse’s architectural book in three parts is an important step for the architectural theory in the middle of the 17th century”.
Buy [THIRY, Léonard / GOHORY, Jacques.] [Livre de la conqueste de la Toison d’or] Hystoria Iasonis Thessali... First edition of the Latin issue, much rarer than the French one.
Buy MANUSCRIT ENLUMINE ÉTHIOPIEN. Manuscrit liturgique illustré écrit en ge’ez. Precious Ethiopian bible handwritten on vellum skin illuminated with 13 full-page polychrome figures.
Buy COMBLES, Charles-Jean de (1735-1803). L’Ecole du jardin potager, Contenant la Description exacte de toute... Perhaps the most beautiful listed copy of L'École du jardin potager preserved in a sumptuous contemporary green morocco binding with a wide dentelle with birds by Derome le Jeune.
Buy CASANOVA, Giacomo Girolamo Mémoires du vénitien J. Casanova de Seingalt , extraits de ses manu... A pure copy, without foxing, exceedingly rare in full contemporary binding.
Buy CERVANTES, Miguel de. Novelas exemplares de Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra. Dirigido a don ... Cervantes’ Novelas in a very attractive contemporary binding.
Buy COLONNA, Francesco Hypnerotomachie ou Discours du Songe de Poliphile, Déduisant comme ... The “Hypnerotomachia Poliphili”, one of the most important works of Renaissance illustrated literature.
Buy CORNEILLE, Pierre Le Théâtre de P. Corneille. Revue & corrigé par l’Autheur. I. ... A superb copy with wide margins bound in red morocco by Cuzin from the library of the sculptor Weber.
Buy CORNEILLE, Pierre Le menteur, comédie. Rare counterfeit edition of Le Menteur by Corneille. Ambroise Firmin Didot’s copy described by Picot in his Bibliographie cornélienne.
Buy [CHRONOLOGIE COLLEE]. [CHRONOLOGIE COLLEE]. Papes, empereurs, rois et hommes célèbres, di... Precious example of “Chronologie collée” containing 1 271 portraits fineley hand-colored at the time.
Buy CORNEILLE, Pierre Polyeucte Martyr. Tragédie. One of the great first editions of French literature, printed in Paris in 1643.
Buy DELAPORTE. Les Spectacles de Paris, ou Calendrier historique et Chronologique ... The Spectacles from Marie-Antoinette’s Paris from 1774 to 1788.
Buy DEMIDOFF. Voyage dans la Russie méridionale et la Crimée par la Hongrie, la V... Demidoff’s travel in Russia and Crimea illustrated with 25 plates out of pagination.
Buy DIDEROT, Denis Lettre sur les sourds et muets, A l’Usage de ceux qui entendent ... True first edition of the “Essay on the Beautiful” by Diderot in an attractive contemporary binding bearing the arms of the marquis of Choiseul-Stainville.
Buy [GHEERAERTS, Marcus] / VONDEL, Joost van Den. Vorsteliicke Warande der dieren […] Oock met aerdige Afbeeldi... Precious collection of two very rare illustrated fable books, in editio princeps,
Buy PALISSY, Bernard. Discours admirables, de la nature des eaux et fonteines, tant natur... First edition of Bernard Palissy's "Discours naturalistes".
Buy GREEVEN, H. Collection des costumes des provinces septentrionales du Royaume de... First edition of this superb collection of costumes from the Netherlands.
Buy MONTESQUIEU Lettres Persanes. Troisième édition. The "third original edition" (Rochebilière) of Montesquieu's Lettres Persanes.
Buy MONTESQUIEU Considérations sur les causes de la grandeur des romains et de leur... Definitive edition given by Montesquieu himself.
Buy DIDEROT, Denis Pensées sur l’interprétation de la nature. Definitive original edition of Diderot's exposition of encyclopaedic ideas.
Buy SAINT-AUGUSTIN Les Confessions de St Augustin, Traduites en François par M. du Boi... "The Confessions" of Saint Augustine from the presses of the Imprimerie Royale.
Buy VOLTAIRE, François Marie Arouet. La Henriade. Imprimé par ordre du Roi pour l’éducation de Monseigne... The first work published by Didot Fils and one of the rarest and most beautiful illustrated books of the eighteenth century.
Buy MONTESQUIEU Œuvres Complètes, Nouvelle édition, avec des notes d’Helvétius sur ... "A masculine and fast genius". Voltaire.
Buy DIDEROT, Denis La Religieuse. First edition.
Buy [BIBLE]. ILLUMINATED MANUSCRIPT ON VELLUM SKIN. Superb Capetian manuscript from the School of Paris.
Buy SCAPPI, Bartolomeo Opera di M. Bartolomeo Scappi, cvoco secreto di Papa Pio Quinto, di... Scappi, "The Michelangelo of the cooking".
Buy HUGO, Victor Œuvres complètes de Victor Hugo. Poésie. VII. Les Rayons et les Omb... First edition of this rare and sought-after work, which was printed in a limited edition of 1500 copies.
Buy JAUME SAINT-HILAIRE, Jean Henri. Plantes de la France décrites et peintes d’après nature par M. Jaum... First edition, first issue of this famous work depicting the flowers and the plants of France.
Buy RESTIF DE LA BRETONNE Les Nuits de Paris ou le spectateur nocturne. The original edition is preserved in its strictly uniform contemporary binding, a rare condition.
Buy BALZAC, Honoré de Ursule Mirouët. Balzac's personal copy in superb condition, bound according to his instructions.
Buy Bilder zum Auschanungs Unterricht. fur die Jugend… Precious pedagogical album composed of 40 lithographs on double-page.
Buy CODICE DI PROCEDURA CIVILE PEL REGNO D’ITALIA. Edizione originale e la sola ufficiale. First edition of the Code of Civil Procedure for the Kingdom of Italy.
Buy DESCRIPTION DES FESTES données par la ville de Paris DESCRIPTION DES FESTES données par le ville de Paris, à l’occasion ... First issue of one of the most beautiful festival books of the 18th century.
Buy Chateaubriand, François René de. De la Monarchie selon la charte. A precious and extremely rare first edition.
Buy Sammlung verschiedener Spanischer National-Trachten und Uniformen d... The superb copy of Tsar Alexander I.
Buy RAMUSIO, Giovanni Battista. Delle Navigationi et Viaggi in molti luoghi corretta, et ampliata, ... A precious collection that deserves to be highly sought after by travel collectors.
Buy DAUDET, Alphonse Aventures prodigieuses de Tartarin de Tarascon. First edition "very rare and much sought-after" (Clouzot).
Buy FIELDING, Henry. Tom Jones, ou histoire d’un enfant trouvé. Traduction nouvelle et c... First edition of the translation made by the Count de La Bédoyère.
Buy LE CLÉZIO, J.M.G. L’Extase matérielle. The first edition of "l'Extase matérielle" on large paper.
Buy LE SAGE. Le Diable boiteux. Extremely rare first edition of Le Sage's "Diable boiteux".
Buy MIRBEAU, Octave. Le Journal d’une femme de chambre. First edition of "Journal d'une femme de chambre".
Buy PRÉVOST, Antoine-François, l'abbé. Histoire de Manon Lescaut et du chevalier des Grieux. One of the very few copies on China paper.
Buy STENDHAL, Henri Beyle Rome, Naples et Florence, en 1817. First edition of this "rare and important work", (Carteret, II, 346).
Buy VOLTAIRE, François Marie Arouet. Recueil des romans de Voltaire contenant Zadig suivi de Micromégas ... A precious collective edition of Voltaire's greatest novels.
Buy LA BIBLIOTHEQUE BLEUE Entièrement refondue, & considérablement augmentée. Very rare collective edition of the famous “Bibliothèque Bleue”.
Buy LARBAUD, Valery. Enfantines. "The bewitching memory of childhood loves".
Buy MAUPASSANT, Guy de Contes de La Bécasse. The first edition of Maupassant's "Contes de La Bécasse".
Buy PAGNOL, Marcel Marius. Pièce en quatre actes et six tableaux. Représentée pour la ... Rare first edition of Marius by Marcel Pagnol, printed at 150 copies only.
Buy PETIS DE LA CROIX, François. Les Mille & un Jour. Contes Persans. Traduits en françois par ... "Les Mille et un Jours, Contes Persans", preserved in their contemporary binding.
Buy RESTIF DE LA BRETONNE, Nicolas Edme. La Vie de mon Père. Par l’Auteur du Paysan perverti. Original second edition "of the most famous of all Restif's books".
Buy RIMBAUD, Arthur. Les Illuminations. Notice par Paul Verlaine. "The Illuminations" opened new horizons to literature.
Buy SCHILLER, Friedrich Von. Œuvres dramatiques… traduites de l’allemand ; précédées d’une... First edition of Baron Prosper Brugière de Barante's French translation of Friedrich von Schiller's dramatic works.
Buy La Caricature. Journal fondé et dirigé par Ch. Philipon. Complete first edition of the main political and literary Journal of the Romantic period.
Buy [PHILIPPE d’ORLEANS, Régent] - LONGUS. Les Amours pastorales de Daphnis et Chloé. Traduction nouvelle, ave... Precious copy that belonged to Napoleon III.
Buy LABILLARDIERE. Relation du voyage à la recherche de La Pérouse, fait par ordre de ... The fascinating Relation du voyage à la recherche de La Pérouse illustrated with 44 plates in first issue.
Buy ROQUES, Joseph. Plantes usuelles, indigènes et exotiques, dessinées et coloriées d’... First edition of this very beautiful botanical work illustrated with 132 plates finely watercolored at the time.
Buy LAUTRÉAMONT, Comte de (pseudonyme d’Isidore Ducasse). Les Chants de Maldoror. First edition second state of Lautréamont's Chants de Maldoror.
Buy LA BRUYERE Les Caractères de Théophraste. Traduits du Grec, avec les Caractère... The definitive edition of La Bruyère's Caractères, the ninth, the most sought-after, completed in 1696.
Buy PHILIPPE PIGOUCHET - SIMON VOSTRE. Ces présentes heures a lusaige de Rome furĕt achevez lan Mil CCCC. ... Incunabular partly first edition printed on vellum skin on the 22nd of August 1498 decorated with several hundreds of woodcuts.
Buy DAUMIER, Honoré Les Baigneurs. The very rare complete suite of Honoré Daumier's Baigneurs caricaturing the France of Louis-Philippe.
Buy GEYLER VON KAISERBERG. Sermones prestantissimi Sacrarum literarum doctoris Joanis Geilerii... Copy preserved in its original blind-stamped pigskin binding over wooden boards.
Buy CARRACHE, Augustin L’Aretin ou Recueil de postures érotiques, d’après les gravures à l... A precious copy complete with the 20 erotic prints, bound in contemporary full calf.
Buy Sensuit le labyriht de fortune et Sejour des trois nobles dames Com... Rare first Parisian edition of the Labyrinthe de Fortune by Jean Bouchet.
Buy Contes et nouvelles en vers. First collective edition of the Contes by La Fontaine and first illustrated edition.
Buy Réflexions ou Sentences et Maximes morales. First edition of La Rochefoucauld's Maximes.
Buy RABELAIS François. Les Œuvres de M. François Rabelais Docteur en Médecine. Dont le con... A very rare 17th century copy preserved in its contemporary morocco.
Buy La Nef des Princes. [Suivie de :] La Nef des batailles. Precious gothic edition combining in second editio "La Nef des Princes" by Champier with "La Nef des Batailles" by Barsac.
Buy BOURDALOUE, Le P. Louis. Exhortations et instructions chretiennes. The sumptuous Bourdaloue of Madame Victoire bound by Derome in a contemporary dentelle morocco binding with arms.
Buy BOUCHET, Guillaume. Sérées de Guillaume Bouchet, juge et Consul des Marchands, à Poitiers. The table’s talk of a printer from Poitou, a fervent admirer of Montaigne.
Buy Satires du Sieur D. Seconde édition. Very rare "first edition of satire VIII small format" (Tchemerzine, I, 736).
Buy MAP OF CHINA Rekidai Bunya no Zu Kokon Jinbutsu Jiseki, 歴代分野之図古今人物事跡... A Monumental Geographic Map of China published during the Qing Dynasty.
Buy GRAMINAEUS. THE CELEBRATIONS OF THE DUCHY OF CLEVES. Beschreibung derer Fürstli... First edition of this book about the celebrations of William, Duke of Jülich-Cleves-Berg, that took place in Düsseldorf on June 10th 1585.
Buy HOLBEIN, Hans. Icones Historiarum Veteris Testamenti. Advivum expressæ, extremaque... First issue of this masterpiece, « significant milestone of the French illustrated book of the Renaissance ».
Buy LA CHAPELLE, Jean-Baptiste de. Traité de la construction théorique et pratique du scaphandre, ou d... First and only edition of the first description of the diving suit.
Buy LA SALE, Antoine de. Histoire et Cronique du Petit Jehan de Saintré et de la Jeune Dame ... Superb illustrated edition of the Little John of Saintré, one of 200 copies finely colored.
Buy [SAINT-VALLIER (Jean Baptiste de La Croix de Chevrières de)]. Estat present de l’Eglise et de la colonie françoise dans la Nouvel... The Indian tribes of Canada at the end of the 17th century.
Buy STRADA A ROSBERG, Jacopo et Ottavio de / BRAMER, Benjamin La première [et seconde] partie des desseins artificiaulx de toutes... Exceedingly rare work on mills and their mechanics.
Buy Le Diable au corps - NERCIAT, André de. Les écarts du tempérament, Esquisse dramatique. "Le Diable au corps”. First edition already unobtainable in 1913, according to Pascal Pia.
Buy GUILLAUME, Charles. Instrumens Aratoires inventés, perfectionnés, dessinés et gravés, P... “The agricultural revolution” due to new agricultural tools, bound and offered to Tsar Alexander I of Russia, grandson of Catherine the Great.
Buy LAVANHA, João Baptista. Viagem da Catholica Real Magestade del Rey D. Filipepe II n.s. Ao R... Extremely rare first edition of this book describing the festivities that surrounded the entry of Philip III of Spain (1578-1621) to Lisbon in 1619.
Buy GRINGORE, Pierre Notables enseignemens adages et proverbes faitz & composez par... Extremely rare second original edition of Les Notables enseignements by Pierre Gringore, published during the author's lifetime.
Buy SABATIER DE CASTRES, Abbé Les trois Siècles de la Littérature française ou tableau de l’espri... The precious volumes of Queen Marie-Antoinette bound in Versailles by Fournier, intended for her personal library at the Petit Trianon with the monogram C.T. at the tail of the...
Buy BOECKLER, George André. Architectura curiosa nova. First edition of the 200 engravings by Boeckler, dedicated to the fountains, gardens and castles of baroque Europe, in contemporary vellum.
Buy RONSARD, Pierre de Les Amours de P. de Ronsard Vandomois, nouvellement augmentées par ... First edition of "L'Ode à Cassandre".
Buy LINDLEY, Thomas Voyage au Brésil ; où l’on trouve la description du pays, de ses pr... First French edition "rarer than the first English " according to Borba de Moraes.
Buy SEGUR, Madame la comtesse de (Sophie). François le Bossu. Rare first edition of this famous novel by the Comtesse de Ségur.
Buy PETIT DE VIEVIGNE CODE DE LA MARTINIQUE. The first edition of the Code de la Martinique, the oldest known printing made on this island.
Buy MÉON, Dominique Martin. Le Roman du Renart publié d’après les Manuscrits de la Bibliothèque... The first printing of the Roman de Renart in its original language.
Buy JOINVILLE, Jehan Sire de. Histoire de Saint Louis. Les Annales de son règne, par Guillaume de... First edition printed by the Imprimerie Royale of "the first example of testimonial literature".
Buy LABÉ, Louise. Œuvres de Louise Charly dite Labé surnommée la belle cordière. Precious copy of this very rare edition.
Buy CAUSE, Hendrick. De Koninglycke hovener aanwyzende De Middelen om Boomen, Bloemen en... Flowers, fruit and gardens from the Dutch golden age. Stunning first issue of 55 prints.
Buy KNORR, Georg Wolfgang et WALCH Johann Ernst Immanuel Recueil de monumens des catastrophes que le globe de la terre a ess... First French edition - more sought after than the German first edition - illustrated with 273 magnificent hand-colored engravings of fossils.
Buy BOSSE, Abraham Les cinq sens : L’ouïe – la vue – l’odorat – le goût – le toucher. The masterpiece of Abraham Bosse.
Buy BOTON, Pierre. La Camille de Pierre Boton, Masconnois. Ensemble les resveries ... One of the rarest novelistic and poetic first editions of the 16th century.
Buy BUCHOZ, Pierre-Joseph Première centurie de planches enluminées et non enluminées représen... The copy of the Countess Sophie Potocka bound in contemporary Parisian morocco.
Buy NICOLAY, Nicolas de. Le Navigationi et Viaggi, fatti nella Turchia, di Nicolo de Nicolai... Rare Venetian edition.
Buy [PAPILLON DE LA FERTÉ, Denis-Pierre-Jean]. Extrait des différens ouvrages publiés sur la vie des peintres. First edition of this "portable directory" dedicated to painters and their schools of painting.
Buy REDOUTE, Pierre-Joseph Les Roses par P. J. Redouté, peintre de fleurs, Dessinateur en titr... The masterpiece of the "Raphael of Flowers” and one of the rare copies of the deluxe edition in folio format.
Buy MATTHIEU, Pierre L’Entrée de Tres-Grand, Tres-chrestien, Tres-Magnanime, Et Victori... First edition of the "King Henry IV’s entry into Lyon in 1595", superb, precious and extremely rare.
Buy PERRAULT, Charles Courses de testes et de bague faites par le Roy et par les Princes ... The realization of King Louis XIV’s childhood dream.
Buy LE SACRE DE LOUIS XV, Roy de France et de Navarre. LE SACRE DE LOUIS XV, Roy de France et de Navarre, dans l’église de... The Coronation of Louis XV bound in blue morocco with the king’s arms.
Buy BOUQUET, Simon / RONSARD, Pierre de / DORAT, Jean / PASQUIER, Étienne. Bref et sommaire recueil de ce qui a esté faict & de l’ordre t... One of the finest celebration books of the 16th century, illustrated in the first issue with 16 large woodcuts based on drawings by Jean Cousin.
Buy LEMOYNE, Pasquier. Le Couronnement du roy François premier de ce nom. Voyage τ conques... Rare first edition containing a description of the coronation of François I.
Buy PATAS Sacre et couronnement de Louis XVI, roi de France et de Navarre. A ... King Louis XVI’s coronation Celebrations printed in Paris in 1775.
Buy LOUIS XIV L’Entrée triomphante de leurs Maiestez Louis XIV, roy de France et ... First edition first issue printed and bound in 1662.
Buy WEIS, J.M. Représentation des fêtes données par la ville de Strasbourg Pour la... The festivities hosted by the city of Strasbourg during the stay of King Louis XV in October 1744 illustrated with 11 superb double-page engravings.
Buy DEYERLSPERG, G.J. von. Erb-Huldigung, welche dem… Römischer Kayser Carolo dem Sechst... Emperor Charles VI’s grand Entrance to Grätz in July 1728 and the two famous feast engravings.
Buy DESCARTES, René. Discours de la méthode pour bien conduire sa raison, & cherche... First edition of the "Discourse on the method".
Buy CERVANTES, Miguel de. Galatea Dividida en seys Libros compuesta por Miguel de Cervantes, ... Second edition, exceedingly rare, of "Galatea", Cervantes’ first work.
Buy FLUDD, Robert (alias DE FLUCTIBUS) Philosophia moysaica In qua Sapientia & scientia creationis ... Posthumous first edition of Robert Fludd’s last essay.
Buy GILLIERS, Joseph. Le Cannameliste Français, ou Nouvelle instruction pour ceux qui dés... First edition of the Cannaméliste, famous gastronomic work of Louis XV’s century.
Buy KERGUELEN DE TREMAREC, Yves-Joseph Marie de. Relation de deux voyages Dans les mers Australes & des Indes, ... Rare first edition of this discovery trip to prove the existence of a Southern continent of which most copies were immediately pilloried.
Buy BAILLY, Jean-Sylvain. Histoire de l’astronomie ancienne, jusqu’à l’établissement de l’éco... Rare complete set of this important 18th century history of astronomy.
Buy [CENT NOUVELLES NOUVELLES]. Sensuyve[n]t les ce[n]t nouvelles contenant cent hystoires nouveaul... The most beautiful copy of the "Cent Nouvelles Nouvelles".
Buy WEIGEL, Christoff. Abbildung der Gemein-Nützlichen Haupt-Stände von denen Regenten und... First edition first issue of the reference book about seventeenth century professions.
Buy VIDUIS (1500-1569). [Médecin du roi François Ier]. Chirurgia è Graeco in Latinum conversa, Vido Vidio Florentino inter... Very rare first edition of this work by the doctor of king François I.
Buy SAVOT, Louis. L’Architecture française des bastimens particuliers. Composée par M... Extremely rare first edition of “this precious manual, which could be subtitled ‘’Painless Building‘’.
Buy LACLOS, Choderlos de. Les Liaisons dangereuses, ou Lettres Recueillies dans une Société &... From Pierre Bergé’s library.
Buy GALLE, Philippe – BOL, Joannes. Venationis, piscationis, et aucupii typi. Joes Bol depingebat. Phil... Hunting and Fishing through 46 prints by Brueghel’s engraver.
Buy [GODARD, Jacques]. PETITION DES JUIFS ETABLIS EN FRANCE, adressée à l’Assemblée Nation... Exceptional set of brochures regarding the Jewish question in Alsace at the beginning of the French Revolution.
Buy [FREDERIC LE GRAND, ROI DE PRUSSE] Œuvres du Philosophe sans souci. Partly first edition of the Odes and Epistles of Frederick II of Prussia printed in Potsdam in 1760.
Buy SAINT-AUGUSTIN De Civitate Dei. [In Italian.] Extremely rare editio princeps of Saint Augustine's ‘City of God’ in Italian printed in Venice between 1476 and 1478.
Buy HOLBEIN, Hans. Les Simulachres & historiées faces de la mort, autant élégammē... A precious first edition of Hans Holbein's Dance of the Dead, printed in Lyon in 1538. masterfully illustrated with 41 drawings by the master, engraved by Hans Lützelburger.
Buy Hortorum viridariorumque elegantes & multiplicis formae… Unique collection of 5 extremely rare first editions of 82 sixteenth century engravings on gardens, their architecture and embellishments.
Buy SERRES, Olivier de Le Théâtre d’agriculture et Mesnage des champs. D’Olivier de Serres... The first edition of “Olivier de Serres’ extremely remarkable Théâtre d'agriculture” (Pierre Larousse).
Buy FERRARI, Jean-Baptiste De Florum cultura libri IV. First edition of one of the most beautiful baroque books on botany illustrated with 47 full-page plates.
Buy URFE, Honoré d'. L’ASTREE… Où par plusieurs histoires, et souz personnes... First definitive edition of L'Astrée with the five homogeneous volumes published by Augustin Courbé in 1647.
Buy RABELAIS François. Les Epistres de Maître François Rabelais, Docteur en Médecine, escr... First edition of Rabelais's ‘Epistres’ written during his trip to Italy.
Buy SILHON, Jean de . De la Certitude des connaissances humaines. Où sont particulièrem... First edition of the final part of the Ministre d’Etat.
Buy De Cierlijcke Voorsnydinge Aller tafel-gerechten. The first book to teach the Dutch aristocracy the arts of the table and the practice of the cutting squire.
Buy DESCARTES, René. Epistolae. First edition of Descartes’ Letters to the Princess Elisabeth and to Mersenne.
Buy LEFEVRE, Jacques. Nouveau recueil de tout ce qui s’est fait pour et contre les protes... First edition of this important work on the consequences for Protestants of the Revocation of the Edict of Nantes.
Buy TOURNEFORT, Joseph Pitton de. Élémens de botanique, ou Méthode pour connoître les plantes. First edition of Tournefort's botanical treatise dedicated to King Louis XIV, illustrated with 454 full-page copper engravings of flowers.
Buy MAROT, Clément. Les Œuvres de Clément Marot de Cahors, valet de chambre du Roy. Rev... Perhaps the most famous copy preserved in its mosaic bindings of the time of the most valuable edition of the Works of Clément Marot (1495-1544) printed in the seventeenth cent...
Buy LA BROSSE, Louis-Philippe. Traité du baromètre, ouvrage mathématique, physique et critique, Da... Extremely rare mathematical and scientific first edition analyzing the Barometer, its operation, variations and uses, printed in Nancy in 1718, illustrated with a plate and a fo...
Buy MOLIERE, J.-B. Poquelin. Les Œuvres. Nouvelle édition, Revue, corrigée & augmentée, Enr... Precious collective edition of Molière's works, illustrated with 31 figures in the first state showing for the first time the exact fashions under the Regency.
Buy VOLTAIRE, François Marie Arouet. La ligue ou Henry le Grand, poème épique. First edition of “La Henriade” in extremely rare contemporary morocco with arms.
Buy PERAU, l'abbé. Description historique de l’Hôtel royal des Invalides. The famous magnificent royal copy offered by King Louis XV to the Russian Empress Elisabeth 1st (6 December 1741- 5 January 1762).
Buy DUHAMEL DU MONCEAU, Henri-Louis. La Physique des arbres : où il est traité de l’anatomie des p... Duhamel du Monceau's work on « The Physics of trees », illustrated with 50 full-page prints.
Buy JACQUIN, Nikolaus Joseph, Baron Von. Selectarum stirpium Americanarum historia in qua ad Linnaeanum syst... First edition of Jacquin’s first major publication and his first illustrated work.
Buy MICHEL, Claude Sidoine. L’Indicateur Fidèle ou Guide des Voyageurs, qui enseigne Toutes les... First edition illustrated with 19 engraved and watercoloured maps in contemporary binding.
Buy LE ROUGE, George Louis. Recueil des Côtes Maritimes de France Sur quatre Lieues de large en... Second enlarged edition of this important coastal atlas of France, compiled by Georges-Louis Le Rouge and revised by Louis Brion de la Tour.
Buy FROMAGEOT (L’Abbé). Annales du règne de Marie-Thérèse, Impératrice douairière, Reine de... “One of the most successful works by Moreau le jeune” (Cohen).
Buy STENDHAL, Henri Beyle La Chartreuse de Parme. Par l’auteur de Rouge et Noir. First issue of the first edition of La Chartreuse de Parme.
Buy LIONS, J Histoire de S. A. R. Mgr le Duc de Berry, assassiné dans la nuit du... J. Lions and the assassination of the Duc de Berry. Extremely rare first edition.
Buy FENELON, François de Salignac de la Mothe. Les Aventures de Télémaque. M. Rosenbaum and Charles Hayoit’s copy of the superb Telemachus of 1785 enriched with a remarkable autograph letter from Fénelon signed “Cambray, 6 décembre 1713”.
Buy LA FAYETTE, Madame de La Princesse de Clèves. ‘The Princess of Cleves’ printed on fine vellum paper.
Buy [DROIT]. PROJET DE CODE CIVIL présenté par la Commission nommée par le gouvernement Le 24 Thermid... Rare first edition, unknown to Monglond, of this little-known draft which preceded the publication of the French Civil Code by four years.
Buy BOURGEOIS, Constant et THIÉNON, Claude. An album of views of French castles and monuments. Unique and exceptional collection complete with 86 lithographs in colours with gum arabic highlights.
Buy François-René de CHATEAUBRIAND, Joseph FIÉVÉE, Marie-Barthélémy DE CASTELBAJAC, le comte O’MAHONY, le vicomte DE BONALD, l’Abbé DE LAMENAIS, VILLÈLE, Charles-Marie D’IRUMBERRY DE SALABERRY, etc. Le Conservateur. In his Mémoiresd'Outre-tombe, Chateaubriand wrote that “the revolution wrought by this newspaper was unheard of: in France, it changed the majority in the Chambers; abroad, it ...
Buy BOCCACE. Nouvelles. First edition of the “free translation” of the Decameron by Honore-Gabriel Riquetti de Mirabeau.
Buy STAËL Considérations sur les principaux évènemens de la Révolution franço... First edition of this essay by Mme de Staël, which caused quite a stir and was at the origin of the first great intellectual debate on the Revolution.
Buy POSTES IMPÉRIALES. État général des routes de poste de l’Empire Français, du royaume d... The stunning copy of the « Postes Impériales for 1812 ».
Buy SACCO, Luigi. Trattato di Vaccinazione con osservazioni sul Giavardo e vajuolo pe... Precious presentation copy on very large vellum paper illustrated with 4 folding plates in colour.
Buy HORE BEATE MARIE VIRGINIS, SECUNDUM USUM ROMANUM... BOOK OF HOURS AT THE USE OF ROME. HORE BEATE MARIE VIRGINIS, SECUND... Precious and extremely rare Parisian Book of Hours printed on vellum by Antoine Vérard, illustrated with 16 large contemporary illuminated full-page woodcuts.
Buy ILLUMINATED MANUSCRIPT decorated with 9 full page miniatures. BOOK OF HOURS OF CATHERINE (use of Rome). Very attractive illuminated manuscript decorated with 9 large paintings and 21 small miniatures within borders of great finesse in excellent condition.
Buy [MAUGENDRE, Adolphe et LEPAGE, Henri]. Vues pittoresques de Nancy et de ses environs. 31 very beautiful chromolithographs by Maugendre.
Buy PALAFOX Y MENDOZA, Juan de. Historia de la Conquista de la China por el Tartaro. Escrita Por el... First edition of the account of the conquest of China by the Manchu people given by the Spanish bishop Palafox y Mendoza.
Buy Continuation Du Discours des Miseres de ce Temps. A La Royne Par P.... Five important and extremely rare works by Pierre de Ronsard (1524-1585) reunited in the 18th century.
Buy PRIESTLEY, Joseph (1733-1804) / NOLLET, Abbé (1700-1770). Histoire de l’électricité, Traduite de l’Anglois de Joseph Priestle... Father Nollet (1700-1770) was then ‘maître de physique des Enfants de France’.
Buy MARTIN DU GARD, Roger. Confidence africaine. First edition of which 600 numbered copies were printed on chamois laid paper.
Buy Le Nozze degli dei favola. The account of Ferdinand II and princess of Urbino’s wedding sumptuously illustrated by Stefano della Bella after Alphonse Parigi, the inventor of the decorations and machines ...
Buy BULLIARD, Pierre. Dictionnaire élémentaire de botanique, ou exposition par ordre alph... Extremely rare first edition of the Dictionnaire de botanique published by Bulliard in order to complete his Herbier de France.
Buy HUGO, Victor (1802-1885). Marion de Lorme, drame. The Tsars' copy in Tsarkoe Selo with 2 autograph pages by Victor Hugo.
Buy VENETTE, Nicolas. Traité du rossignol, qui enseigne la manière de les connaître &... First edition of the Traité du Rossignol, preserved in its attractive contemporary vellum binding.
Buy CICERON. Opera. The Works of Cicero bound in the 16th century for the Giustiniani family of Genoa.
Buy FONTANA, Domenico (1543-1607). Della trasportatione dell’ obelisco Vaticano et delle fabriche di N... First edition illustrated with 40 prints after the drawings of Domenico Fontana (1543-1607) illustrating the moving of the obelisk from the Vatican in 1590 as well as other proj...
Buy PIRANESI, Francesco. Pianta delle fabriche esistenti nella Villa Adriana Piranesi preserved in its contemporary Roman bindings.
Buy RAPHAËL. Sanzio d’Urbin. Loggie del Rafaele nel Vaticano. First edition in uniform contemporary binding.
Buy BOISSART, Jean-Jacques. Pars Romanae urbis topographiae & Antiquitatum, Qua succincté ... The most influential travel guide of Renaissance Rome.
Buy LE PAUTRE, Jean. Collection of ornamental engravings by J. Le Pautre. Important collection of 252 copper engravings by Jean le Pautre featuring ornamental motifs, architectural elements, fountains, columns, fireplaces, vases, mythological or bibl...
Buy BLONDEL, Nicolas-François. Cours d’architecture enseigné dans l’Académie Royale d&... Copy on large Holland paper.
Buy FELIBIEN DES AVAUX, Jean-François Description sommaire de Versailles ancienne et nouvelle. Avec des F... Illustrated first edition of the 'Description de Versailles'.
Buy SCHYNVOET, Simon. Voorbeeldex der Lusthof-Cieraaden zynde Piramiden, Eerzuylen en And... First edition of 1704 engraved with 54 plates of garden decorations and obelisks on very large Holland paper preserved in its original binding, an absolutely rare condition.
Buy PERCIER, Charles (1764-1838). FONTAINE, Pierre-François-Léonard (1762-1853). [Claude-Louis BERNIER et Léon DUFOURNY. Palais, Maisons, et autres édifices modernes, dessinés à Rome. The famous and superb copy from the Hermitage Palace with the two ex libris.
Buy [COLLECTION SPITZER]. The Spitzer Collection. Antiquity. Middle Ages – Renaissance. First edition of the monumental and superb catalogue of the Spitzer Collection with 342 magnificent illustrations, some enhanced with gold.
Buy VERNET, Joseph. Collection des vues des ports de mer en France… A picturesque testimony of the port life in France at the time of the navy.
Buy LEOPOLD, Johann. Accurate Representation, Oder Verstellung des Errlichen Festins Wel... First edition, first issue in contemporary bright coloring.
Buy SAGARD-THEODAT, Gabriel. Le Grand Voyage du Pays des Hurons, situé en l’Amérique vers la Mer... « A Work of great interest and importance... ». Sabin.
Buy LOUISE DE BOSSIGNY, Countess of Auneuil. The first edition of the twelve fairy tales. Twelve original editions of fairy tales by the Countess of Ausseuil (1670-1730), one of the famous Précieuses.
Buy PERRAULT, Charles Adam ou la Création de l’homme,… Par Mr Perrault de l’Académie Fran... In the year 1697 Charles Perrault (1628-1703) delivered his two rarest first editions: “Adam” and “Histoires ou Contes du temps passé”.
Buy DIDEROT, Denis Essais sur la peinture ; par Diderot. Interesting and rare first edition of Diderot's uniting literature and art history in the 18th century.
Buy NERCIAT, Andréa de. Félicia ou mes Fredaines. Superb illustrated edition of the first erotic novel by André de Nerciat.
Buy MONNIER, Henry. Boutiques de Paris. Very rare suite of colored lithographs dedicated by Henry Monnier to the Parisian stores.
Buy BERNARDIN DE SAINT-PIERRE, Jacques-Henri. Paul et Virginie et la Chaumière indienne. One of the most beautiful productions of the Romantic period, the lavishly illustrated edition of Paul et Virginie edited by Curmer.
Buy SCHAUFELEIN, Hans Leonhard. Doctrina, vita et passio Jesu Christie… Lere, Leben, unnd Ste... First edition of the masterpiece by Hans Schäufelein (1480-1538), the pupil of Albrecht Dürer, decorated with 73 full-page engravings, engraved in Frankfurt in 1537.
Buy SANSON D'ABBEVILLE, Nicolas L’Asie en plusieurs cartes nouvelles, et exactes ; & en divers... Highly sought-after first edition of Nicolas Sanson's (1600-1667) first French atlas dedicated to Asia, preserved in its contemporary limp vellum binding.
Buy Trigault, Père Nicolas. Litterae Societatis Iesu e regno sinarum Annorum MDCX & XI… The Letters written from China and the account of the Jesuit missions in Japan by the missionary Nicolas Trigault (1557-1628).
Buy NECK, Jacques Corneille Van. Le Second Livre, Journal ou Comptoir, Contenant le vray discours et... First French edition of the utmost rarity of the account of the second Dutch expedition to the East Indies which led to the creation, in 1602, of the Ducth East India Company.
Buy MONSTRELET, Enguerrand de. Le premier (second et tiers) volume de Enguerrand de Monstrelet Ens... The famous illustrated Chronicles of France by Monstrelet printed by Anthoine Verard in the year 1503.
Buy MONTESQUIEU. Charles Louis de Secondat, baron de La Brède et de. Lettres familières du Président de Montesquieu, Baron de la Brède, ... Rare edition of Montesquieu's “most lively” (Roger Caillois) literary work.
Buy [HEURES A L’USAGE DE BOURGES]. Livre d’Heures en latin à l’usage de Bourges, manuscrit et enluminé... Illuminated manuscript on vellum for the use of Bourges illustrated with 24 miniatures including 14 large ones attributed to the Master of Spencer 6, active in Bourges in 1490 a...
Buy SAY, Jean-Baptiste. Cours complet d’économie politique pratique ; ouvrage destiné... First edition of Say's "Cours d'Economie politique".
Buy SCHNEPP, Bernard. Du climat de l’Égypte de sa valeur dans les affections de la poitri... First edition of this series of researches undertaken by Dr. Schnepp in Egypt with the aim of studying a climate conducive to healing.
Buy [SMITH, William]. Relation Historique de l’Expédition, contre les Indiens de l’... "Interesting ‘Thoughts on the War with the Indians of North America’ occupy pp. 89-147: one finds there the name of the different Indian nations which lived in North America, wi...
Buy VIGNY, Alfred de Cinq-Mars, ou une Conjuration sous Louis XIII. "Extremely rare" first edition (Carteret) of the "first French historical novel".
Buy VOLTAIRE, François-Marie Arouet dit. La Pucelle d’Orléans. Poëme. Divisé en quinze livres. Par monsieur ... First edition and extremely rare first issue of La Pucelle condemned by decree on January 20, 1757, one of the masterpieces of the Age of Enlightenment.
Buy LORRIS, Guillaume de. Le Rommant de la Rose nouuellement imprimé a Paris. First edition of the Romance of the Rose printed in the 16th century.
Buy LA FONTAINE, Jean de (1621-1695). Les Amours de Psyché et de Cupidon. Édition ornée de Figures imprim... Didot’s edition illustrated with f4 beautiful etchings in colors.
Buy CONSTANT, Benjamin Adolphe, anecdote trouvée dans les papiers d’un inconnu, et publiée... First French edition, the first of the two Parisian editions.
Buy STENDHAL, Henri Beyle, dit. Le Rouge et le Noir, chronique du XIXè siècle. First edition of "The Red and the Black".
Buy BALZAC, Honoré de Le Lys dans la Vallée. Precious copy of Balzac’s only great love novel.
Buy BERNARDIN DE SAINT-PIERRE, Jacques-Henri. Paul et Virginie – La Chaumière indienne. One of 6 copies on China paper cited by Carteret from « la perle des livres illustrés du XIXe siècle » (Brivois).
Buy DAUDET, Alphonse Sapho. Mœurs parisienne. First edition of Alphonse Daudet's Sapho, “one of the most important works of his second manner, or 'Parisian manner' ”.
Buy SAND, George La Marquise. Superb deluxe edition of this short novel by George Sand illustrated with 10 engravings in several states.
Buy ROSTAND, Edmond. Cyrano de Bergerac. Comédie héroïque en cinq actes en vers. Représe... The first edition of Cyrano, Rostand's masterpiece, one of only 50 deluxe copies printed on Japan paper.
Buy RADIGUET, Raymond Le Bal du Comte d’Orgel. The true first edition of the young Radiguet's last novel.
Buy CHARLEVOIX, Pierre-François-Xavier de. Histoire de l’Isle Espagnole ou de S. Domingue. First 12mo edition of the “History of Santo-Domingo” by Charlevoix illustrated with 18 maps and 6 engravings.
Buy [ROLLS-ROYCE]. THE 20-25 H.P. ROLLS-ROYCE. A luxuriously produced trade catalogue to present the 20-25 HP series offered for sale by Rolls-Royce in 1931.
Buy MONTESQUIEU. Charles Louis de Secondat, baron de La Brède et de. Considérations sur les causes de la grandeur des romains et de leur... The definitive edition of this beautiful text of Montesquieu printed on fine Holland paper and bound in contemporary red morocco, a rare condition.
Buy BOSSUET. Jacques-Bénigne (1627-1704). Recueil d’oraisons funebres, composées par Messire Jacques Benigne ... "First edition of the six great funeral Oraisons of Jacques-Bénigne Bossuet gathered in this collection" (Tchemerzine).
Buy MARGOWSKI, Alexis. Paris est un livre.
Buy CHARTIER, Alain (Gilles Le Bouvier). Les Croniques du feu roy Charles septiesme de ce nom que Dieu absou... Rare and sought-after literary and historical first edition about Joan of Arc epic and Charles VII’s reign.
Buy PAULMY, Marquis de. Mélanges tirés d’une grande bibliothèque. (De la lecture des Livres... First edition of one of France's 18th century most captivating literary and bibliophilic ventures, cited and described by Ernest Quentin-Bauchart.
Buy RABELAIS, François Les Œuvres de M. François Rabelais, Docteur en médecine, Contenant ... The second collective edition of Rabelais's Works, published in 1556, the “prettiest and most expensive” of the very first editions of his works.
Buy RESTIF DE LA BRETONNE Les Contemporaines. First edition of Restif's Contemporaines, illustrated with 283 delightful figures by Binet.
Buy CORNEILLE, Pierre Le Théâtre de P. Corneille. Reveu et corrigé par l’Autheur. I. [II.... Contemporary binding from the workshop of Jean Le Vasseur, bookbinder to King Louis XIV.
Buy NERCIAT, Andréa de. Félicia ou mes Fredaines, Orné de Figures en taille-douce. Superb edition of André de Nerciat's first erotic novel, illustrated with 24 erotic figures by Eluin after Borel.
Buy MOILIN, Tony. Paris en l’an 2000. First edition of this important and exceedingly rare utopia in which the author describes the French capital in the late twentieth century.
Buy RABELAIS Les Œuvres de M. François Rabelais, Docteur en Médecine. Dont le co... Famous and very rare copy of the Works of François Rabelais (1483-1553) printed in 1691, from the workshop of the "Queen's Binder A" at that time, sold for €11,986 on October 6...
Buy BUFFON, Georges Marie Leclerc, comte de. Histoire naturelle, générale et particulière, par Leclerc De Buffon... One of the few luxury copies of Buffon's "Natural History" adorned with 1 166 engravings (36 more than announced by Nissen), printed on large Holland paper in two states: finel...
Buy DAUDET, Alphonse (1840-1897). Le Trésor d’Arlatan. First edition of the last novel published during the author's lifetime.
Buy CERVANTES, Miguel de. El Ingenioso Hidalgo Don Quixote de la Mancha. Compuesto por Miguel... The Don Quixote printed in Madrid by Ibarra in 1780, preserved in its dazzling decorated contemporary Spanish red morocco bindings.
Buy GIRARD DE VILLETHIERRY, L’abbé. La Vie des gens mariez ou les obligations de ceux qui s’engag... La Vie des gens mariez patronized by Madame de Maintenon was a great success when it was published in 1694.
Buy ERPE, Thomas Van Grammatica Arabica, quinque libris methodice explicata. A Thomas Er... “First edition of this Arabic grammar, the first reasoned method composed by a European.”
Buy VERON DUVERGER DE FORBONNAIS Recherches et considérations sur les finances de France, depuis l’a... First edition of this “so learned, so sensible, so purely and simply patriotic guide, and without which the financial history of the seventeenth century would have been almost i...
Buy DURAS, Claire Lechat de Kersaint, Mme la Duchesse de. Ourika. “Extremely rare” original edition (25 to 40 copies) reserved for the close ones of the Duchess of Duras, the famous friend of Chateaubriand.
Buy DIDEROT, Denis Lettre sur les aveugles, à l’usage de ceux qui voyent. “First edition of this philosophical and scientific work by Diderot, published in 1749, which caused a sensation and earned its author to be brought to the Vincennes dungeon.”
Buy DANTE ALIGHIERI Convivio di Dante Alighierei Fiorentino // Si chome dice ilphiloso/... Incunabular first edition of the famous "Feast", this masterpiece of Dante.
Buy AGRIPPA, Camillo. Trattato di scientia d’arme, con un dialogo di filosofia. "The fine illustration has been attributed to I. A. Michelangelo (a friend of the author)."
Buy BIGNON, Jérôme. Ceremonial de l’election des Papes, dressé par le commandement du P... Precious and rare edition of this description of the election of popes, the first to be adorned with the magnificent folding plate.
Buy ANGELI, Francesco Maria. Collis Paradisi Amoenitas, sev sacri conventus Assisiensis historia... First edition of the first book printed in Montefiascone, featuring the first complete history of the Basilica of St. Francis of Assisi.
Buy MESSISBUGO, Cristoforo da. Banchetti, compositioni di vivande, et apparecchio generale. From the library of Baron Achille Seillière.
Buy BOCCACCIO, Giovanni. II Decamerone […] alla sua intera perfettione ridotto, et con... The superb “Roger Portalis” copy of the Ruscelli edition of 1554-1557, the second, of the Decameron illustrated with 10 famous woodcuts (107 x 77 mm) at the head of each day.
Buy Frère LEON CARMELITA RHEDONENSIS. Julii Mazarini eminentissimi Cardinalis. Elogium Funebre. Description of the Funeral Ceremony organized for Mazarin in Rome.
Buy COSTANZI, Giovanni Battista. Carlo Magno festa Teatrale in occasione della nascita del Delfino O... The Festivals organized by Cardinal de Polignac in Rome in 1725 and 1729 adorned with 16 plates of remarkable interest.
Buy STENDHAL, Henri Beyle Rome, Naples et Florence. Troisième édition. Rome, Naples et Florence by Stendhal in exceptional condition, unknown to Carteret and Clouzot, preserved in its full contemporary bindings adorned with a Cathedral decoration.
Buy ZOLA, Emile Les trois villes. Rome. First edition of Rome.
Buy THEOPHILE DE VIAU Les Œuvres de Théophile, Divisées en trois parties. La premiere, co... A very rare and superb collective edition, partially original, of the Works of Théophile de Viau, condemned to be burned.
Buy RACINE Bajazet. Tragédie. Par M. Racine. First edition in contemporary vellum, the only copy mentioned in a contemporary binding by bibliographers.
Buy La Rochefoucauld, François Duc de. Mémoires sur les Brigues à la mort de Louys XIII, les Guerres de Pa... Delightful copy of La Rochefoucauld’s Memoirs bound in ancient calf for the Duke François-Alexandre de La Rochefoucauld.
Buy MAINTENON, marquise de Mémoires pour servir à l’Histoire de Madame de Maintenon et à... Prestigious copy bound in green morocco with the arms of the Duchess of Berry (1798-1870).
Buy LESZCZINSKI, Stanislas Ier. Œuvres du philosophe bienfaisant. First edition of the literary and philosophical Works of the King of Poland, Stanislas Leszczinski.
Sold POUQUEVILLE Voyage en Morée, à Constantinople, en Albanie, et dans plusieurs au... A pioneering book about Greece
Sold SAMS, William A Tour through Paris, illustrated with twenty-one coloured plates, ... 21 plates illustrating Paris under the Restauration
Sold LA CALPRENEDE, Gauthier de Costes de Cassandre A fine copy of the famous novel "Cassandra" including five frontispieces
Sold LOBACHEVSKI Geometrische Untersuchungen zur Theorie der Parallellinien. The founding text of non-Euclidian geometry
Sold DU TERTRE Histoire générale des Antilles habitées par les François. Divisée e... First complete edition of the “Histoire des Antilles”
Sold [PREVOST D’EXILES, Antoine François] Histoire générale des Voyages, ou Nouvelle Collection de toutes les... First edition of the «Histoire générale des voyages»
Sold BOCH, Jean Historica narratio profectionis et inaugurationis serenissimorum be... A masterpiece of baroque illustration
Sold TAVERNIER, Jean-Baptiste Les six voyages de Jean-Baptiste Tavernier, en Turquie, en Perse, e... The six journeys in Asia by Tavernier with illustrations
Sold HERODOTUS / HERODOTE Herodoti Halicarnassei Thurii Historie parentis memoratissimi Nove ... The earliest Latin version of Herodotus’ History
Sold [COMPAGNIES DES INDES ORIENTALES] Déclarations du Roy, L’une, Portant establissement d’une Compagnie ... The charter creating “East India Company”
Sold VETANCURT, Père Augustin de Arte de lengua mexicana, dispuesto Por orden, y mandato de N. Rmo P... First edition of one of the rarest Mexican grammars
Sold LE PETIT La grande chronique ancienne et moderne, de Hollande, Zélande, West...
Sold Saint-Valier Estat present de l’Eglise et de la colonie françoise dans la Nouvel... Great description of the Indian tribes from Canada and their relationships with French colonists
Sold BRY Acta Mechmeti i Saracenorum Principis natales, vitam, victorias, im... Important work dedicated to the Ottoman empire
Sold ALAIN-FOURNIER Le Grand Meaulnes. First edition of the Grand Meaulnes
Sold LA FAYETTE, Madame de La Princesse de Clèves. First edition of the "Princesse de Clèves"
Sold BALZAC, Honoré de Les Paysans. Scènes de la vie de campagne, par H. de Balzac, auteur... Les Paysans, the main piece of « Scènes de la vie de campagne » by Balzac
Sold BERTRAND, Louis Gaspard de la nuit. Fantaisies à la manière de Rembrandt et de Callot. The first edition of Gaspard de la nuit
Sold STENDHAL, Henri Beyle Mémoires d’un touriste par l’auteur de Rouge et Noir. The true first edition of Stendhal’s « Mémoires d’un touriste »
Sold BARBEY D'AUREVILLY, Jules Les Diaboliques. The true first edition of the "Diaboliques"
Sold ROJAS, Fernando de. Célestine en laquelle est Traicte des deceptions des serviteurs env... “The most famous Spanish book after Don Quixote”
Sold FLAMSTEED Atlas céleste de Flamsteed, publié en 1776, par J. Fortin, Ingénieu... Flamsteed’s famous celestial atlas
Sold FAUJAS DE SAINT-FOND, Barthélémy. Description des Expériences de la Machine Aérostatique de MM. De Mo... « The first Aerial Voyage ». (P.M.M., 229).
Sold HAUY, Valentin. Essai sur l’éducation des aveugles, ou exposé de différens moyens, ... « The first printed book intended to be read by the blind"
Sold BIDET, Nicolas. Traité sur la nature et sur la culture de la vigne ; sur le vin, la... One of the main works about viticulture
Sold Produit Exceptional copy dedicated by Jean Paul Sartre to Simone de Beauvoir
Sold SEYSSEL Les Louenges du roy Louys XIIe de ce nom nouvellement composées en ... Very rare first edition of this chronicle of the reign of Louis XII
Sold BRAUN & HOGENBERG Civitates Orbis Terrarum.
Sold Produit Collection of the most beautiful Parisian frontshops in the 19th century
Sold Produit De luxe edition of Buffon's Natural History
Sold BERNARD, Claude Introduction à l’Etude de la Médecine Expérimentale. La médecine experimentale, a decisive work in science history
Sold BEAUMARCHAIS, Pierre-Augustin Caron de La Folle Journée, ou le Mariage de Figaro, Comédie en cinq actes, e... "The finest edition among old ones" of the Mariage de Figaro
Sold CARLIER Traité des bêtes à laine, ou méthode d’élever et de gouverner les t... The most important and comprehensive work dedicated to wool-animals
Sold BRETON DE LA MARTINIERE L’Espagne et le Portugal, ou Mœurs, Usages et Costumes des habitans... Spain and Portugal at the beginning of the 19th century
Sold RABELAIS La plaisante, et joyeuse histoyre du grand Geant Gargantua. Prochai...
Sold VOLNEY, (Constantin François de Chasseboeuf, comte de) Simplification des langues orientales ou méthode nouvelle et facile... The earliest Arabic grammar written in French
Sold CRAMER Papillons exotiques des trois parties du monde l’Asie, l’Afrique et... Tropical butterflies from around the world
Sold BERNARDEZ, Diogo Varias rimas ao bom Iesus, e a Virgem Gloriosa sua May, e a sanctos... Poems by one of the important Portuguese mannerists
Sold CROS Solution générale du problème de la photographie des couleurs par C... The chromatic synthesis by Cros
Sold SADELER - STEVENS Les douze mois de l’année. / The twelve months of the year.
Sold MOURADJA D'OHSSON, Ignace de Tableau général de l’empire Othoman, divisé en deux parties, dont l... The most important book from the 18th century dedicated to the Ottoman Empire
Sold BOILEAU, Jacques De l’abus des nuditez de gorge. Treatise dedicated to the shamelessness of 17th century women
Sold MOUHY Le masque de fer ou les Avantures admirables du père et du fils (si... First edition of the historical enigma of the Masque de Fer
Sold VIETE, François Principes de cosmographie. Tirés d’un manuscrit de Viette, & tr... Rare work of astronomy by the greatest French mathematician of the 16th century
Sold Produit Wooden board of printing for 20 jacks
Sold HUGO, Victor La Voix de Guernesey. Victor Hugo and the Battle of Mentana
Sold BIET, Antoine. Voyage de la France Equinoxiale en l’isle de Cayenne, entrepris par... Rare first edition of the account of the attempt of the establishment of a colony in Cayenne undertaken by the French in 1652.
Sold MENDELEIEV / MENDELEEV O barometricheskom nivelirovanii i o primenenii dlia nego vysotomer... The precusor of the altimeter by Mendeleev
Sold BENOIT, Pierre L’Atlantide. The legend of the Atlantide on Japanese vellum
Sold LECLERCQ, Chrétien Nouvelle relation de la Gaspésie, qui contient Les Mœurs & la R... A very sought-after work dedicated to the way of life of Indians from Gaspesie
Sold STENDHAL La Chartreuse de Parme par l’auteur de Rouge et Noir. First edition of a very rare classic of the French literature of the 19th century
Sold LA FONTAINE Fables choisies, mises en vers par M. de La Fontaine. First edition of La Fontaine's Fables, rich with 118 etchings
Sold Produit Rare first edition of the first book by Stalin about the question of nationalities
Sold GEORGIEVITZ, Barthélémy De Turcarum ritu et Ceremoniis. The funeral customs of the Turks
Sold PIRANESI / PIRANESE Diverse maniere d’adornare i cammini… / Divers manners of ornamenti... Large collection of ornaments by the "Rembrandt of the architecture"
Sold RAMEAU Castor et Pollux, tragédie mise en musique. First edition of Rameau's great opera: Castor et Pollux
Sold BARBEY D’AUREVILLY La Bague d’Annibal. Account of youth by Barbey d'Aurevilly
Sold STOEFFLER, Johann. Calendarium Romanum Magnum. The revision of the calendar by Stoeffler.
Sold METIERS MANUELS AU MILIEU DU XIXE SIÈCLE. / MANUAL PROFESSIONS IN T... Manual professions in the middle of the 19th century
Sold Produit Anne of Britanny’s Book of Hours
Sold LORRIS & MEUNG Le romant de la Rose Moralisié cler et net. Translate de rime en pr... The most famous work from the French Middle Ages
Sold BUNIAKOVSKI Osnovaniia matematicheskoi teorii veroiatnostei. (=Bases de la théo... The first work dedicated to the theory of probability in Russian
Sold DAUDET Tartarin sur les Alpes. Nouveaux exploits du héros tarasconnais. Il... Tartarin sur les Alpes by Daudet
Sold DUMAS, Alexandre Impressions de voyage. The rare « Impressions de voyage » by Alexandre Dumas
Sold Produit First edition of the account of the siege of Candie, the longest siege in history
Sold Produit Precious copy of Topaze by Marcel Pagnol dedicated to another writer
Sold Produit Account of travel to the sources of the Senegal and the Gambia
Sold LA VARENNE Le cuisinier françois enseignant la maniere de bien apprester et as... Rare edition of the "Cuisinier françois" by La Varenne
Sold FLAUBERT Madame Bovary- Mœurs de province- First edition of Flaubert’s masterpiece, with dedication
Sold DESCARTES De Homine figuris et Latinitate donatus a Florentio Schuyl. First edition of Descartes' treatise "De Homine Figuris"
Sold NANKI JOSUIKEN Gei Shi (= Description de baleines / Description of whales). Magnificent Japanese monograph dedicated to whales
Sold GROTIUS, Hugo De Jure Belli ac Pacis Libri tres. The foundation of modern international law
Sold MAYERBERG, Augustin, baron de Voyage en Moscovie d’un Ambassadeur, Conseiller de la Chambre Impér... Account of travel to Russia in the 17th century by a German diplomat
Sold DIDEROT Jacques le Fataliste et son maitre. Jacques le fataliste by Diderot in first edition
Sold PASTERNAK Kogda Razguliaetsia (= Quand il fera beau / When the weather clears). Precious collection of poems by Pasternak including "The Nobel Prize"
Sold RESTIF DE LA BRETONNE La Découverte australe par un Homme-volant ou le Dédale français ; ... First and only edition of « one of Restif de la Bretonne’s rarest works ». (Rahir)
Sold GRANDPRE Voyage à la côte occidentale d’Afrique, fait dans les années 1786 e... French expedition on the west coast of Africa
Sold Arrest de la cour de Parlement contre Jean Chastel / Judgment deliv... Judgement delivered by the Parliament recording a major event in the French history
Sold OVIDE / OVID Publii Ovidii Nasonis Operum. Ovid's Works in wonderful bindings by Dubuisson
Sold DUMAS, Alexandre Kean, comédie en 5 actes. The "most achieved drama by Alexandre Dumas senior" in first edition
Sold MAROT, Clément. Les Œuvres. The best of French ancient poetry by Marot
Sold PILES, Roger de Dissertation sur les ouvrages des plus fameux peintres. Dédiée à Mo... Treatise on painting by Roger de Piles with the monogram of the duke of Richelieu
Sold STAËL, Madame de Corinne ou l’Italie. First edition of Corinne by Madame de Staël
Sold ABDOUL-KERYM; HODGES, William; LANGLES, Louis-Mathieu. Collection portative de voyages traduits de différentes langues ori... Three accounts of travels to Asia and the Middle East.
Sold MERIMEE, Prosper. Colomba. One of the most famous works by Prosper Merimee
Sold [FOUCQUET, Jehan]. Œuvre de Jehan Foucquet. Heures de Maistre Estienne Chevalier. Text... A splendid publication reproducing the miniatures of Jehan Foucquet, in the 15th century
Sold SOUVENIR DU SACRE-COEUR (= Memory of the Sacred Heart Elementary Sc... A school booklet handwritten by a pupil from the school of the Sacred heart
Sold [MAUGARD, Antoine] Remarques sur la noblesse. Dédiées aux Assemblées provinciales. A study conducted on the French nobility on the brink of the Revolution
Sold BERNARDIN DE SAINT-PIERRE. Paul et Virginie et la Chaumière indienne. Paul et Virginie in a splendid binding "in the Indian manner"
Sold LA CONSTITUTION FRANCOISE, présentée au roi par l’Assemblée Nationa... The French Constitution
Sold SAINTE-BEUVE, Charles Augustin Les Consolations, poésies. The Consolations by Sainte-Beuve dedicated to his friend Alexandre Dumas
Sold FLAUBERT Salammbô Salammbô by Flaubert dedicated to his close friend Théophile Gautier
Sold KOSTER, Henri. Voyages dans la partie septentrionale du Brésil, depuis 1809 jusqu’... One of the best account ever published until then about Brazil
Sold VIGNY, Alfred de Cinq-Mars, ou une Conjuration sous Louis XIII. The first French historical novel
Sold TITE-LIVE Titi Livii Historiarum Libri. Titus Livius, Jules Janin's wonderful copy
Sold LE LIVRE DES MILLE NUITS ET UNE NUIT. Traduction littérale et compl... The Thousand and One Nights illustrated with oriental design on the covers
Sold SOUVESTRE, Olivier La légende du Roi d’Ys. A superb illuminated manuscript in French telling the legend of the city of Ys.
Sold BOSSUET Traitez du libre-arbitre, et de la concupiscence. Ouvrages posthumes. Treatises by Bossuet composed for the education of the future sovereign
Sold LECOMTE, Hyacinthe-Louis-Victor-Jean-Baptiste Aubry. Contes de Perrault. First issue of this rare series of contemporary coloured lithographs illustrating Perrault’s Contes.
Sold BOSSE, Abraham Traité des pratiques geometrales et perspectives, enseignées dans l... Art and science of perspective by A. Bosse
Sold BARBEY D'AUREVILLY, Jules Memorandum Memorandum by Barbey d'Aurevilly, offprint for the friends of the author
Sold BOUHOURS, le Père Dominique. Histoire de Pierre d’Aubusson grand-maistre de Rhodes. First edition of the fascinating biography of Father Bouhours.